IT Helpdesk » Service Management for Support Staff » Activate your LAUSD Employee Account

Activate your LAUSD Employee Account

Managing your LAUSD Employee Account

A. General Information
B. Frequently Asked Questions
C. Activate your LAUSD Employee Account

Activate your LAUSD Employee Account

  1. Please open the Single Sign-On landing page: or
  2. Select your role “Employee”.
  3. Select “Activate your LAUSD account”.
  4. Scroll down and read the terms and conditions, also known as the Responsible Use Policy (RUP), then check the box and click “Accept”.
    Terms & Agreement
  5. Fill out all required fields to continue.
    Employee Id. All employees must have 8-digit employee ids. If you only count 6 or 7 digits, please add zeros to the left,
    for example, 345678 is 00345678, and 1012345 should be 01012345.
    * Birth Date. The acceptable format is 00/00/1900.
    * Last 4 SSN. These are the last four digits of your Social Security Number.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select a desired Security Image that is meaningful to you. This image will be required to reset a forgotten password in the future.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Review password rules & requirements.
  10. Enter a new password. The password must meet the new password requirements and will be measured by the password strength meter.
  11. Re-enter your new password. To submit a desired password successfully, the password strength meter must measure your password as “fair” or better. A “weak” password will not enable the “submit” button.

For problems with this procedure, please contact the IT Help Desk at 213-241-5200