My Integrated Student Information System » MiSiS Release Notes

MiSiS Release Notes

 Release Notes

The District releases an updated version of MiSiS with software fixes and/or enhancements every Tuesday night. Browse the notes below to learn about all updates released since August 2014.


MiSiS Updates - July 10, 2024

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 7/10/2024

MiSiS Announcements:

MiSiS Scheduled Maintenance

The MiSiS application will undergo planned maintenance starting on Friday, July 12th through Sunday, July 14th and will be inaccessible during this time. For updates regarding the maintenance period, please visit the System Status page on the MiSiS website.

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Manage Teacher/Class Attendance screen for comprehensive and continuation schools has been enhanced to restrict users to updating attendance records only for the current school year.
  • The Parent Portal Attendance Web Service screen has been enhanced to include absence reason codes 1M, 1N, 1P, 4 and 5.
  • The SARB Report screen has been enhanced by making the Region parameter single select.

English Learner

  • The Reclassification Label report was enhanced to generate for students reclassified through the SSPT process.


  • A new process has been created to identify students eligible for GATE services under 3 new categories: Verified with Grades, Verified with Test Scores, and Verified with Thinking Skills. A new screen has been developed that will display students eligible for 1 of the 3 new categories identified via the process. A second screen has been developed to allow schools to identify additional students not captured by the new process. The GATE Student Roster report has been enhanced with the addition of the new Verified category.

Graduation Standards

  • The Graduation Requirements rules for LAUSD A-G have been enhanced such that the Subject Area D – Science will consider:
    • 1 year of science required in 9th grade (0.5 year AF 9th, 1.0 year AS 9th)
    • 1 year of physical science and 1 year of biological science required in 10th grade (1.5 years AF 10th, 2.0 years AS 10th)

Manage Groups

  • The Manage Groups screen has been corrected to prevent students from being added to Athletic Groups if they are already participating in another group during the same season.

MiSiS Scheduled Maintenance

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 7/8/2024

Please be advised that MiSiS will be down for scheduled maintenance from Friday, July 12th to Sunday, July 14th. During this time, MiSiS will be inaccessible.

Please check the System Status page on the MiSiS website for updates. Thank you for your understanding.

MiSiS Updates - June 12, 2024

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 6/12/2024

MiSiS Announcements:

MiSiS School Checklists

The MiSiS End of School Year and Opening of the School Year Checklists are now available on the MiSiS website, under “Other Resources”. Please review the End of School Year Checklist to review tasks to be completed by the end of the school year and the Opening of the School Year Checklist before August 12, 2024.

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Parent Educational Level field on the Enrollment screen has been enhanced and is now a required field.
  • The Withdrawal History screen has been corrected to no longer display the attendance message.
  • The Grade Level Change screen has been enhanced with the addition of the Kindergarten Continuance Date Field for TK Grade Level Changes.


  • The Section Assignments screen has been enhanced with a new Period Seat Tally screen that tabulates total student requests by period when sections are created and assigned. The updated Master Scheduling - Section Assignments Screen job aid is available on the MiSiS website.
  • The Walk-In screen has been enhanced with a new filter, “Unfulfilled Course Requests”. This filter identifies students whose course requests were not scheduled. The updated Walk-In Screen job aid is available on the MiSiS website.
  • The Concurrent Term Editor screen has been enhanced to prevent the mapping of student sections to out-of-classroom sections.


  • The Update Attendance screen has been corrected to display the Attendance Codes accurately.

English Learner

  • The RFEP Monitoring Letter has been enhanced with a new parameter, “Campus”, a multi-select option on the “School(s)” and “RFEP Years” parameters. The updated Generate and Print the RFEP Monitoring Letter job aid is available on the MiSiS website. The letter has also been corrected to accurately display student tests in chronological order.

Graduation Standards

  • The formatting on the Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) High School report has been enhanced.
  • The Middle School Certificate Completion Eligibility report has been enhanced to align with current LAUSD Middle School policy which mandates that students earn 50 credits in 8th grade to be eligible for middle school culmination.

Student Support

  • The Behavior Emergency screen has been corrected to allow users to select dates ranging from the incident date to the current date.

MiSiS Updates - May 15, 2024

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 5/15/2024

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Student Cumulative Record Label report has been corrected to accurately display the student name.
  • The Exclusion and Mass Exclusion screens have been enhanced with a new exclusion option, First Grade Savings Account.


  • The Repeating Courses report has been enhanced to include a multi-select option on the “School Term” parameter.
  • The Class Enrollment report has been corrected to ensure that the report hyperlink is removed when the report is downloaded in Excel format.
  • The Course Request screen has been enhanced to include an additional screen: Core Courses for students in Grades 6-8. The updated Course Request job aid is available on the MiSiS website.
  • The Change Student Section screen has been enhanced to provide more information to users attempting to create a Level 2-4 request. Additionally, the screen has been corrected to prevent users from creating Level 2 requests.
  • The Concurrent Term Editor screen has been corrected to properly filter by Section Type.


  • The Manage Teacher/Class Attendance screen has been corrected to display teachers who were previously assigned to class schedules but are no longer active or assigned.

English Learner

  • The Annual English Learner Letter report has been corrected to:
    • Exclude SBA-ELA records that are invalid.
    • Properly display the LTEL designation in bold in the Spanish and Korean templates.
    • Display the Alternate ELPAC levels and the performance levels for students on the alternate curriculum.
  • The RFEP Monitoring Roster report has been enhanced to display students’ year-to-date enrollment and absence counts.
  • The Multilingualism Awards screen has been corrected to allow users to update a student’s award when logged in to the campus school. Additionally, the screen has been enhanced to include a “3rd Grade Pathway to Biliteracy” award for qualifying students in Grade 3. The updated Entering Multilingualism Awards job aid is available on the MiSiS website.


  • The GATE Identification Process screen has been enhanced to consider current year SBA scores.

Graduation Standards

  • The Graduation Requirements rules for LAUSD A-G, as well as the CSU and UC admission eligibility rules have been enhanced so that Subject Area F – Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) courses no longer need to be taken sequentially to fulfill the requirement.
  • The Graduation Requirements rules for LAUSD A-G have been enhanced so that Subject Area E – Language Other Than English (LOTE) will consider LOTE 2 Waiver in place of the second year of LOTE courses to meet the requirement.
  • The MS Culmination screen has been enhanced to align with current policy, mandating that students earn 50 credits in 8th grade to qualify for middle school culmination.

Independent Study

  • The Master Agreement/Record of Assignment report has been corrected to display all students without an MA.
  • The Daily Participation Not Submitted report has been enhanced to include the list of students for which participation has not been submitted.

Student Support

  • The Intervention Mass Entry screen has been enhanced to allow users to type intervention time and Entered By Titles.
  • The Counseling Communication screen has been enhanced by removing the Comprehensive Academic Assessment (Foster Youth Only) from the Services Provided field.
  • The Suspension screen has been enhanced to limit suspension for 3.95 - Disrupted school-wide activities (Admin issued, gr 9-12) to Grades 9-12.

MiSiS Updates - April 10, 2024

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 4/10/2024

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Course Request screen has been enhanced to include two additional filters: Course and Marks. The updated Course Request job aid is available on the MiSiS website.
  • The Hide Teachers button located on the Walk-In screen has been corrected to properly hide teachers assigned to sections.


  • The Truancy Letter #2 report located on the Student Truancy Report screen, has been corrected to display the correct number of absences.
  • The Enrollment and Withdrawal report has been corrected to allow users to enter future dates.

English Learner

  • The G1 SSPT Reclassification Recommendation Form on the SSPT Referral screen has been enhanced to include additional grade levels. The updated Creating an SSPT Referral for Reclassification job aid is available on the MiSiS website.
  • The RFEP Monitoring Roster report has been enhanced to display students’ performance levels for both SBA ELA and Math.
  • The RFEP Monitoring Letter report has been enhanced to display students’ performance levels in Spanish when generating the letter to its Spanish version.
  • The Annual English Learner Letter report has been corrected to properly generate the elementary grade 6 template for students in elementary grade 6.


  • The Manage Grades by Student and Manage Grades by Class screens for Dual Language Schools have been enhanced to allow grade entry for schools implementing multiple model programs.
  • The Elementary Schools CCS Report Card report for Dual Language Schools has been enhanced to display appropriate grades for schools implementing multiple model programs.

Graduation Standards

  • The Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) High School report has been enhanced to display the Mathematics and Visual and Performing Arts courses in generic terms within the Required Courses column.

Student Support

  • The Support Referral screen has been corrected to display the accurate message when Actions Taken have been added.
  • The Student Support Summary report has been corrected to display all counseling communication records entered.
  • The Contact Log screen has been corrected and no longer displays an error message when records are added to non-enrolled students.
  • The Behavior Emergency Screen has been enhanced to retain the original BER ID when a record is amended.

Timeline for Secondary School Master Scheduling

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 3/19/2024

The 2024-2025 school year terms are available for selection in the Master Scheduling screens. The Next Year Enrollment (NYE1) process has begun. For students continuing at their present school in grade levels 6-12, a new 2024-2025 enrollment for the next grade level should be visible in both the Enrollment History screen and the pre-commit scheduling screens. Students enrolled in Options schools are not processed by NYE1.

MiSiS Updates - March 13, 2024

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 3/13/2024

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Student Transfer report has been enhanced to allow transfer types with over 50 characters to be displayed.
  • The Homeless Roster report has been enhanced by changing the report column from SRQ Recv'D date to SHQ Recv'd Date.


  • The Elementary Reorganization report has been enhanced to include the i-Ready Math assessment data for qualifying students. The updated Elementary Reorganization Report job aid is available on the MiSiS website.


  • The MiSiS interface to Blackboard Connect has been enhanced to include Continuation High School attendance data for absent and/or tardy with reason codes of 2- Unexcused, or 3- Non-compliant, or 0- No Note, or UC, to send daily attendance calls.
  • The Attendance Taking screens have been corrected to no longer display class sections with Section Attribute of Exclude Attendance.
  • The Attendance Summary report has been corrected to accurately display students when the Group parameters are selected.

English Learner

  • The RFEP Monitoring Letter report has been corrected to include all eligible students when generating the report with the “By Teacher and Period” option.


  • The GATE Student SAS Identification Process has been corrected to properly identify eligible students.

Graduation Standards

  • The Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) report and Graduation Standards Summary screen have been enhanced to apply the following rules:
    • the ELD substitution rule for failed core 9th grade English courses for the class of 2027 and beyond
    • the validation rule for Advanced Math to require completion of the second semester advanced math with a ‘C’ or better to validate the entire math sequence for the class of 2027 and beyond for graduation

Student Support

  • The Intervention screen has been enhanced to allow users to type in the Intervention Time and Entered By Titles.
  • The Option School Referral screen has been enhanced as follows: 
    • Referred To School: City of Angels VA was removed and Add Carlson Hospital (1944) was added.
    • Referral Reason: Medical and Non-Medical options were added to the dropdown menu but are only available for selection when Referred to School is Carlson Hospital, location 1944.

MiSiS Updates - February 14, 2024

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 2/14/2024

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Home Correspondence Language field on the Enrollment screen has been enhanced with language names, based on CALPADS changes.


  • The Sections Editor screen has been enhanced to allow schools to search for teachers/staff using numeric values.
  • The Concurrent Term Editor screen has been corrected to allow schools to map experimental courses and properly filter for mappings where target courses are missing.
  • The Change Student Section screen has been corrected to properly process Level 2 requests.


  • The Informational Absence report has been enhanced to allow Continuation Schools to generate this report.

English Learner

  • The English Learner Monitoring Roster report has been corrected to include students’ academic progress when generated using the “By Teacher and Period” option.


  • The Teacher Verification of Marks – Secondary report has been corrected to display attendance.

Graduation Standards

  • The Science subject area on the LAUSD A-G Requirements Detail screen has been enhanced to display the heading “Courses Completed for UC 3rd Year”, which will include the courses completed under the categories of Applied Science, Computer Science, and Engineering.
  • The Graduation Progress report and the Graduation Eligibility Status for 2016 & Beyond report have been enhanced to include the Ethnic Studies section for Class of 2027 and beyond.

Independent Study

  • The IS Supervising Designee(s) field on the Master Agreement and Record of Assignment report has been corrected to only display IS Supervising Designee(s) at the selected school(s).
  • The IS: Independent Study Profile Alert screen has been corrected to display, “Student is in Independent Study.”

Student Support

  • The Intervention Mass Entry screen has been corrected to allow users to add interventions for the current day.
  • The Support Referral screens have been enhanced to display all users with access in the staff dropdown fields.

MiSiS Updates - January 10, 2024

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 1/10/2024

MiSiS Announcements:

English Learner

NEW: The i-Ready ELA assessment data for students in grades 3-12 will be used by various English Learner processes and reports. This assessment is considered a Basic Skills Assessment that has replaced the Reading Inventory (RI) and DIBELS 8 for students in grades 3-5. The Annual English Learner Letter and the EL Progress Profile have been enhanced to display the i-Ready ELA data for qualifying students. Students in grades K-2 will continue to display DIBELS 8 assessment data. The updated Generate EL Progress Profile Report job aid is available on the MiSiS website.

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Identifying Information screen has been enhanced and is now disabled for students that are not enrolled.
  • The Enroll Student screen has been corrected to display the Enroll link for students with future enrollment records.
  • The Mass Leave Reason screen has been corrected and no longer displays students multiple times.


  • The Section Attributes screen found in Sections Editor has been enhanced to provide elementary schools creating Grade TK or Grade Expansion TK sections access to three additional section attributes: “Additional TK Support,” “Employee Number,” and “Date Assigned.” Schools may assign additional staff to support if sections exceed the state-required capacity. The updated Adding Instructional Aides to TK and ETK Sections job aid is available on the MiSiS website.
  • The Section Attributes report has been enhanced to include three additional section attributes: “Additional TK Support,” “Employee Number,” and “Date Assigned” that are only available for elementary schools.
  • The Change Student Section screen has been enhanced to allow the Scheduling Administrator user role the ability to create Level 1 requests within 2 academic school years, create Level 2-4 requests which may only be created by the regional Counseling Coordinators, create Level 3 and 4 requests. Level 3 and 4 requests require the formal approval of the Regional Administrator of Instruction and the Director of Counseling Services. Schools need to work with their regional Counseling Coordinators for Level 1 and 2 requests and Level 3 and 4 requests that go beyond the 2 academic school years.
  • The Elementary Reorganization report has been enhanced to include the i-Ready ELA assessment data for qualifying students.
  • The Section Attributes screen found in Section Assignments has been enhanced to validate a teacher’s credentials/authorizations when creating sections for dual language education programs at approved secondary schools.
  • The Concurrent Term Editor screen has been corrected to prevent an error message from appearing upon clicking the “auto-populate” button.


