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Software Bundles

LAUSD Enterprise License Agreements (ELA)

The District has entered into enterprise license agreements (ELA) with Adobe, Microsoft and VMware for the respective products list in the descriptions below.  The enterprise license agreements allow the schools and offices to purchase the products and services at substantial discounts.  Each ELA has its own product offerings, as well as possible restrictions.  Updates to the products offerings will be documented in the reference guide entitled, “Purchase of Software Product under LAUSD’s Enterprise License Agreements (ELA)”.

Microsoft Software Bundle

The District has an enterprise license agreement (ELA) with the Microsoft Corporation that enables schools and offices to purchase Microsoft products, including Windows operating systems and Office productivity software, at a substantial discount. As part of the agreement, standard fee is assessed for each new laptop or desktop computer purchased for a school or office. This fee covers the licensing costs for all Windows and Office products installed.  To keep things simple, the fee is standard for Apple computers as well as PCs.

Because the ELA is administered centrally by the District, vendors (i.e., Arey Jones, Apple) do not collect these fees when providing quotes or invoices for their products even though they may take care of the installation; accordingly, they are not included on purchase orders issued to the vendor. Instead, the District's purchasing systems arrange for a transfer of $85 from the purchasing location's account. It is important for each location to be aware of this and make sure to budget sufficient funds in order for equipment purchases to work correctly.

Adobe Software Offering

Schools and Offices looking to purchase Adobe Software can now purchase the software directly with Adobe or one of its Authorized Resellers.

Mobile Device Management Licenses

The District has an enterprise license agreement (ELA) with the VMware, Inc. schools and offices to secure, manage, and support mobile devices deployed across a school campus or large geographical location, at a substantial discount. As part of the agreement, a standard fee is assessed for each new Apple laptop, Apple desktop computer, and Apple iPad purchased for a school or office.  This fee covers the licensing costs for these Apple products during the useful life of the device.

Through MDM, a system administrator can remotely access and alter a single device, a group of devices, or all devices under management.  MDM allows the District to maintain visibility and control over LAUSD-issued mobile devices that connect to the District’s network and access District applications.

Please visit the about section on the MDM website for more information about MDM, training materials, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), and contact information.