Activate your LAUSD Employee Account
Managing your LAUSD Employee Account
A. General Information
B. Frequently Asked Questions
C. Activate your LAUSD Employee Account
Activate your LAUSD Employee Account
- Please open the Single Sign-On landing page: or - Select your role “Employee”.
- Select “Activate your LAUSD account”.
- Scroll down and read the terms and conditions, also known as the Responsible Use Policy (RUP), then check the box and click “Accept”.
- Fill out all required fields to continue.
Employee Id. All employees must have 8-digit employee ids. If you only count 6 or 7 digits, please add zeros to the left,
for example, 345678 is 00345678, and 1012345 should be 01012345.
* Birth Date. The acceptable format is 00/00/1900.
* Last 4 SSN. These are the last four digits of your Social Security Number. - Click Next.
- Select a desired Security Image that is meaningful to you. This image will be required to reset a forgotten password in the future.
- Click Next.
- Review password rules & requirements.
- Enter a new password. The password must meet the new password requirements and will be measured by the password strength meter.
- Re-enter your new password. To submit a desired password successfully, the password strength meter must measure your password as “fair” or better. A “weak” password will not enable the “submit” button.
For problems with this procedure, please contact the IT Help Desk at 213-241-5200