  • The Profile screen Attendance Alert has been enhanced to display when SART or SARB are selected on the Intervention screen.

English Learner

  • The Initial ELPAC Label has been corrected to include all eligible students with an Initial ELPAC assessment as of the selected starting date.

Independent Study

  • A new report, Daily Participation Not Submitted, has been created for Long-Term/Full Time IS schools.
  • The Participation screen used by Long-Term/Full-Time IS Schools has been corrected to allow users to edit previously submitted records.
  • The Record of Assignment (ROA) screen has been corrected and no longer displays credit recovery sections.
  • The ROA Evaluation screen has been corrected to require attendance before saving the record.
  • The Master Agreement screen has been corrected to allow the District Administrator user role to view records for the previous school year.
  • The IS Supervising Designees parameter in the Master Agreement/ROA report has been corrected to display IS Supervising Designees in alphabetical order, and to include students no longer enrolled.

Student Support

  • A new screen, Intervention Mass Entry, has been created and is now available under the Advanced Search Actions menu.
  • The Intervention screen has been enhanced with fields for Mentorship Activity and Home Visits.
  • The Profile screen At-Risk Alert has been enhanced to display when At-Risk is selected on the Intervention Screen.
  • The View Contact Log History screen has been enhanced to include Home Visits entered in the Intervention screen.
  • The Student Support Summary report has been corrected to display record entries made by all, not just the assigned counselor.
  • The Behavior Emergency, SSPT Referral, Support Referrals automated emails have been enhanced with the removal of the student ID from the subject line to the body of the email per guidance of Office of General Counsel and U.S. Department of Education.


MiSiS Updates - December 13, 2023

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 12/13/2023

MiSiS Announcements:

English Learner

NEW: The i-Ready ELA assessment data for students in grades 3-12 will be used by various English Learner processes and reports. This assessment is considered a Basic Skills Assessment that has replaced the Reading Inventory (RI) and DIBELS 8 for students in grades 3-5. The RFEP Monitoring Roster, RFEP Monitoring Letter, and EL Monitoring Roster screens have been enhanced to display the i-Ready ELA data for qualifying students. Students in grades K-2 will continue to display DIBELS 8 assessment data. The Academic Progress column in the RFEP Monitoring Roster and EL Monitoring Roster screens will now consider the i-Ready ELA assessment to determine academic progress. The updated Generate and Print the RFEP Monitoring Letter and Generate and Print the RFEP Monitoring Roster job aids are available on the MiSiS website.

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Section Attributes screen found in Sections Editor has been corrected to enable attribute editing.
  • The Concurrent Term Editor screen has been enhanced to display the appropriate error message when there is a Section Type mismatch between the source and target terms.
  • The Sections Editor screen has been enhanced to revalidate a teacher’s credentials/authorizations when a dual language section is reassigned.


  • The Uncleared Absence Report has been corrected to display students in the student dropdown when groups are selected.
  • All Attendance taking screens have been enhanced to remove Absence Reason Code 1. Users must either select 1M: Excused Absence Verified by Medical Professional, 1N: Excused Absence Verified by School Nurse/Designee, or 1P: Excused Absence Submitted by Parent, Legal Guardian, Educational Rights Holder, or student 18+yrs of age.

English Learner

  • The Multilingualism Awards screen has been enhanced with a search field textbox in the “Languages” option. 
  • The Individual Reclassification Plan has been corrected to generate the required number of letters when generating the report with the “By Teacher and Period” option.
  • The English Learner Ready to Reclassify and Potential Reclassification Rosters screens have been corrected to generate without error messages.


  • The NCAA GPA calculation has been corrected.

Graduation Standards

  • The Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) High Schooreport has been corrected to display the Required Courses column based on course validations in Subject Areas C and E.
  • The Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) High School report has been corrected to display the following in the Courses Completed column:
    • All courses that are considered as Physical Education, including team sports and competitive cheer
    • A-G courses taken in Middle School
  • The Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) High School report has been enhanced to display the LOTE courses in generic terms in the Required Courses column.
  • The Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) Middle School report has been enhanced for the Planned Courses column to:
    • Exclude repeated courses or courses with letter marked as ‘D’ or ‘F’
    • Include only future/planned courses

Independent Study

  • The Record of Assignment (ROA) Evaluation screen has been corrected to restrict users from submitting the record if attendance has not been submitted.
  • The Secondary Short-Term IS Time Value Evaluation screen has been enhanced to allow viewing of screen and now requires users to submit attendance prior to submitting the record. 
  • For IS Schools Long-Term/Full-Time, the ongoing Record of Assignment (ROA) screen has been enhanced to default ROA values from the previous ROA.

Student Support

  • The Social Adjustment report has been removed from the Reports menu and is now only accessible through the student profile, Support tab.
  • The Student Support and Progress Team (SSPT) screen has been corrected to no longer display an error message for students who are no longer enrolled, for elementary students without SBAC/ELPAC scores, and for secondary students without any ELPAC or SRI scores.

MiSiS Scheduled Maintenance - Attendance Archive

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 11/30/2023

MiSiS Availability
The MiSiS application will not be accessible on Saturday, December 2, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., as the team archives attendance data.

Attendance Data Archival for 2021-2022 School Year
Please note that as of December 3, 2023, attendance data for the 2021-2022 school year will be archived and will only be viewable through the Attendance Referral, Attendance Summary, and Attendance Audit Reports.

MiSiS Updates - November 15, 2023

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 11/15/2023

MiSiS Announcements:

English Learner

NEW: The i-Ready ELA assessment data for students in grades 3-12 will be used by various English Learner processes and reports. This assessment is considered a Basic Skills Assessment that has replaced the Reading Inventory (RI) for students in grades 6-12 and DIBELS 8 for students in grades 3-5.

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Withdrawal screen has been enhanced to automatically set the withdrawal date to the student's last recorded date of attendance.


  • The Walk-In screen has been enhanced to display periods in numerical order.


  • The Bus Schedule screen has been enhanced to activate the Transportation Type Space Available Bases.

English Learner

  • The SSPT Reclassification Referral Meeting screen, SSPT Reclassification Recommendation Form, Reclassification Process, Reclassification Letter, EL Monitoring Process, English Learner Rosters, and Individual Reclassification Plan have been enhanced to capture and display the i-Ready ELA data for qualifying students. Students in grades K-2 will continue to display DIBELS 8 assessment data in all English Learner reports.
  • The Individual Reclassification Plan (IRP) report has been corrected to accurately generate when selecting "By LTEL Teacher and Period".

Graduation Standards

  • The Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) report has been enhanced/corrected as follows:
    • The Graduation Eligibility section has been enhanced to align with a student's graduation requirements, rather than their grade level.
    • The In Progress column has been corrected to display a student’s current schedule.
    • The Completed Courses column has been corrected to display a student’s completed courses.
    • Significant enhancements have been made to improve the visual and tactile experience of the report.
  • The Graduation Standards Summary screen has been corrected to display completed courses fulfilling the Science requirement.


  • The Immunization screen has been corrected to remove Medical Temporary and Medical Permanent exceptions.
    • The exemption end date for Conditional Admission is now 30 days from the exemption date.
    • The exception end date for Varicella exemption end dates will default to June 30th of the final year of elementary school for students in elementary grades.

Independent Study

  • The Independent Study (IS) Record of Assignment (ROA) report and ROA Evaluation in-line reports have been corrected and no longer display blank.
  • The ‘Teacher ‘parameter in the IS ROA for Secondary Short-Term screen has been corrected to display all scheduled teachers.

Student Support

  • The Suspension screen has been corrected to save suspension record information upon clicking the 'Save' button.
  • The Student Support Summary report has been corrected to accurately display the “Entered By” dropdown menu when generated for the previous school year.
  • Per business owner’s request, the following items have been enhanced:
    • The Counseling Communication screen located under student profile
    • The Manage Counseling Communication screen located under the Advanced Search Actions dropdown menu
    • The Counseling Communication report fields and user access

MiSiS Updates - October 11, 2023

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 10/11/2023

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The English Learner Enrollment by Teacher report has been enhanced to include all Master Plan Programs.


  • The Sections Editor screen has been enhanced to prevent the deletion of a section that is associated with a request on the Change Student Section screen.
  • The Section Attributes screen has been enhanced to validate a teacher’s credentials and authorizations when creating a section for dual language education programs at approved elementary and secondary schools.
  • The Repeating Courses report has been enhanced to omit courses that are marked as ‘authorized to repeat’ in the Add New Transcript Record on the Transcript Details screen.
  • The Section Attributes screen has been corrected to enable non-dual language schools to edit Master Plan Program and Language of Instruction attributes.


  • The Contact Log screen has been corrected to remove the error message that appeared when users logged into the main campus and attempted to enter a record for a student enrolled at other schools associated with the campus.
  • A new report, Informational Absence Letter, has been developed to notify parents/guardians of their child’s accumulated absences. The letter is formatted to print on 8 ½ by 11 paper. It can be accessed on the students’ Letters > Attendance screen.
  • The in-line Uncleared Absence reports for comprehensive and continuation schools have been enhanced to include a ‘Mailed’ parameter that will display the letters on the Letters > Attendance screen.
  • The Student Attendance Totals inline report for Secondary students has been corrected to list the Counselor’s name.
  • The Attendance Alert screen reasons dropdown menu has been enhanced as follows:
    • Updated “General Assembly” to “Targeted Attendance Assembly”
    • Updated “Excessive parent notes” to “Parent/Student 18 Note Revocation per policy”
    • Removed Suspected Forging of notes


  • The Homeless Screen has been enhanced as follows:
    • New option for Nighttime Residence: Other (Not fixed, regular, or adequate housing)
    • More choices available for School Assistance Referrals
    • Prevents users from adding a record if the student is not currently enrolled
    • Displays the identification school on the Summary screen

English Learner

  • The Master Plan Roster screen has been enhanced to display the Master Plan Program of the section (if one is added in the Section Attributes screen) when generating the report using the “By Teacher and Period” option. An updated Master Plan Roster job aid is available on the MiSiS website.

Graduation Standards

  • The Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) report has been enhanced to display certifications that a student has completed under the Awards/Certifications section.

Independent Study

  • The IS Administrator user role has been enhanced with the ability to submit attendance for the current and previous school years as follows:
    • IS Schools Long-Term/Full-Time IS: Weekly Manage Teacher/Class Attendance screen
    • Elementary, Secondary, Opportunity Short-Term IS: Update Attendance screen
  • The Master Agreement (MA) Upload screen has been corrected to allow users to select the Parent Signed Dates field starting from the first MA/ROA/Sections start dates.
  • The Daily Participation screen has been corrected to remove the error message when users attempt to save a record for a student not enrolled at any school.
  • For IS Schools Long-Term/Full-Time, the MA screen has been enhanced as follows:
    • Emails are no longer required when creating an MA
    • Emails are required when creating an MA Amendment as the document is routed for electronic signatures and final copy distribution
    • When MAs are uploaded, the MA document no longer overwrites the Initial ROA
    • When MAs are created, a PDF is not produced

Student Support

  • The Social Adjustment and Student Referral reports have been enhanced to consider suspension appeal information.
  • The Support Referral and Intervention screens have been enhanced to display the message, “The student’s Parent (natural parent, adoptive parent, legal guardian, or educational rights holder) has been notified of and consents to the edit(s) to the student record.” when the edit icon is selected.

MiSiS Updates - September 13, 2023

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 9/13/2023

MiSiS Announcements:

Procedures for Student Photos

As schools are starting to hold their Picture Day, Principals are encouraged to visit the LAUSD Photo Portal to manage their student photos. Student photos that are uploaded to the Portal by the school or the authorized photo vendor will appear in MiSiS within 24-48 hours. Please visit our Resources and Job Aids page to view the student photo job aids and checklist.

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Office Summons report may now be accessed by those with the Special Education Provider user role.


  • The Sections Editor screen has been corrected to prevent overlapping student section enrollments in the “Move Students” functionality. The MiSiS team will conduct data cleanups to address any existing overlapping student sections.
  • The Walk-In screen has been corrected to allow student schedule changes when a new section is added, and the prior section is ended.


  • All Truancy screens and reports have been enhanced with the current school year Truancy Notification dates.
  • The Initial Notification of Truancy Letters report has been corrected to display the accurate number of full-day absences.
  • The Attendance Not Submitted report School parameter has been corrected to single select.
  • The Contact Log located under the student profile picture, Contact Log Mass Update located under the Advanced Search screen, and the comprehensive school Teacher Roster have been updated as follows:
    • Revised disclaimer “**All comments are pupil records, and are subject to be viewed by parents, school based and District staff. Comments must be appropriate and factual. ** Use the Contact Log to document brief interactions or attempts of communication with students and parents/caregivers.”
    • The Contact Reason field has been updated to Primary Contact Reason
    • When users click the edit icon on the Contact Log screen, the pop-up message, "The student’s Parent (natural parent, adoptive parent, legal guardian, or educational rights holder) has been notified of and consents to the edit(s) to the student record” displays
    • The options below have been removed from the Reasons dropdown menu:
      • Behavior
      • Grades
      • Promotion Graduation
      • Special Education
      • Testing
      • SST/COST
      • 504
      • Other
    • An additional required single select field named “Person Contacted Type” has been added
    • The Comments/Notes max character count has been reduced to 140 characters in the section
    • The Last Update By and Last Update Date/Time have been added to the View screen


  • The New Transportation Request dropdown in the Bus Schedule screen has been enhanced to include the option for “Space Available Basis.”

English Learner

  • The Alternate Curriculum Individual Reclassification Plan screen has been enhanced to display a checkmark with ‘yes’ if the student is identified as receiving alternate curriculum services per an active IEP.
  • The Mass Notification Date Entry screen has been corrected to allow the selection and addition of all applicable notification types.


  • The Health Screening screen has been corrected to no longer error out when the Dental and/or Vision screening fields are blank.

Graduation Standards

  • The Graduation Standards Summary screen has been enhanced to include the Ethnic Studies in the LAUSD Requirements section to track progress toward completion of Ethnic Studies coursework for students in the class of 2027 and Beyond.
  • The Individualized Graduation Plan report is now available in Armenian, Korean, and Mandarin for students whose Home Correspondence Language indicates the translated languages.

Independent Study

  • The screens and reports listed below have been enhanced to replace the Adobe Signature process with an on-screen certification statement that serves as a digital signature. The in-line reports display the user’s name and date on the signature line field.
    • Record of Assignment (ROA) Evaluation - all IS Programs
    • Ongoing ROA - Long-Term/Full-Time
    • IS Supervising Designee Change - Long-Term/Full-Time
    • Time Value Evaluation - Secondary Short-Term
  • The Master Agreement screen has been enhanced to allow users to create records for students enrolled in schools within the campus for Short-Term and Part-Time IS.
  • The Elementary Master Agreement in-line report has been corrected to display the correct grade level on the PDF in-line report.
  • The Master Agreement/Record of Assignment report has been corrected to display the accurate Independent Study Supervising Designee in the ISSD dropdown menu.
  • The ROA screen for Secondary Long-Term/Full-Time has been corrected to display all course sections when the ROA is created using the Free Text option.
  • The Daily Participation report has been corrected to display the scheduled teacher and no longer displays an error message when specific date ranges are selected.

Student Support

  • The Support Referral screen has been corrected to allow users to enter Actions Taken for Counseling Referral Reasons.
  • The Student Support Summary and Social Adjustment reports have been enhanced to include new Intervention screen fields.
  • The Intervention screen has been enhanced to remove outdated or unnecessary fields and addition of new ones, and removed access for the following user roles:
    • Discipline Designee
    • District Administrator
    • School Full Read
    • Secondary Athletic Director
    • Secondary Auxiliary Director
    • SPED Private School Admin
    • Transportation Administrator

Student Photos in MiSiS

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 8/16/2023

The Student Photos in MiSiS are currently undergoing maintenance and will remain unavailable until Saturday, August 19, 2023.

Opening of the School Year 2023-2024

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 8/4/2023

The MiSiS Opening of the School Year Checklist 2023-2024 has been posted here. Please review the document.

MiSiS Updates - July 19, 2023

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 7/19/2023

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • NEW: The Scheduling Screens have been modernized to provide greater response time and ease of use for all district schools. The screens were piloted by elementary, secondary, and options schools throughout the district. Training is available on the  MyPLN website.

Master Scheduling Job Aids are available for all screens on the MiSiS website.

  • The Section Attributes screen, found in Sections Editor, has been modified with additional logic to only display the “SDAIE” English Learner Service attribute when creating CTE course sections; and includes a new Credit Recovery program, “ACE”, for sections using periods 50-75 (an updated Creating Credit Recovery Sections in MiSiS guide is available).


  • The Uncleared Absence Report has been corrected to accurately display groups in the Group Category parameter.
  • The Five Column Roster report no longer displays an error message when students have a hyphenated last name longer than 25 characters.
  • The Master Absence Report has been corrected to display accurate parent’s name and phone numbers.

English Learner

  • The Student Profile screen has been enhanced to include the Alternate ELPAC assessment in the identification of a student’s performance level.
  • The SSPT Reclassification Meeting screen has been enhanced to properly identify students eligible for an SSPT reclassification referral. A new Creating an SSPT Referral for Reclassification job aid is available on the MiSiS website.
  • The RFEP Monitoring Roster has been enhanced to determine if Reclassified English Learners are making adequate academic progress. A new column, “RFEP Progress”, has been added and will display “Yes,” for students making academic progress, “No” for students not making adequate progress, and “INC” for students whose criteria are not met due to missing measures, such as academic marks and/or SBA-ELA and Math. Students displaying a blank value are not eligible for academic progress monitoring.

Independent Study

  • The IS Supervising Designee Change Form screen has been enhanced to default and disable the Teacher Assignment Start Date to the latest date the student or teacher was assigned to the section.
  • The Daily Participation screen has been enhanced to allow users to only enter records during the current school year.
  • The Record of Assignment (ROA) screen for Short-Term IS has been corrected to default and disable ROA Assignment Start and Date to match the Master Agreement.
  • The Record of Assignment (ROA) has been enhanced to allow users the option of entering assignments directly on the screen through a Free Text field or continuing to use Schoology.
  • The Master Agreement screen has been corrected to accurately display the legal guardian parent/guardians.

Student Support

  • The Support Discipline Referral has been corrected to allow users to enter Actions Taken for non-primary offender students, and other Means of Corrections added to student offenders are no longer copied to Victim.
  • The Support Discipline Referral has been enhanced as follows:
    • Staff and Others Participants can be added for Discipline Referral Reasons that require a victim
    • Discipline Referral Reasons 3.19 - Selling or arranging to sell the prescription drug soma, 1.3 - Unlawful sale of a controlled substance no longer require a Victim
    • Discipline Referral Reasons 3.129 - Harassed/threatened a school district personnel (gr 4-12), 2.5 - Assault/Battered school employee require a Staff or Other Victim Participant
    • After a Discipline Referral reason is selected the role of Discipline: Offender is defaulted and disabled for the primary student
    • After a Counseling Referral reason is selected the role of Counseling: Other is defaulted and disabled for the primary student
    • Actions Taken for Discipline: Victims and Witnesses are disabled
    • All Offender Participants require an Actions Taken added prior to saving the referral

MiSiS Updates – June 14, 2023

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 6/14/2023

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Attendance At-A-Glance screen has been corrected and no longer displays an error message when previous year is selected.
  • The Attendance Referral report has been enhanced by increasing the “Max # of Absences” parameter default from 100 to 150 absences.
  • The Student Attendance Totals Inline report has been corrected to display the correct Teacher and Room.
  • The Student Support Summary report has been corrected to display services only within the selected beginning and end dates.
  • The Independent Study (IS) Weekly Attendance Taking screen has been enhanced to grant IS Supervising Designee and Teacher roles the ability to select a future instructional day to create/upload the Master Agreement and Record of Assignment.

Athletic Eligibility

  • The Manage Groups screen has been enhanced to include Official Athletic Team (OAT) and Auxiliary (AUX) Groups for the 2023-24 school year for all schools with grades 9-12.
  • The Groups screens have been enhanced with the 2023-24 Official Athletic Team (OAT) and Auxiliary (AUX) Groups for all schools with grades 9-12.
  • The Athletic Eligibility Rule, “Students enrolled at a different school during the last 12 months”, has been corrected to include newly enrolled students in the District who are not in the 9th grade.

English Learner

  • The process which sets a student’s language classification to English Only (EO) has been enhanced to consider the Alternate ELPAC test results.

Graduation Standards

  • The Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) report has been enhanced as follows:
    • Displays a summary of the A-G, CDE, and LAUSD graduation requirements for a student in one section
    • Features added information such as the Current Schedule, College Enrollment, and Postsecondary Plan
    • Allows users to include additional information such as Attendance, Language Classification, Biliteracy Awards, and CTE pathway completion by selecting the corresponding parameters when printing the report
    • Provides High School users with the option to print a student’s Middle School IGP
    • Allows users to print a Signature Page and an Intervention, Credit Recovery, Acceleration, and Enrichment plan to support the IGP conference

Student Support

  • The Counseling Communication report has been corrected to allow District Level user roles to accurately display the Campus dropdown.
  • The Suspension screen has been corrected to accurately count the class suspension five consecutive day limit.

MiSiS Updates – May 24, 2023

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 5/24/2023

MiSiS Announcements:

Student Photos

Access to the LAUSD Photo Portal will end on 06/30/23 for all photo vendors.

Beginning July 1, Principals may begin granting access to next year’s photo vendor by assigning the Expire Date to 06/30/24.

  • If your school will be continuing partnership with an existing photo vendor, Principals may extend the date to 06/30/24.
  • If your school will be seeking partnership with a new photo vendor, Principals may add the new vendor and assign 06/30/24 as an ending date.

Please note that only the Principal may change this date.

For additional information, please visit the MiSiS website for Student Photos job aids (

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Withdrawal Screen has been corrected to allow users to view previously entered withdrawal records.
  • The Withdrawal Screen has been enhanced to include a Comments field.


  • The Update Attendance Screen has been corrected to allow teachers using the Class Attendance 2.0 screen to submit attendance irrespective of school of enrollment.
  • The Evaluation Period dropdown in the Student Truancy Report has been enhanced for the 2022-2023 school year.

Graduation Standards

  • The Graduation Standards Summary Screen has been enhanced to apply substitution rules in the B Subject Area for students in grades 9-12 who were enrolled during the 2020-2021 school year. As a result of AB104, students were given the option to change F grades to NP (Not Passed) for their grade-level English course. The English substitution rules will apply to NP grades the same way they do to F grades.

Student Support

  • The Support Referral Suspension Screen has been corrected to allow users to select at least one period or any combination of suspension days/periods within the specified “Effective and End Dates.”
  • The Student Health & Human Services (SHHS) Summary screen has been enhanced to include Contact Method.

Student Testing

  • The OLSAT 8 Assessment Report has been enhanced to display “Age or Grade Percentile” as a test score type.

Summer School

  • The Bus Schedule Screen has been enhanced to allow schools to submit transportation requests for the Summer ETK-8 Program. Please visit the MiSiS website for the Transportation Request Summer School ETK-8 job aid (

MiSiS Updates - April 26, 2023

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 4/26/2023

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Office Summons Report may now be accessed by those with the Nursing Office Admin user role.
  • The Emergency Roster Report may now be accessed by users with Pupil Services School Based and Student Support School Based user roles.
  • The Exclusion Screen has been enhanced to include California Student Aid and National Clearing House information.


  • The Sections Editor Screen has been enhanced to display prior years’ Independent Study Section Attributes.
  • The Change Student Section Screen has been enhanced to process repeated courses where the final grade was a D or Fail.

English Learner

  • The Mass Reclassify Screen has been enhanced to include students’ reclassification dates.
  • Alignment issues have been corrected in the ELPAC Labels and the Individual Reclassification Plan.
  • When a student is reclassified, specific master plan programs will end on the prior instructional day.


  • The Graduation Progress Report has been corrected to display completed courses with final grades for all terms including AF, AS, A1, A2, A3 and A4.

Independent Study

  • The Independent Study Master Agreement (MA)/Record of Assignment (ROA) Report has been enhanced to include deleted and void records.
  • The Daily Participation Report has been enhanced with a new Min # Non-Participation Days parameter.
  • The Independent Study (IS) School Manage Teacher/Class Attendance Screen has been enhanced to include a Mass Daily Participation Screen.
  • The Mass Daily Participation Screen has been corrected for periods with more than one section where not all records submitted were saved.
  • The Update Attendance Screen has been enhanced to allow IS Supervising Designees at IS Schools to submit attendance for students on their rosters regardless of section or teacher assignment.
  • The ROA Screen for Long-Term/Full-Time and Part-Time IS have been enhanced to default and disable the Issue Date to the ROA Start Date.
  • The Master Agreement (MA) Screen has been enhanced as follows:
    • New Amendment Screen and In-Line Report to enter and track MA changes
    • New Audit Log Screen to track MA and ROA changes
    • Ability for IS Administrator to edit the MA/ROA End Dates

State Reports

  • The COA Statistical/SMASR Report titles on Reports menu and report headers have been enhanced by replacing COA to IS Schools. These reports now also include Master Agreement validations.
  • The Opportunity, Continuation, comprehensive Secondary, Elementary and Secondary IS Schools (formally COA) Statistical/SMASRs have been enhanced with an IS column on the Statistical and IS attendance validations on the SMASR.

Student Support

  • The Support Referral Screen has been corrected, and now displays submitted referrals.

MiSiS Updates – March 29, 2023

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 3/29/2023

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Withdrawal screen has been enhanced to include a required field to enter a Future Address. The new field was requested by Pupil Services and Attendance.

English Learner

  • A new screen, Multilingualism Awards, has been developed to allow schools to add multilingualism awards for qualifying students in grades TE, TK, K, 1, 5/6, 8, and 12. The screen may be accessed via the Student Profile screen > Academics > Multilingualism Awards.


  • The Cumulative Grades Label – Secondary Schools report has been corrected to align cum label data to print within Avery 5360 or UNV-90106 (1 1/2 x 2 13/16) labels.
  • The Elementary Retention Warning Notices screen has been enhanced to keep Grading Period 3, 'May be Retained', as the only option until at least one ‘May Be Retained’ record has been created and saved in any of the 3 Grading Periods. When Grading Period 3 is selected, the ‘Will Be Retained’ option shall be included along with the ‘May Be Retained’ option.
  • The Grades by Class screen has been enhanced to display a pop-up prompt that requires the user to select whether to display Elementary or Secondary courses with section assignments of both Elementary and Secondary types.

Graduation Standards

  • Graduation Exemption on the Graduation Standards Summary screen has been enhanced to display an updated Rescind statement to accurately reflect the reason for the option. The previous statement "I certify that this youth has NOT met all the eligibility criteria and was previously misidentified” has been updated to read, "I certify that this student has rescinded their acceptance of this exemption or is no longer eligible for the exemption."
  • The Graduation Standards Summary screen has been enhanced by allowing Principals to enter LOTE Certification for students who meet the minimum 2-year LOTE requirement via a LOTE Equivalency exam. The job aid, Entering LOTE Certification on the Graduation Standards Summary screen, will soon be available at:

Independent Study

  • The Independent Study Weekly Manage Teacher/Class Attendance screen has been corrected to display students that were enrolled for one day and to display sections for retired teachers.
  • The Master Agreement (MA) screen has been enhanced for Full-Time/Long Term IS to default the IS Supervising Designee field to Period 1 teacher for elementary and Period H teacher for secondary students. This field also excludes teachers from credit recovery sections and sections with an exclude marks section attribute.
  • The Record of Assignment (ROA) screen has been corrected to display all class sections that secondary students are scheduled in.
  • The ROA screen has been enhanced as follows:
    • A new field, Assignments Received Date, has been developed
    • A new button named Get Latest Assignments has been developed to provide users the ability to load Schoology Assignments that do not display in the assignments dropdown, or that were entered in Schoology after 8:30 pm the night before
  • The ROA Evaluation templates have been enhanced to include a field named Assignments Received Date.
  • The Elementary and Secondary Statistical/SMASR reports have been enhanced to include Independent Study attendance information.
  • The MA and ROA screens have been enhanced for Short-Term IS to void the records that are in ‘New’ or ‘In Progress’ status, if not signed by the parent after 5 instructional days of the MA Start Date. If the IS Administrator back dates the MA/ROA, they have five instructional days to upload the forms as of the created date.

 Linked Learning

  • The CTE District Admin user role can now add and edit CTE/Linked Learning records for students in participating schools within the program.

Student Support

  • Support Referral has been enhanced as follows:
    • Redesigned to require Actions Taken for Discipline Referrals and adding a Victim Participant for certain discipline referral reasons
    • Disable Follow-Up Required and Follow-up Resolved when discipline referral reasons are selected fields
    • Updated message under Discipline Referral Reasons
    • Actions Taken field values were updated

Student Testing

  • A new process has been developed to load the Alternate ELPAC assessments for students on the alternate curriculum. The Alternate ELPAC scores may be accessed via the Student Profile screenAcademics > Test Scores.

Summer School

  • A new screen, Summer School Enrollment and Course Request, has been developed to allow schools to request summer school credit recovery courses. Summer school job aids are available at:


  • Seal of Biliteracy Awards will no longer be entered using the Transcript Information tab. Please refer to the new Multilingualism screen for entering all biliteracy awards (Promise, Pathway, and Seal of Biliteracy) under the English Learner section above.
  • The High School Transcript report has been enhanced to display LOTE Certification for students who meet the minimum 2-year LOTE requirement via a LOTE Equivalency exam after Principals have certified students via the Graduation Standards Summary screen.

MiSiS will be unavailable on Saturday, March 18

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 3/16/2023 6:00:00 AM

MiSiS Availability

The MiSiS application will not be accessible on Saturday, March 18, from 10 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. while the team archives attendance data.

Attendance Data Archival for the 2020-2021 School Year

Please note that as of March 18, 2023, attendance data for the 2020-2021 school year will be archived and will only be viewable through the Attendance Referral, Attendance Summary, and Attendance Audit Reports.

MiSiS Updates - February 15, 2023

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 2/15/2023

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Parent/Guardian screen has been enhanced to include a link to the Relationship Type job aid.
  • On the Parent/Guardian screen, the Legal Guardian field has been enhanced to include a verification message.

Extended Learning

  • A new screen, Tutoring Transport Request is now available to enter school to home Transportation requests for student’s participating in after school High Dose Tutoring at the 100 Priority schools.

Independent Study

  • The Master Agreement (MA) screen has been enhanced as follows:
    • The IS Supervising Designee field now defaults to the student’s scheduled teacher within the selected MA Start and End Dates, provided they have requested and received this user role through oneAccess. For secondary students, the field will include all scheduled teachers with the role in dropdown menu for the user to choose from.
    • The Upload icon now displays after all class/section ROAs (Record of Assignment) have been completed and submitted. Users must ensure the most recent MA/ROA forms generated through the MA screen have been signed by all participants that have not signed through Adobe.
    • When backdating a MA and uploading it, users are now able to select a Parent Signature Date between the MA Start Date to current Date. Please note that Independent Study begins on the date the parent signs, and the MA Start Date will be automatically changed to this date.
    • The MA PDF now checks off Program Placement of Special Education when the student’s Program Placement is Special Education Setting.
  • The Record of Assignment screen has been enhanced to default and disable the Assignment Due Date to the Assignment End Date.

MiSiS Updates – February 1, 2023
Posted by The MiSiS Team on 2/1/2023

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The term end dates, teacher, and student sections have been updated to reflect 6/12/23 as the last day of instruction for specific elementary schools.
  • The Staff Information screen, located in the Admin menu, has been enhanced by removing access for specific user roles.


  • The Elementary Classification Report has been corrected to accurately display TK-3.

Academic Intervention

  • The Academic Intervention screen has been corrected to no longer display an error message when special characters are entered.


  • The Grades by Student and Grades by Class screens have been enhanced to include grade level TE.
  • The Elementary Schools CCS Report Card and Teacher Verification Report (CCS) have been enhanced to be generated for TE students.

Independent Study

  • The Record of Assignment screen has been corrected to display Schoology assignments with commas as one assignment.
  • The Record of Assignment Evaluation screen has been corrected to not require the Academic Grade for Submitted Work field when 0% completed is entered. This screen has also been enhanced to allow users to submit the record when absences are submitted.

Student Testing

  • The PFT Class Roster located in the reports menu under Testing > PFT has been corrected to retrieve all students in the selected teachers’ sections.


New Login Process for MiSiS

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 12/20/2022 12:05:00 AM

LA Unified will be implementing an updated Single Sign-on screen for all students and employees when logging in to MiSiS.  You may have encountered this screen when accessing any MiSiS job aids or when using the web version of Outlook when checking your email.  After December 20, 2022, when logging in to, users will no longer be redirected to the ‘MiSiS single sign-on page’.

Instead, users will see the updated generic login page with LA Unified logo.

MiSiS Updates - July 20, 2022

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 7/20/2022

MiSiS Announcements:

Independent Study

BUL-6779.4 Guidelines for Independent Study Programs, scheduled to be published by August 1st requires the usage of MiSiS for all Independent Study (IS) Programs except for Extraordinary Conditions. The policy will include General Procedures for Independent Study Programs that must be followed for each IS Program type.

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • Legal Guardian checkbox has been renamed Legal Guardian/ERH (Educational Rights Holder) on the Parent/Guardian
  • Tooltips now display next to fields for the following fields: Legal Guardian/ERH, Primary Guardian, Lives With, and Additional Correspondence on the Parent/Guardian
  • A new leave reason, 12th Grade Returning for Additional Year, was added to the withdrawal screen for L1 Same School leave code.
  • A new leave reason, Return to Home School from Options/Alternative School, was added to the withdrawal screen for L2 Other LAUSD School.
  • The issue impacting TE students on the withdrawal screen has been corrected.
  • A new language, Kazakh, has been added to the Home Correspondence Language and Student Language dropdown. ASL was renamed American Sign Language (ASL).


  • The Master Absence Report – Continuation report has been enhanced to display student’s grade level as of the user selected End Date.
  • The Attendance Summary Report has been corrected to display all students, and a space and comma has been added between the teacher’s last and first name.
  • At IS Schools (City of Angels/Virtual Academies), the IS Weekly Attendance Teacher Roster Screen has been corrected to allow IS School Teachers the ability to submit attendance for the default attendance status and reason code:

Athletic Eligibility

  • The Attendance Daily Check Report has been enhanced to allow users the ability to multi-select the Campus parameter.

English Learner

  • The Initial Notification of Enrollment and Placement report has been enhanced to include new EL and RFEP student graduation rates for the 20-21 school year.
  • The Initial Parent Notification of Language Test Results report has been enhanced to reflect a change on the location of the date and student’s grade level.
  • The Mass Notification Date Entry and English Learner Parent Notification Dates screens have been enhanced with a new notification value of “Individual Reclassification Plan”. Schools are now required to add IRP notifications for all LTEL and PLTEL students using these screens.  The Counseling Communication screen will no longer be used for adding this notification type.


  • The Elementary Schools CCS Report Card has been enhanced such that a new selection parameter has been added that allows the users to generate the report as a Mailer version or a non-Mailer version.
    • When the Mailer version is selected, the report that is generated will be the current 4-page version which includes the ‘To’ and ‘From’ addresses for mailing, as well as the Student and Parent PIN information.
    • When the non-Mailer version is selected, the report will generate as a 2-page report and will not contain addresses nor PIN information.

Independent Study

Per upcoming policy BUL-6779.4, the following enhancements have been completed:

  • New school-based user roles have been created, users may request access through oneAccess:
    • IS Supervising Designee: For Long-Term/Full-Time, this role is automatically issued to all IS Schools (City of Angels/Virtual Academies) Teachers. For Short-Term Elementary, the pupil’s scheduled teacher is designated as the ISSD. For Short-Term Secondary, Opportunity and Continuation and Part-Time (two classes), one of the scheduled teachers is assigned as the IS Supervising Designee.
    • IS Administrator: For limited circumstances when IS procedures have been followed, and all IS forms have been accurately completed, this role can back date and upload the singed MA. The ROA and evaluation records must be entered in MiSiS. This role also provides the ability to void MA/ROA records that have not been signed by the parent.
  • New screens have been developed and are located under the student profile Miscellaneous > Independent Study tab:
    • Master Agreement
    • Record of Assignment
    • Both forms are automatically routed for electronic signatures, and may be viewed through the Master Agreement Summary screen
  • The Update Attendance screen has been enhanced to allow users Comprehensive Elementary, Secondary, Opportunity Schools users the ability to submit attendance for Short-Term IS after the Master Agreement End Date using the newly created IS Attendance taking codes:
    • IC (IS Complete): Attendance credit earned for time value of work equivalent to at least a minimum school day
    • IN (IS Not Complete/Absent): IS assignment submission or evaluation pending, incomplete assignments, or did not complete enough assignments equivalent to a minimum school day
  • For Short-Term IS offered at comprehensive Elementary, Secondary, and Opportunity Schools, the student’s schedule remains the same as the regular course sections for IS and should not be changed. The Periods screen in Master Scheduling has been enhanced with the removal of Period X. The Independent Study Section Attribute is no longer available for selection.
  • For Long-Term/Full-Time at IS Schools, a new Daily Participation Screen has been created and is available through the Weekly Teacher Roster to enter records for a group of students, and under the Student Profile > Miscellaneous > Independent Study tab to add and edit records for individual students.
  • For Master Agreements that are in Final state (signed by the parent), the Enrollment, No Show, and Withdrawal screens have been enhanced to:
    • Update the MA/ROA Start and End Dates with the user entered Entry, Withdrawal, or No Show Date.
    • If the student no longer meets the minimum 3 consecutive school day requirement, the MA/ROA records are voided.

State Reports

  • The Elementary, ESY Elementary, Carlson Home and Carlson Hospital Elementary Classification Reports have been enhanced to display ETK, TK, and K counts separately by teacher.

Student Support

  • The Student Support Summary Report has been corrected and now lists all students, and the Entered by parameter is in alpha order.
  • Per upcoming BUL-5808.5, the following enhancements have been completed:
  • Support Intervention screen:
    • No longer includes discipline intervention reasons. Actions provided prior to submitting a support referral for discipline referral reason(s), are now to be documented on the Referral screen under Other Means of Correction.
  • Support Referral screens:
    • Access has been updated to only allow the Principal, Discipline Designee and Office Manager user roles the ability to submit a referral for discipline referral reason(s). Teachers and other staff may submit a paper referral request.
    • The Prior Intervention field can only be selected after a counseling reason has been selected
    • Added a new field named Other Means of Correction, only available for selection after a Discipline Referral reason has been selected
    • The Possible Motivation(s) field has been removed
    • The Message at the bottom of the screen was updated to indicate who has access to submit a support referral for discipline reason(s)
  • Student Support Reports have been modified to display Prior Interventions for counseling referral reasons and Other Means of Correction for discipline referral reasons:
  • Student Support Summary Report
  • Social Adjustment Report
  • Student Support Summary Report
  • Referral Response In-line Report

Summer School

  • The ESY Grade by Class screen is available for grade entry for elementary ESY students.

Mark Reporting for Credit Recovery - UPDATE

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 7/7/2022

The issue with Grade Passback has been resolved and Credit Recovery teachers may submit mid-term marks for Summer term.

The grading window closes on Friday, July 8th.

MiSiS Updates - June 15, 2022

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 6/15/2022

MiSiS Announcements:

Student Photos

Access to the LAUSD Photo Portal will end on 06/30/22 for all photo vendors.

Beginning July 1, Principals may begin granting access to next year’s photo vendor by changing the date to 06/30/23.

  • If your school will be continuing a partnership with an existing photo vendor, Principals may extend the date to 06/30/23.
  • If your school will be seeking a partnership with a new photo vendor, Principals may add the new vendor and assign 06/30/23 as an ending date.

Please note that only the Principal may enter this date.

For additional information, please visit the MiSiS website for Student Photos job aids (

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Weekly Attendance Teacher Roster screen used by City of Angels/Virtual Academies has been corrected to allow users to submit the default value of A5.
  • The Master Absence for comprehensive and continuation schools report has been corrected to accurately display students with consecutive absences.
  • The Manage Teacher Class Attendance screen has been enhanced to display staff regardless of active status for past days.

Athletic Eligibility

  • The Manage Groups screens now include the Official Athletic Team (OAT) and AUX Groups for the 2022-23 school year for all schools with grades 9-12.

Student Support

  • The SSPT Referral Intervention Plan screen assigned case manager field has been corrected to display school staff from the current enrolled school.

Student Testing

  • The process which loads ELPAC testing records has been enhanced to allow Summative ELPAC test data to load for EL and RFEP students who are missing Initial ELPAC test data in MiSiS.

Job Aids Temporarily Unavailable

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 5/26/2022

The job aids for MiSiS, Certify, FOCUS, and Schoology are temporarily unavailable.  We are aware of the issue and are working on a resolution.  Update will be posted when the issue has been resolved.

MiSiS Updates - May 25, 2022

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 5/25/2022

MiSiS Announcements: 

Summer School TK-8  

Requests for Summer School TK-8 program were created in MiSiS for students with applications in the Parent Portal.  Schools may run the Summer School Course Request Summary Report to identify students with summer school requests.  

Student Photos 

Access to the LAUSD Photo Portal will end on 06/30/22 for all photo vendors. 

Beginning July 1, Principals may begin granting access to next year’s photo vendor by changing the date to 06/30/23. 

  • If your school will be continuing partnership with an existing photo vendor, Principals may extend the date to 06/30/23.
  • If your school will be seeking partnership with a new photo vendor, Principals may add the new vendor and assign 06/30/23 as an ending date.

Please note that only the Principal may enter this date. 

For additional information, please visit the MiSiS website for Student Photos job aids ( 

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS: 


  • The Walk-In, Sections Editor, Course Request, and Mass Request Editor screens have been fixed to prevent students from being scheduled in more than one service-like course per semester.  Students in grades 8, 11, and 12 are eligible to take no more than one service-like course per semester, for a maximum of two courses per year.


  • The Master Absence Report for comprehensive and continuation schools has been enhanced to include an asterisk for students not enrolled as of the End Date.

Student Support 

  • The Behavior Emergency Record Automated Email Notification has been enhanced to include emails to central staff, not only when the records are reviewed, but also when they are initially saved.
  • The SSPT Referral Log report has been corrected to allow the District SSPT role access to generate the report for all schools.

Summer School 

  • The Contact Log is now available for the Summer School Counselor and Teacher user roles.

Job Aids Temporarily Unavailable

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 5/26/2022

The job aids for MiSiS, Certify, FOCUS, and Schoology are temporarily unavailable.  We are aware of the issue and are working on a resolution.  Update will be posted when the issue has been resolved.

MiSiS Updates - May 25, 2022

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 5/25/2022

MiSiS Announcements: 

Summer School TK-8  

Requests for Summer School TK-8 program were created in MiSiS for students with applications in the Parent Portal.  Schools may run the Summer School Course Request Summary Report to identify students with summer school requests.  

Student Photos 

Access to the LAUSD Photo Portal will end on 06/30/22 for all photo vendors. 

Beginning July 1, Principals may begin granting access to next year’s photo vendor by changing the date to 06/30/23. 

  • If your school will be continuing partnership with an existing photo vendor, Principals may extend the date to 06/30/23.
  • If your school will be seeking partnership with a new photo vendor, Principals may add the new vendor and assign 06/30/23 as an ending date.

Please note that only the Principal may enter this date. 

For additional information, please visit the MiSiS website for Student Photos job aids ( 

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS: 


  • The Walk-In, Sections Editor, Course Request, and Mass Request Editor screens have been fixed to prevent students from being scheduled in more than one service-like course per semester.  Students in grades 8, 11, and 12 are eligible to take no more than one service-like course per semester, for a maximum of two courses per year.


  • The Master Absence Report for comprehensive and continuation schools has been enhanced to include an asterisk for students not enrolled as of the End Date.

Student Support 

  • The Behavior Emergency Record Automated Email Notification has been enhanced to include emails to central staff, not only when the records are reviewed, but also when they are initially saved.
  • The SSPT Referral Log report has been corrected to allow the District SSPT role access to generate the report for all schools.

Summer School 

  • The Contact Log is now available for the Summer School Counselor and Teacher user roles.

MiSiS Updates - April 27, 2022

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 4/27/2022

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Sections Editor Screen has been enhanced to allow student information to populate in a timely manner after selecting a section.


  • The Meeting Patterns screen has been corrected to only allow authorized users to edit the current date patterns when attendance has not been submitted.
  • The Master Absence Report – Continuation has been corrected to no longer display an error message.
  • The School parameter on the Attendance Summary Report has been enhanced from single to multi-select. Please note that the report takes longer to generate when multiple schools and longer date ranges are selected.

English Learner

  • The Master Plan Instructional Information Screen, located under Services > English Learner, has been fixed to allow schools to end a student’s existing master plan program.
  • The Annual English Learner Letter has been corrected to allow schools to generate the report for eligible students who are missing a schedule when the “By Student” option parameter is selected.

Student Support

  • The Social Adjustment Report has been corrected to no longer generate an error message.


  • Records of students that have earned the Seal of Biliteracy Award have been inserted into the new Seal of Biliteracy screen, which is accessed via the Transcript Details Previously, these records were entered by schools into the Transcripts Notes section.

MiSiS Updates - March 30, 2022

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 3/30/2022

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS: 


  • The Student Profile now includes an alert for students eligible for Conditional Admission. CA will display on the student profile for students experiencing homelessness, foster youth, and students with parent/guardians on active military duty.  Conditional Admission allows a student 30 days to provide immunization records.  


  • Schools may now enter the CAIR Medical Permanent exemption, CAIR Medical Temporary exemption, and the CAIR Exemption Number on the Immunization screen. 

Student Support 

  • The Option School Referral screen now displays a new referral status, Withdrawn, if a student is no longer enrolled and has a pending option school referral.  

Student Testing 

  • The PFT Mass Entry screen and the PFT Class Roster have been enhanced to support the 21-22 Spring PFT administration which states that the Body Composition is not a required component for testing.  Data entry for this component is disabled on the screen.  The roster will not display this component.   


  • The Seal of Biliteracy Awards screen has been enhanced such that for students whose Language Classification is LEP, the LAUSD Seal of Biliteracy Award is selected by default and the CDE Seal of Biliteracy is not selectable.

MiSiS Scheduled Maintenance - Saturday, March 19, 2022

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 3/17/2022

MiSiS will not be accessible due to a scheduled maintenance on Saturday, March 19, 2022, between 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM.

We apologize for the inconvenience

MiSiS Updates - February 2, 2022

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 2/2/2022

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS: 


  • The column labels on the ITI Forms Report and ITI Forms screen now match.  


  • The School Attributes report, under Master Scheduling > Pre/Post Commit, has been enhanced to identify TBD English Learners who do not have a current language classification of LEP, and whose primary language is a language other than English or American Sign Language.  The report now displays a new column “TBD” along with a count of students. 


  • The Five Column Roster report has been enhanced with a group parameter.  
  • The Educator Absence Schedule screen has been corrected to no longer display an error message.  
  • The Master Absence report has been corrected and will no longer display students twice when there is a grade level change within the user selected begin and end dates.  
  • The Uncleared Absence screen, located under the student profile Attendance Tab, has been corrected to accurately display students with absences reason codes UC: Uncleared and 0: No Note. 

English Learner 

  • The English Learner Rosters have been enhanced to display matriculating students’ most recent elementary marks if no secondary marks have been issued. 


  • The GATE Referral screen has been corrected to no longer display an error message.  

Independent Study 

  • The Independent Study Teacher Roster and Independent Study Manage Teacher/Class screens have been corrected to display all scheduled students in Independent Study Period X. 

Summer School 

  • The Summer School Counselor user role was removed for staff assigned to the 2021 summer term.

MiSiS Updates - January 12, 2022

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 1/12/2022

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS: 


  • The Enrollment screen has been corrected which prevented the enrollment of TK students.  
  • The Enrollment screen has been corrected which prevented auto-withdrawal of students due to grades entered.  


  • The Change Student Section screen has been corrected to ensure that approvers receive the notification email that a pending approval has been assigned. 


  • The Update Attendance screen has been enhanced to allow users to submit attendance for two consecutive periods with the same section, and the ability to submit attendance for students within the campus through the preferred location. 
  • The Attendance Referral Report has been corrected to remove additional spaces between the cell phone, home phone and office phone numbers, and display the Parent/Guardian accurately. 
  • The Attendance Not Submitted Reports for comprehensive and continuation schools have been enhanced to filter our schools that are not applicable to the corresponding report.   

English Learner 

  • The Annual English Learner Letter has been enhanced to include a new parameter of “Report Option” to allow schools to generate the letter by “Teacher and Period” as well as by “Student”. It is advisable to print the letter, one teacher at a time, to avoid duplicate letters. The letter is also available in the Parent Portal for qualifying students. 

 Extended Learning Program  

  • The Extended Learning Student Section report now includes the elementary school term and the report may be generated for the Primary Promise program.  


  • The GATE Referral Screen now retains the name of the teacher who completed the teacher checklist after the student withdraws from the referring school.  


  • The Secondary Schools Report Card - Mailer has been corrected such that when the report is generated with the setting, ‘Print Additional Recipients,’ then a second report card will be generated only when the designated ‘Additional Correspondence’ has an address that is different from the student’s primary guardian. 

 Graduation Standards 

  • The Grade Level Benchmarks Graph, of the LAUSD A-G requirements, that displays on the student’s Graduation Standards Summary Screen, has been enhanced with logic to consider any courses that have been scheduled in future terms when determining whether the student is meeting his or her benchmarks. 
  • The Grade Level Benchmarks Graph, of the LAUSD A-G requirements, that displays on the Graduation Progress Report, for students in grade levels 9th – 11th, has been enhanced with logic to consider any courses that have been scheduled in future terms when determining whether the student is meeting his or her benchmarks. 
  • The Grade Level Benchmark Graphs, of the LAUSD, CSU, and UC requirements, that are displayed on the College and Career Readiness Guide (CCRG) Report, have been enhanced with logic to consider any courses that have been scheduled in future terms when determining whether the student is meeting his or her benchmarks. 


  • The Immunization Screen no longer allows a future exemption date.


MiSiS Updates - December 9, 2021

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 12/9/2021

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS: 


  • The Preferred Name and Identifying Information fields on the Enrollment screen now include validation.  Users may not enter a preferred first and last name identical to the student’s legal first and last name. Also, if a preferred name is entered, the Use in Rosters checkbox must be selected.  


  • The Contact Log history screen no longer displays the staff number on the Entered By column.  
  • The Independent Study Teacher Roster and Manage Teacher/Class Attendance screens no longer have reason codes 1 and 2 when the status of absent is selected and an error message no longer displays. 

 English Learner 

  • Users with the District Admin. role may now access all English Learner reports. 


  • The HS Cumulative Grade Labels Report has been corrected to prevent long course titles from wrapping, which caused an overlap with the course title below it. The course titles will now be truncated at 18 characters. 

 Graduation Standards 

  • The Graduation Exemption feature on the Graduation Standards Summary Screen has been enhanced by adding an AB104 option that, when applied, will waiver eligible students in the Class of 2021 and 2022 from all Graduation Requirements except the CDE requirements. 

Student Testing 

  • The State Testing Label for SBA and ELPAC has been enhanced to display a student’s preferred name if a preferred name is entered in the Student Profile screen under > Census > Identifying Information.

Student COVID Immunization Data

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 11/22/2021

Student COVID immunization data may now be viewed on the Immunization screen.  (Misc > Immunization or  Enrollment History > Edit).  The COVID vaccine data is from Daily Pass and cannot be edited by users.

Schools Unable to Enroll Students in TK

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 11/10/2021

A bug is impacting the schools' ability to enroll students in grade level TK. As a workaround, please enroll the student in grade level PK. After enrollment, change the grade level to TK. Directions may be found here

MiSiS Updates - October 6, 2021

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 10/6/2021

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS: 


  • The Enrollment History screen has been corrected and users will no longer receive an error message.  
  • The Student Support Administrator and District Admin User Role now have read access to the Instructional Program screen.  
  • Elementary Class Roster has been removed from the Reports menu.  Schools may use the Five Column Roster or Comprehensive Class List reports.  
  • The Early Education Student Information System (EESIS) interface has been modified to improve data accuracy. EESIS is the system of record for Early Education students and any changes to student data must be made in EESIS. Early Education data is displayed in MiSiS for Daily Pass and Parent Portal access.  


  • The Attendance Referral Reports for Comprehensive and Continuation Schools have been enhanced with the mailing address on the header. 
  • The Master Absence Reports for Comprehensive and Continuation Schools have been enhanced with the home and mailing address, when the report is downloaded in Excel and CSV, and the begin and end parameters have been added. 
  • The Master Absence Report – Continuation Report has been enhanced with updated telephone logic. The report will display the first available phone number in the following order: home phone number, cell/mobile phone number, work phone, other phone. 
  • The Attendance Notifications screen has been enhanced with the ability to export screen information in Excel. 
  • The Class Roster Barcode Report has been corrected to ensure students’ information is not displayed on the next page. 

Parent Portal  

  • The High School IGP Report will generate based on the home correspondence language.  


  • The Extended Program Student Roster has been modified to improve performance.  A new parameter has been added to allow users to filter results by program (Enrichment, CoS, and Primary Promise). 
  • The Extended Program Verification of Marks Report will now display correctly.  

 English Learner 

  • The Mass Reclassify screen has been enhanced to prevent students from being reclassified until a parent notification of “Reclassification Consultation” is entered via the Mass Notification Date Entry or Parent Notification Dates screens.  Upon reclassifying eligible students via the Mass Reclassify screen, the Reclassification Letter will display the date of the reclassification consultation in section 4.    
  • The English Learner Rosters (EL Monitoring and LTEL Monitoring) have been corrected to display the most recent elementary marks for elementary students.  

Graduation Standards 

  • The College and Career Readiness Guide Report (CCRG) has been enhanced such that users now have the option to generate it in Spanish Language.

MiSiS Updates - September 15, 2021

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 9/15/2021

MiSiS Announcement: 

Procedures for Student Photos 

As schools are starting to hold their Picture Day, Principals are encouraged to visit the LAUSD Photo Portal ( to manage their student’s photos and photo vendor.  Student photos that are uploaded to the Portal by the school, or the authorized photo vendor, will appear in MiSiS within 24-48 hours.  Several job aids are available, as well as a checklist, to help schools manage their photos.  Please visit the Student Photos job aid page to view the checklist and job aids. 

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS: 


  • The Parent/Guardian screen now includes an Additional Correspondence indicator.  If the indicator is selected, the parent/guardian is mailed a Secondary Report Card in addition to the primary parent. 
  • Additional languages have been added to the MiSiS Language dropdown.


  • The Uncleared Absence Report has been corrected to generate for students no longer enrolled. The report also now generates when the “All students” option is selected. 
  • The Elementary Classification Report has been corrected to display Laurel School in the school dropdown menu.
  • The Elementary Statistical Report has been corrected to display the Grade level data is accurately when generated with capture code.


  • On the Bus Schedule screen, users may now request Sibling Magnet transportation. 

English Learner 

  • Both the Initial Notification of Enrollment and Placement and the Initial Parent Notification of Language Test Results and Confirmation of Program Placement reports will be accessible via the Parent Portal for qualifying students.
  • The Annual English Learner Letter will display students’ names in the correct alphabetical order in the “Students” parameter dropdown.  


  • The title of the Secondary Schools Report Cards, when accessed in line (via the Student Profile screen), have had their titles updated to Sec Report Card – Mailer and Sec Report Card Non-Mailer from Report Card – Mailer and Report Card Non-Mailer, respectively.
  • A data correction was done to students that were displaying earned credits for failed courses.

Graduation Standards 

  • The title of the IGP Report, when accessed in line (via the Student Profile screen), has had its title updated to High School IGP Report from IGP Report.
  • The CCRG Report has been enhanced to include Naviance data and PSAT/SAT data.

 Student Support 

  • The Student Referral Report has been corrected to load parameters when Rivera LC Pub Srv is selected.
  • The SSPT In-line Reports have been corrected to generate for students that are no longer enrolled. 
  • The RA: Risk Assessment Alert, located on the student profile, has been enhanced to display when users select “Yes” for Risk Assessment Conducted on a Counseling Communication record.
  • The Special Education Provider user role has been enhanced with SSPT read access.
  • The Student Support Administrator user role has been enhanced to include Contact Logs Mass Update access.


  • The title of the Transcript Report, when accessed in line (via the Student Profile screen), has been updated to High School Transcript Report from Transcript Report.
  • The High School Transcript Report has been enhanced to include the students name suffix, when applicable.

MiSiS Updates - August 11, 2021

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 8/11/2021

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS: 


  • The issue preventing the enrollment of some students currently enrolled in Early Ed Centers has been corrected.  Elementary schools and Primary Centers are now able to successfully enroll these students. 


  • Users may now only enter vaccines required for school admission on the MiSiS immunization screen. Previously entered non mandatory vaccines will still display.
    The following non mandatory vaccines cannot be entered:
    • Hepatitis A
    • HPV
    • Influenza
    • MCV4
    • Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine
    • COVID 19
    • MenB

Summer School 

  • Academic Intervention records were added for students' participation in Community of Schools Summer Program.

MiSiS Updates - July 21, 2021

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 7/21/2021

MiSiS Announcements: 

Student Photos 

  • Beginning on July 1, a principal, or their designee, may assign a new Photo Vendor or extend access to an existing Photo Vendor to the school in the LAUSD Photo Portal. [Refer to “Granting Access to Photo Vendors...” job aid available at]

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS: 


  • An update button is now available on the Enrollment screen when editing a student enrollment. The update button allows the user to save any edited data for each section, without going to the last section. 
  • Inter District permit names have changed. 
  • Permits are no longer required for students enrolling at Affiliated Charter Schools. 
  • The Pupil Services School Based user role may now view the Instructional Program 


  • A new warning message will appear in the Sections Editor screen when a user attempts to remove a student from a section.  The warning message will request that any grades associated to the student be deleted, prior to removing the student from the section.


  • The Five Column Roster Report has been corrected as follows:
    • No longer errors out when a student’s name is longer than 25 characters.
    • When logged in with the Teacher user role, only the logged in staff name displays in the teacher dropdown.
    • All periods, as of the user selected Effective Date, now display in the Period(s) dropdown menu.
  • The Attendance Summary Report has been enhanced with a new parameter, “Enable Elementary Instructional Groups". This allows elementary users to generate the report as usual or by Elementary Instructional Groups. Only students added to the Administrative Instructional Subgroups Elementary: Online AM or PM or Elementary: In-Person AM or PM groups will populate in this parameter. 
  • The Uncleared Absence Report has been enhanced with a new Absence Type parameter. The dropdown options include UC-Uncleared, 0- No Note, and Both.
  • The Continuation Teacher Roster has been corrected to no longer disable the attendance status for some students.

English Learner 

  • Two new reports are now available:
    • The Initial Notification of Enrollment and Placement report will be available in 5 languages (English, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin and Armenian) and is intended for students who may be eligible for English Learner services.  Identified students are those whose primary language is any language other than ASL or English, who have no Initial Language Classification and who have no Initial ELPAC test results. 
    • The Initial Parent Notification of Language Test Results and Confirmation of Program Placement report will also be available in 5 languages and is intended for students who have the Initial ELPAC test results in MiSiS.  The report will notify parents of the test results and whether the student may qualify for English Learner services based on results.   
  • Personnel with the District Admin. user role will have view only access to the Mass Reclassify screen.


  • The Grades by Student screen and the Grades by Class screen have been enhanced for the course Homeroom Advisory (420109), the only grades available for selection are ‘P’ and ‘NP’, as per District Grading Policy.
  • At Options Schools, when a final grade has been awarded to a student in any course, and happens to be re-enrolled into the same course in a subsequent semester, the points earned in his previous enrollment of the course will not carry over to the new enrollment.

Graduation Standards 

  • A new report, College and Career Readiness Guide, is now available to school users and can be accessed as an inline report for any student via the path:Student Profile > Academics > Reports > CCRG Report. The report can also be generated for a set of students via the path: Admin > CCRG Report.  


  • The Immunization screen no longer allows entry of Diptheria and Tetanus Immunization before age of 7.


  • The Program Assistance data has been corrected and data can now be saved appropriately. 

Student Support 

  • The Counseling Communication and Mass Update: Counseling Communication screens have been enhanced as follows:
    • Required field of Risk Assessment Conducted with a Yes or No radio button.
    • If yes is selected, the user must select: Select All, Self-Injury, Suicidal Risk, or Threat. The Services Provided, Communication Purpose, and Comments/Notes will be disabled.
  • The Support Referral Actions Taken has been enhanced with the removal of Referral -LASP Diversion.

Student Testing 

  • The Test Score screen has been enhanced to display a score of “-1”, as well as a new performance level of “NS” (No Score), for ELPAC test results that are loaded successfully into MiSiS.  Additionally, when hovering over the score, the message “No score due to force-complete or domain exemptions or alternate assessment” will display. 

Summer School 

  • The mark reporting window is now open for ESY Elementary Progress Report, Enrichment Mark Reporting, and Credit Recovery Mark Reporting.  The window closes on Friday, July 23. 


  • The Transcripts Detail Screen has been enhanced with the following:
    • When adding or editing the Homeroom Advisory course (420109), the only grades available for selection are ‘P’ and ‘NP, as per District Grading Policy.
    • When adding any new course or editing an existing course, the credit value that can be entered is now limited to the nearest hundredths. Ex: 2.25 or 2.75.

MiSiS Updates - June 23, 2021

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 6/23/2021

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS: 


  • The Pre-K and TE Students Living in Boundary Report is now available to Office Manager and Principal user roles.  The report may be used to identify students living in a school’s attendance area to communicate enrollment procedures and school program information.  The report includes students currently enrolled in other LAUSD schools and Early Ed Centers.  


  • Schools may now update the start date of any new section in the Sections Editor screen only when no students are enrolled in the section.


  • The Teacher Mass Contact Log has been corrected to update all user selected contact log entries.

Athletic Eligibility 

  • Groups have been enhanced to include the 2021-2022 Official Athletic Teams and the Auxiliary Groups.
  • The following Athletic Eligibility screen and reports have been enhanced to include a required Covid form:
    • Athletic Screen
    • Athletic Eligibility List Report
    • Athletic Ineligible Parent Letter Report
    • Certificate of Athletic Eligibility Report

Extended Learning  

  • The Extended Learning staff may now search by student ID on the Manage Students 

Linked Learning 

  • CTE District Administrator user role may now enter CTE/Linked Learning participation for students.

Student Testing 

  • The PFT Mass Entry screen has been enhanced with updated logic in the Aerobic Capacity test component to automatically identify a student as not passing if the student completes the one mile run at or above 13 minutes. 

MiSiS Updates - May 26, 2021

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 5/26/2021

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Five Column Roster Report has been enhanced with a new parameter, “Enable Elementary Instructional Groups". This allows elementary users to generate the report as usual or by Elementary Instructional Groups. Only students added to the Administrative Instructional Subgroups Elementary: Online AM or PM or Elementary: In-Person AM or PM groups will populate in this parameter.
  • The Teacher Attendance Verification Report has been enhanced with two new parameters “Enable Elementary Instructional Groups" and “Display Elementary Instructional Group”. This allows elementary users to generate the report as usual or by Elementary Instructional Groups. Only students added to the Administrative Instructional Subgroups Elementary: Online AM or PM or Elementary: In-Person AM or PM groups will populate in this parameter.
  • The Uncleared Absence Report has been corrected to only display classes that meet on the user selected dates.
  • The Attendance Audit Inline – Continuation Report has been corrected to generate accurately when valid start and end dates are selected.
  • The Attendance Referral – Continuation Report has been corrected to display the correct number of Uncleared and Partial Day Absences.

English Learner

  • The process that updates a student’s initial language classification of “EO” (English Only) has been modified to add the record and date, based on the student’s first home school entry record.
  • The Annual English Learner Letter has been enhanced to display the new graduation rate of 56.21% for English Learners.


  • The Elementary Schools CCS Report Card has been enhanced to generate as a 3-page report, where the 3rd page includes the student’s and parent’s Personal Identification Number (PIN).
  • The Secondary Schools Report Card has been enhanced to generate as a 2-page report, where the 2nd page includes the student’s and parent’s Personal Identification Number (PIN).
  • The Options Schools Report Card has been enhanced to generate as a 2-page report, where the 2nd page includes the student’s and parent’s Personal Identification Number (PIN).
  • The Distribution of Marks Report has been corrected such that when selecting "Unfilled" in the teacher parameter, it will now return correct information for “Unfilled” positions.
  • The Secondary Schools Report Card has been corrected such that students will now populate correctly on the parameter page dropdown when the Group Category of 'OTHERS' is selected.


  • The Enrichment screen has changed its name to Extended Program to allow the Community of Schools Program to use the screen.


  • The Assignment Monitoring Report has been corrected such that all applicable staff are now included in the report.

Student Support

  • The Support Summary Report Excel version has been enhanced to export all service types into their own columns.
  • The Student Profile Alert of SH: Student Health and Human Services, interfaced from Welligent Cloud, has been enhanced to only display in the profile for one calendar year from the last service date.

Summer School

  • The Summer School screen is now available for Community of Schools (COS) Summer Program. Schools will need to enter enrollment and course requests for students who will be attending COS. Refer to the COS Program Sending School job aid for directions:
  • The Section type “SH” has been added for MMED Newcomer Program summer course.
  • The Section type “Online” has been added for Credit Recovery. Schools should use this section type for any course offered online during Summer Term.


Elementary School Scheduling

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 5/19/2021

The elementary rollover process has completed for the 2021-2022 school year. Continuing students have been rolled over into the next grade level.  Schools may now create new sections and assign to teachers and students for the next year.  A new job aid is now available to support elementary schools offering dual language programs.  You may access the job aid here for adding Section Attributes for dual language programs.  Additional documents for the Elementary Rollover and Scheduling Process are available here.

MiSiS Updates - April 28, 2021

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 4/28/2021

MiSiS Announcements: 

Student Photos 

Principals are encouraged to review the Student Photo Checklist, as part of the school activities for the Spring.  Refer to the Student Photos job aid page for more information on how to grant access to a photo vendor or assign a designee. 

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS: 


  • The Class Roster with Barcode Report has been enhanced to allow elementary school users the ability to generate the report by Elementary Instructional Groups.  
  • The Enrollment screen has been enhanced to include Charter School, Exception, and Specialized Program permits.  
  • The Student Support Admin user role has been enhanced with the ability to generate the Enrollment and Withdrawal Report.  
  • The Pupil Services School Based and Student Support School Based user roles have been enhanced with the ability to view email and pin on the Student Profile.  


  • The Enter Attendance as a Teacher Using the New Class Attendance 2.0 screen has been enhanced to allow teacher to submit Contact Log entries in mass. For further instructions, review the job aid: Enter Attendance as a Teacher Using the New Class Attendance 2.0 Screen
  • The Five Column Roster report has been enhanced with a new parameter named, “Display Elementary Instructional Group” to display students added to groups in the subcategories of Elementary: Online AM, Elementary: Online PM, Elementary: In-Person AM, and Elementary: In-Person PM. For further instructions, review the job aid: Five Column Roster Report
  • The Absence Reason Help link, located on attendance taking screens, has been enhanced with a new name, “Attendance Status and Reason Codes”. The document includes instructions to submit attendance for in-person and online/virtual instruction.  
  • The Master Absence Report has been corrected to display the phone number accurately. 
  • The Continuation and Carlson Teacher Attendance Taking screens have been corrected to allow the teacher the ability to edit attendance for up to four previous school days.  

Auxiliary Eligibility 

  • MiSiS has been enhanced with new functionality for Auxiliary Activities (e.g., band, dance, drill, flag). For further instructions, view the job aid: Auxiliary Eligibility. The following screen and reports are now available:  
  • A new user role named Secondary Auxiliary has been created. User who manage Auxiliary Activities, must first request access to this role via
  • The Manage Groups and Group Participation screens have been enhanced with an additional category of Auxiliary, which includes sub-category groups for band, dance, drill, and flag. 
  • An Auxiliary screen, located under the student profile Miscellaneous tab, for entering documents and waivers, and to view a student’s auxiliary eligibility. 
  • An Auxiliary Eligibility List report to view a group of student’s auxiliary eligibility.  
  • An Auxiliary Ineligible Parent Letter report to produce a letter and mail to the students that do not qualify to participate in auxiliary activities.  
  • An Auxiliary Certificate of Eligibility report to produce the required list of students that are eligible to participate in auxiliary activities. 

English Learner 

  • The RFEP Monitoring Letter has been enhanced to include a new parameter of “Report Option” which allows schools to generate the letter by “Teacher and Period” as well as by “Student”. 


  • The Retention Warning screen has been enhanced to allow the entry of failure warning notices for the prior year. 

Student Support 

  • The Student Summary Report has been enhanced to include the previous school year in the School Year parameter. 
  • The SSPT Request screen has been corrected to allow users to select a future Consultation Date. 

Summer School 

  • The Summer School screen (Enrollment > Summer School) will be available on Thursday, April 29 to enter course requests for Credit Recovery.

MiSiS Updates - March 31, 2021

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 3/31/2021

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Enrollment App has been enhanced to allow the parent/guardian email to be selected as Unknown.
  • The Parent/Guardian screen has been enhanced to allow a PO Box to be entered for Parent/Guardian Mailing Address.


  • The Sections Editor screen has been enhanced to prevent a section’s period from being changed when students are enrolled in the section. This prevention will ensure that students do not have overlapping section enrollments during the same period for another course.


  • The Continuation Update Attendance screen has been corrected to display the Distance Absence: DA as default value for Future Attendance dates.
  • The Continuation Teacher Roster screen “Absent Today” column has been corrected to consider Hour2 absences.
  • The Carlson Home Manage Teacher/Class Attendance screen has been corrected to display the attendance details when navigating to previous week.
  • The Uncleared Absence Report has been corrected to display the incorrect address.


  • The Homeless screen has been enhanced to allow school-based users to edit the end date of a student’s record.

English Learner

  • The Master Plan Program screen has been enhanced to default to the student's school enrollment entry date when adding a new record for a newly enrolled student (either to LAUSD or a new school).


  • The Options Schools Report Card will no longer include any courses that have a section attribute of "Exclude Grades".

Graduation Standards

  • The following screens and reports have been enhanced with the logic such that A-G courses in the LOTE and Math subject areas taken in the Spring or Summer of SY 2019-2020, that have been awarded the mark of 'P', will validate lower-level courses:
    • The Graduation Standards Summary screen
    • The Graduation Eligibility Status for Class of 2016 and Beyond Report
    • The Graduation Progress Report
    • The High School IGP Report


  • The ESSA Parent Notification Letter - Report has been corrected to only display courses that a student is enrolled in.

Student Support

  • The Student Support-School Based user role has been corrected to allow the user to edit an SSPT Intervention created at a previous school of enrollment.
  • The Pupil Service - School Based user role has been corrected to allow access to create/edit SSPT Interventions.

Summer School

  • The Summer School Counselor user role has been removed for staff assigned to 2020 summer term.
  • The Student Schedule screen has been enhanced to display summer school students on the Academic menu.


  • The Academic Decathlon Transcripts Report has been updated such that the GPA Calculation logic and the sections that display the courses will now exclude courses taken in the Spring or Summer of SY 2019-2020.


MiSiS Updates - March 3, 2021

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 3/3/2021

MiSiS Announcements:

LAUSD Photo Portal

Principals are encouraged to review their designee(s) annually in the LAUSD Photo Portal. To view the staff member(s) who currently has/have access to the school site, click on the Designee tile.  If a staff member should no longer need access, click on the “remove” button under the Action column. Refer to the Granting Access to Photo Vendors and Assigning Designee job aid for instructions on how to add a designee.

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The MiSiS enrollment screen has been updated with a new look and feel. Refer to the job aid for more information: Student Enrollment


  • The Sections Editor and Concurrent Term Editor screens have been enhanced to prevent scheduling of students in more than one service-like course per semester. Students in grades 8, 11 and 12 are eligible to take no more than one service-like course per semester, for a maximum of two per year, for the selected grade level.


  • The Continuation Teacher Roster will no longer display an asterisk on periods tabs that do not meet.
  • The Independent Study Weekly Manage Teacher Class Attendance screen, used primarily by City of Angels, has been corrected and will no longer display an error message.
  • The Student Attendance Totals In-line Report has been corrected and will now display 'Days Abs Unexcused', 'Days Abs Excused' and 'Days Present' column counts.
  • The Period Group screen, located under the Admin > Configuration menu, has been corrected and will no longer display an error message.
  • The Contact Log screen has been enhanced to allow users with the Pupil Services-Homeless user role, the ability to create, edit, and delete their own entries.

Athletic Eligibility

  • The Attendance Daily Check Report has been corrected to accurately display the present records.

English Learner

  • The Individual Reclassification Plan (IRP) has been fixed to display only active master plan programs.


  • The Immunization screen includes a new exemption type, “Conditional Enrollment Per BUL 1660”. This exemption type is intended for students in special populations who cannot produce proof of immunization, at the time of enrollment. The exemption expires after 30 days. Refer to BUL 1660 for more information.

Student Support

  • The Option School Referral screen has been enhanced to allow users with the Pupil Services School Based user role the ability to read, create, and update the option school referral screen for the Referring School.
  • The in-line Suspension Report has been corrected to properly display the student demographic and suspension information.

MiSIS Updates - February 3, 2021

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 2/3/2021

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Military Connected Family Report is now available to the Student Support-School Based user role.  


  • The Scheduling Screens now have two new Section Attributes (Sections Editor and Teacher Section Assignments) to support the identification of “Target Language Teacher” and “Team Teacher” at Dual Language elementary and secondary schools offering Dual Language Programs. The “Target Language Teacher” and “Team Teacher” attributes will be available for selection at elementary dual language schools.  The “Target Language Teacher” attribute will be available for selection at secondary schools offering Dual Language Programs.  New job aids will be made available soon for specific guidance.
  • The Section Attributes report will include both Section Attributes at elementary Dual Language schools and secondary schools offering Dual Language Programs.


  • The Advanced Search screen has been corrected to display all uncleared absences when the user selects this option, located under the Attendance tab.
  • All school calendars have been updated to mark June 11th as an instructional day.
  • Blackboard Connect interface has been corrected to omit invalid attendance records.
  • The Attendance Summary Report legend has been corrected to count partial day absences as present.
  • The Classroom Attendance Totals by Date Range – Continuation Report has been corrected to display absences with reason codes of present, as “present”.


  • The GATE Notification Letter may now be generated in the Parent Portal.


  • The Counseling List Report has been corrected and will now display the students’ classes correctly when selecting ‘FULL SCHEDULE’.

Graduation Standards

  • The Graduation Progress Report has been updated and now the 'Eligible for Graduation' section will display each subject area correctly.


  • Immunization records for COVID-19 and Meningitis B (MenB) are now available on the Immunization screen.

Manage Groups

  • The Manage Groups screen has been enhanced to allow the Student Support School-Based user role the ability to create, edit and delete Administrative > Behavioral Intervention and Case Management groups.


  • The Assignment Monitoring Report has been corrected such that a staff's expired credentials will no longer display.

Special Education Placement Portal

  • A link to the ArcGIS map is now available in the Resource Section. To view the map, users must have access to ArcGIS.

Student Support

  • The SSPT Referral Form in-line report has been updated to display the correct attendance.


  • The Transcripts Details screen has been updated with a new column titled ‘Partial Credits’ and will display ‘Yes’ for courses that were awarded partial credits.
  • The High School Transcripts Report has been updated to allow courses that have been awarded partial credits, to now be identified with a superscript lower case ‘p’, located to the left of the course title.
  • The High School Transcripts CSV Report has been updated with a new column titled ‘Course Awarded Partial Credits’ and will display ‘Y’ for courses that were awarded partial credits.

MiSiS Updates - January 13, 2021

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 1/13/2021

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Walk-In, Sections Editor, Course Request, and Mass Request Editor screens have been enhanced to prevent ineligible students from being scheduled in service-like courses. Students in grades 8, 11, and 12 are eligible to take no more than one service-like course per semester.


  • The Attendance Not Submitted Report has been corrected to correctly consider meeting patterns and attendance that has been invalidated due to data clean-ups.
  • The Uncleared Absence Report, located under the Reports menu, has been corrected to display all teachers in the Teacher dropdown menu. The excel portion of the report also lists teachers accurately.

Family Portal

  • The Middle School and High School IGP Reports and the Transcript Reports are now available for parents to generate.

Manage Groups

  • The Manage Groups screen has been enhanced to include a new group sub-category of “Health” under the Administrative group category.

Student Support

  • The Student Profile has been enhanced with a new alert, RA Risk Assessment. This alert will display if one of the conditions listed below is present from the current to the previous 12 months:
    • User enters a MiSiS Counseling Communication selecting any option under Communication Purpose Risk Assessment and Service Provided of Risk Assessment
    • User enters a Welligent record with the following SHHS services:
      • Self-Injury Assessment
      • Suicide Assessment
      • Threat Assessment Investigation

Student Testing

  • The ELPAC Summative Test, found under Academics > Test Scores, has been enhanced to load and display “E” (Exempt) for students who were exempt from any of the ELPAC Summative sub-components of Listening, Speaking, Reading, or Writing.

MiSiS Updates - December 23, 2020

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 12/23/2020

MiSiS Announcements:

As a reminder, users should clear their browser cache throughout the year before logging on to MiSiS.  Directions for clearing cache for various browsers may be found in the MiSiS FAQsQ. How do I clear my browser cache?

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • A new enrollment screen is being piloted by five schools. The new screen allows users to save an In-Progress enrollment and streamlines data entry.  All schools will begin using the new screen in February 2021. 
  • The ITI Form Report now generates for all classrooms.
  • The PO Box addresses format was corrected to meet US Postal Service requirements.


  • The Sections Editor screen has been enhanced to load sections in a timely manner.


  • For the current school year, all submitted Present records have been converted to “Distance Present” and Absent records have been converted to “Distance Absent”.
  • The Continuation Teacher Roster for Independent Study screen has been corrected to display the student's photo popup.
  • At Magnet Schools, the teacher parameter on the Master Absence Report now displays all teachers.
  • The Manage Teacher Class Attendance screen has been corrected to allow users to change the date after a period has been selected, and to only display the periods that meet on the selected date.
  • A new report, Enrichment Program: Student Roster, is now available and allows users the option of printing the report to view all students currently enrolled in an Enrichment course/section or allows school staff to take attendance on paper.


  • The Foster Youth interface bug has been fixed. Cases that are closed in DCFS database are now closed in MiSiS. 
  • The First US Enrollment dates were corrected to match CALPADS.

 Special Education Placement Portal

  • The SPED Placement Portal report has been corrected and no longer displays duplicate records.

 State Reports

  • The Carlson Hospital Classification Elementary and Secondary Reports have been enhanced to count students if scheduled in homeroom.
  • The following reports have been enhanced to consider additional distance learning absent and present codes:
    • Statistical/SMASR - Elementary
    • Statistical/SMASR - Secondary
    • Statistical/SMASR - Opportunity
    • Statistical/SMASR - Continuation
    • Statistical/SMASR - Elementary CDS
    • Statistical/SMASR - Secondary CDS
    • Statistical/SMASR - Elementary Carlson Hospital
    • Statistical/SMASR - Secondary Carlson Hospital
    • Statistical/SMASR - Elementary Carlson Home
    • Statistical/SMASR – Secondary Carlson Home

Student Support

  • The Behavior Emergency screen and In-line report have been enhanced to allow users to enter and print original and revised versions. The screen also includes new fields to link interventions and referrals related to the behavior emergency record, as well as a new field named “Incident Results”. The report now also includes the Local District, based on the student's address.
  • The SHHS Service Summary screen, located under the Support profile tab, has been enhanced to include Welligent School Mental Health services.
  • The Social Adjustment Report has been enhanced to include Welligent School Mental Health services.


  • A new tab has been added to the Transcript Detail screen that will allow schools to indicate that a student has earned the State Seal of Biliteracy and/or the LAUSD Seal of Biliteracy awards.

MiSiS Updates - November 4, 2020

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 11/4/2020

MiSiS Announcements:

New Distance/Online Learning attendance codes of Distance Present (DP) and Distance Absent (DA) have been available since October 6, 2020. Attendance status Present (P) and Absent (A) will continue to be available and should only be used to record in-person attendance when necessary/appropriate. Tardies and Left Earlies will not be available for selection during Distance/Online Learning. 

Please note, previously submitted attendance for this school year will be converted from Present, Tardies, and Left Earlies to DP, and Absences to DA, along with the corresponding reason code. A data clean-up will continue to be done on a weekly basis, until a hybrid mode of instruction is implemented.  

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:

English Learner 

  • The Individual Reclassification Plan report has been modified to reflect Master Plan Program names in Spanish, Korean, Armenian, and Mandarin based on parent/guardian’s home correspondence language.

Enrichment Program

  • The following job aids have been posted to the MiSiS website (
    • Manage Grades Screen
    • Secondary Report Card
    • Secondary Verification of Marks Report


  • The Elementary Schools CCS Report Card has been updated such that a '?' will again display for Content Standards that are missing grades. 
  • A new Grades screen has been developed for teachers and Administrators of the Enrichment Courses Program. The screen allows teachers to enter grades for students of Enrichment Courses that they are assigned.
  • A new report called ‘Enrichment Program: Sec Verification of Marks’ has been created to be used by teachers and administrators to verify that all grades entered are correct as intended.
  • A new report card called ‘Enrichment Program: Sec Report Card’ has been created to be used by teachers and administrators of Enrichment courses.

Student Support

  • SSPT screens have been enhanced to allow read, create, and edit access for the Student Support Administrator and Student Support School Based user roles.

MiSiS Updates - October 7, 2020

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 10/7/2020

MiSiS Announcements:

New Distance/Online Learning attendance codes of Distance Present (DP) and Distance Absent (DA) are now available. Attendance status Present (P) and Absent (A) will continue to be available and should only be used to record in-person attendance when necessary/appropriate. Tardies and Left Earlies will not be available for selection during Distance/Online learning.

Please note, previously submitted attendance for this school year will be converted from Present, Tardies, and Left Earlies to DP, and Absences to DA, along with the corresponding reason code. A data clean-up will continue to be done on a weekly basis, until a hybrid mode of instruction is implemented.

Daily Blackboard calls will continue to be made for Absences and DA for reason codes of Uncleared: UC and No Note: 0 submitted by 3:00 pm. Call times are from 3:30-3:40 pm for the current day to notify parents/guardians that their child has not logged in for the day, and 4:30-4:40 pm for the previous day to notify them that their child has been marked absent for the previous day.

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Walk-In and Sections Editor screens have been enhanced to consider the new distance learning attendance codes of “DP” and “DA” (Distance Present and Distance Absent, respectively).


  • The following screens have been enhanced to consider the new attendance taking codes of Distance Present: DP and Distance Absent: DA:
    • Teacher Rosters: Comprehensive schools, Continuation, Carlson Hospital, Carlson Home
    • Manage Teacher Class Attendance: Comprehensive and Continuation, Carlson Home and Carlson Hospital Schools
    • Manage Attendance: Comprehensive schools
    • Update Attendance: Comprehensive and Continuation Schools
    • Uncleared Absence: Comprehensive and Continuation Schools
    • Attendance- At-A Glance: Comprehensive and Continuation Schools
    • Student Truancy Report
  • The following Reports have been enhanced to consider the new attendance taking codes of Distance Present: DP and Distance Absent: DA:
    • Attendance Referral: Comprehensive and Continuation Schools
    • Attendance Summary: Comprehensive and Continuation Schools
    • Attendance Totals by Date Range – Secondary
    • Classroom Attendance Totals by Date Range: Elementary, Secondary, and Continuation Schools
    • Mailed Truancy Letter
    • Master Absence: Comprehensive and Continuation Schools
    • SARB Report
    • Student Attendance Totals: Comprehensive Schools
    • Student Truancy Report (Admin menu)
      • Teacher Attendance Verification: Comprehensive and Continuation Schools
      • Teacher Discrepancy: Comprehensive and Continuation Schools
      • Uncleared Absences (Reports menu and In-line): Comprehensive and Continuation Schools

Athletic Eligibility

  • The Attendance Daily Check Report has been enhanced to consider the new attendance taking codes of Distance Present: DP and Distance Absent: DA.

English Learner

  • The Nightly Reclassification and Student Language Classification Processes (a process that identifies English Only “EO” students) have been enhanced to consider the new distance learning attendance codes of “DP” and “DA” (Distance Present and Distance Absent, respectively).


  • Due to updated Elementary Schools Grading Policy, the following enhancements were made to MiSiS:
    • The grade of ‘1’ has been added back for selection when entering grades for the Academic and ELD Subject areas.
    • The mark of ‘N/A’ has been removed, from the Science and History-Social Science Subject Areas.
    • The validation that prevents teachers from giving the mark of ‘N/A’ in all three Grading Periods to any content standard of the Visual and Performing Arts subject area has been added back.
  • The following two Elementary Schools Report Card comments have been enhanced:
    • In danger of not meeting proficiency. Recommended to attend summer enrichment and intervention programs.”
    • AG16: “Marks for this reporting period have been adjusted based on the modified 2–4 grading scale due to distance learning.”
    • They are to be modified as follows:
      • AG 15: “In danger of not meeting proficiency. Recommended to attend enrichment and intervention programs.”
      • AG 16: “Marks for this reporting period have been adjusted due to distance learning.”

Student Support

  • The SSPT Referral Report and Student Referral and Suspension screen have been enhanced to consider the new attendance taking codes of Distance Present: DP and Distance Absent: DA.

MiSiS Updates - September 16, 2020

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 9/16/2020

MiSiS Announcements: 

  • The Student Profile now displays Student Account information including Email Address and PIN. The information may be viewed by the following user roles: Office Manager, Principal, Scheduling Administrator, Counselor, Counselor Plus, Discipline Designee, and Special Education Support Provider School.

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS: 


  • ITI Forms screen (Admin > ITI Form Status) has been enhanced to include Parent Acknowledgement Device Opt-In and Connectivity Opt-In data from  School users, including Office Manager and Teacher, may enter submission of forms for ITI on the screen. 
  • The ITI Form Report has also been enhanced to include Parent Acknowledgement Device Opt-In and Connectivity Opt-In.  
  • The Enrollment, Parent/Guardian Info, and Contact Information screens have been enhanced to reduce the number of choices in the relationship type dropdown. 


  • The Counseling Planning Sheet and the Elementary Reorganization Reports have been enhanced to display a student’s ethnicity based on the student’s primary race.
  • The Sections Editor screen has been enhanced to default to the current date when creating a new section.

  Enrichment Program 

  • The Enrichment Program screen is now available for the District’s Enrichment Program administered by Local District and Central Office Staff. The Enrichment Admin user role is automatically assigned to Course Administrators and Designees.  For job aids go to


  • For students matriculating from Middle School to High School and who completed Enrichment Courses in the Summer, an update was made such that these courses will now count towards their High School Graduation Requirements.

  Graduation Standards                                                                                                         

  • The Graduation Progress Report has been corrected such that it now sorts correctly by school and student’s last name.
  • The CSU GPA calculation has been enhanced to include A-G courses completed through the end of the 12th

 Student Support 

  • The Student Referral screen has been corrected and will no longer display an error message when clicking on the edit icon. 
  • The Behavior Emergency screen has been enhanced to allow users to link to a previously submitted Intervention or Referral.
  • The Option School Referral Report Student Parameter has been enhanced to only display students with a referral.

 Student Testing 

  • The Summative ELPAC 2019-2020 scores are now available in MiSiS under the Student Profile > Academics > Test Scores screen.
  • The SBA ELA Exemption Report, SBA and PFT Class Rosters will no longer display the ethnicity column.
  • The SAT component “Writing and Language” (WL) will display in MiSiS under the Student Profile > Academics > Test Scores

Opening of the School Year 2020-2021

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 7/22/2020

The MiSiS Opening of School Year Checklist 2020-2021 has been posted here. Please review the document.

MiSiS Updates - July 22, 2020

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 7/22/2020

MiSiS Announcements: 

Summer School 

ELOS schools need to enter Participation Outcome for students on the Update Academic Intervention screen.  Refer to the Update Academic Intervention for ELOS job aid for directions. 

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Auto Withdrawal feature has been corrected. 
  • Parent updates to their emergency contact phone number will now be reflected in MiSiS. 
  • The Emergency Contact screen and the Non LAUSD Enrollment screens have been enhanced with improved Address Validation rules.


  • The Meeting Patterns screen has been enhanced to allow school-based authorized users to update future meeting patterns when attendance has been submitted.
  • Truancy Letters 1 and 2, with the same dates, have been removed from the Letters Attendance Notification
  • The SARB Screen search results have been corrected to sort the date column accurately and display the correct contact phone number. 

English Learner 

  • The EL Progress Profile report has been enhanced to display master plan program names in Spanish.  
  • The English Language Proficiency Assessment tab, found under Services >English Learner, has been corrected to accurately sort records.


  • The Options Schools Report Card Group Category parameter drop-down values have been corrected to ensure accurate spelling.

 Student Testing 

  • The SBAC test scores found under Academics > Test Scores have been corrected to accurately display performance levels for English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics.

MiSiS Updates - June 24, 2020

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 6/24/2020

MiSiS Announcements:

The MiSiS website

Due to the updates to the MiSiS landing page, users are advised to delete any previous MiSiS bookmarks and log on at After logging on, create a new bookmark.

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • Student alerts which display on the Student Profile and search results are now determined by a nightly process. Alerts for Health, Discipline, and Court Orders reflect data for the current date. All other alerts reflect data for the previous day.


  • The Repeating Courses report has been corrected to generate when data is available.

Athletic Eligibility

  • The Groups have been enhanced to include the Official Athletic Teams (OAT) for 2020-21 at all schools with grades 9-12.

English Learner

  • The English Learner screen has been enhanced to prevent schools from adding an Initial Language Classification and date for students.  The official Initial Language Classification and date will be updated when the Initial ELPAC records are available in MiSiS.
  • The Annual English Learner Letter has been enhanced to include the new graduation rate for EL’s.
  • The Alerts have been enhanced to include two new alerts to identify 2nd year and repeating kindergarten students.  The RK alert will identify repeating kindergarteners and the 2K alert will identify students in their 2nd year of an approved kinder program. Both alerts will be available in the Student Search screen.


  • The Secondary Schools and Options Schools Report Cards have been enhanced and now include a Group parameter which populates based on the Group Category selected.  The Group Categories are ‘All’ Groups, ‘Counselor’ Groups, ‘SLC’ Groups, ‘No Groups Assigned’, or ‘Other’.
  • The Grade of ‘F’ has been reinstated for Secondary School teachers to select when awarding grades.
  • The following 2 Secondary Schools Report Card comments have been removed from the list of available comments for selection.  They were displayed as comment #72 and #73, respectively:
    1. “In danger of not meeting proficiency.”
    2. “In danger of not meeting proficiency and will be enrolled in summer school or other learning recovery opportunity.”

Graduation Standards

  • The Graduation Progress Report has been corrected and will now display based on the user selection.

Student Testing

  • The California Spanish Assessment (CSA) has been added to the Test Scores screen and will display a score and a range value of 1-3 for students who have been assessed.
  • The Test Scores screen has been enhanced to display additional information for students tested with SBAC or CAA assessments.  The data may include additional details such as “not tested, parent exemption”, etc.


  • The High School Transcript Details screen has been enhanced to prevent the entry of future terms or future course completion dates for Transcript Records that are manually entered.

MiSiS Updates - May 29, 2020

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 5/29/2020

MiSiS Announcements: 

Student Photos 

Access to the LAUSD Photo Portal will end on 06/30/2020 for all photo vendors. 

Beginning July 1, Principals may begin granting access to next year’s photo vendor by changing the date to “06/30/2021”. 

  • If your school will be continuing your partnership with the current photo vendor, Principals may log in to the LAUSD Photo Portal and extend the date to “06/30/2021”. 
  • If your school will be seeking partnership with a new photo vendor, and the vendor already has access to the LAUSD Photo Portal, Principals may log in to the LAUSD Photo Portal to grant access to the new vendor and assign “06/30/2021” as an ending date. 
  • If the new vendor does not have access to the LAUSD Photo Portal, please have the vendor review the Student Photo Checklist for further instructions on how the vendor may apply for access.  

Please note that only the Principal may enter this date. 

For granting and authorizing vendor access to the Photo Portal, please refer to the Schools section of the Student Photos job aids on the MiSiS website.     

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS: 


  • The Office Manager user role may now revoke Option Area and Special Education placement transfer types.  
  • The Race/Ethnicity dropdown on the Enrollment Screen now includes additional values per the AANHPI AMEMSA Board Resolution.  The LAUSD Enrollment Form will be updated in the Fall to allow schools to collect the additional values at the time of enrollment.  


  • The Walk-In screen has been enhanced to load sections in a timely manner. 


  • The V attendance absence reason codes, used for students who attend a District approved Saturday school program, have been enhanced to be counted as absent. 

English Learner 

  • The English Learner Rosters have been enhanced to display students’ ethnicities. 

Graduation Standards 

  • The ‘Eligible for Graduation' Indicator has been corrected and will now display ‘Yes’ for students who have completed the CDE Requirements and have opted for LAUSD Graduation Exemptions. 
  • The Middle School IGP Report has been made available to the ‘Whole Child’ System. 


  • A new screen and report have been developed for HR Credentialing Office to help correct mis-assignments. 
  • The ESSA Parent Notification Letter has been updated to display the course and credential information in a more organized manner. 

Special Education Placement Portal 

  • The Excel download of search results now includes additional columns.  

Summer School 

  • The Summer School Section Editor screen now displays 4 periods.  


  • The Middle School Transcript Report has been made available to the ‘Whole Child’ System.

MiSiS Updates - May 20, 2020

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 5/20/2020


While the transition to distance learning occurs, the District has updated its grading policy.  In order to protect its students, the District is requiring teachers to use a modified 2-4 grading scale for their Spring grades for all elementary school students.  As such, the following updates have been made to MiSiS: 

  • The grade of ‘1’ has been removed and will not be available for selection when entering grades for the Academic and ELD Subject areas. 
  • The mark of ‘N/A’ has been made available as an option for every content standard in the Academic Subject areas, except English Language Arts. 
  • The validation, which prevents teachers from reporting the mark of ‘N/A’ in all three Grading Periods to any content standard of the Visual and Performing Arts subject area, has been removed.  Teachers now have the option to select ‘N/A’ in Grading Period 3, even if an ‘N/A’ was reported in Grading Period 1 and 2 to any particular content standard in the Visual and Performing Arts subject area.

MiSiS Updates - April 29, 2020

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 4/29/2020

MiSiS Announcements:

Teacher Access during District Shutdown - Reminder

As communicated by the Superintendent, effective Monday, March 16, all schools will be closed through Friday, June 12 due to the Coronavirus. MiSiS has been updated to prevent teachers at comprehensive K-12 sites from submitting attendance during this time. If teachers attempt to submit attendance, an error message will appear asking users to contact the Help Desk. Please do not contact the Help Desk. This is the intended behavior.

During this shutdown period, teachers at City of Angels, Carlson Home, and Continuation schools have not been disabled but are asked not to submit attendance.

Office staff at all school sites will continue to have access to attendance in order to reconcile records and update related enrollment information. Office staff should not submit attendance for dates during the shutdown period.

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Initial Notifications of Truancy Letter, which is mailed centrally to parents of truancy qualifying students, has been cancelled for the remainder of the school year.
  • The reports and screens listed below have been enhanced to display absence reason code, School Bus (SB), as a full-day present, if a student is marked absent with reason code (SB) in one period or more, but was marked present, tardy, or left early in the remainder of their scheduled periods.  If a student is marked absent with reason code (SB), that day will be counted as a full- day excused absence:
    • Attendance Referral 
    • Attendance Referral Continuation Report
    • Attendance Summary
    • Attendance Summary Continuation
    • Attendance Summary Summer School Report
    • Initial Truancy Letter
    • Attendance At-A-Glance
    • Attendance At-A-Glance Continuation
  • The Alerts screen, located on the student profile, has been enhanced to include SARB records.
  • The Teacher Carlson Home Screen has been corrected to display students’ photos for any past week during the school year.


  • Due to the updated District Policy on grading, the grade of ‘F’ has been removed and will not be available for selection when entering grades for Secondary Schools, starting with the 15-week grade entry window.
  • The Secondary Schools Report Card has been enhanced to include two new comments for selection, starting with the 15-week grade entry window: “In danger of not meeting proficiency” and “In danger of not meeting proficiency and will be enrolled in summer school or other learning recovery opportunity”

Manage Groups

  • The Manage Groups report has been enhanced to allow users to print it from the Manage Groups screen.

Student Support

  • The Summer School Counselor Role has been enhanced to allow users to enter Discipline Referrals for Categories 1 and 2.

Student Testing

  • The Test Scores screen has been enhanced to include the CAST (California Science Test) assessment.
  • The PFT Class Roster has been corrected to now display all students associated to the logged in teacher.

Summer School

  • A new report, Summer School Emergency Roster, is available for the summer term.  The report lists all scheduled students with parent and emergency contact information.
  • The Summer School Attendance Summary report has been enhanced to include date parameters. This will allow schools to determine which students are absent on a specific day.

Scheduling Open House (MSX999) - Online Option

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 4/20/2020

In response to the district shutdown due to the coronavirus, all onsite Scheduling Open House (MSX999) sessions previously scheduled in MyPLN have been cancelled until further notice.

Secondary and Options School Scheduling Administrators are urged to contact the ITD Helpdesk, who will be offering individual chat sessions through BOMGAR for Master Scheduling support.  The chat sessions will be routed to a MiSiS Trainer.  MiSiS Trainers are available to provide assistance every Tuesday through Friday, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, and will be able to connect remotely to your computer through BOMGAR.

Click here to reach the ITD Helpdesk, then click on the Chat Now icon or Chat with an Agent link.

MiSiS Updates - March 4, 2020

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 3/4/2020

MiSiS Announcements:

LAUSD Student Photo Portal

As a reminder, only the Principal and/or Assistant Principals may assign a new or extend access to an existing Photo Vendor for the school in the LAUSD Photo Portal. Providing access to the photo vendor allows the vendor representative to upload student photos for use in MiSiS. If the photo vendor does not have access to the Photo Portal for the school, the photo vendor will still be able to send the photos to the school site for a school staff member to upload, as a designee.

For information on providing photo vendor and/or school staff designee access to the Photo Portal, please refer to the Granting Access to Photo Vendors and Designee job aid on the MiSiS website.

Class Attendance 2.0 Screens are now available for all K-12 comprehensive teachers

This excludes continuation, Carlson, City of Angels schools. The Enter Attendance as a Teacher Using the New Class Attendance 2.0 Screens job aid is available under the Attendance job aids section.

It is recommended that users:

  1. Clear their browser cache before logging into MiSiS and using the new attendance screens. For instructions on how to clear your browser cache, please see the FAQ posted under Using MiSiS.
  2. Update the bookmark of roster screen to the new attendance screens. For instructions on how to create or remove a bookmark, please see the FAQ posted under Using MiSiS.

For user issues, please contact the ITD HelpDesk at (213)241-5200, from 7:30 am to 4:45 pm, Mon-Fri (press 5 and then 2 for MiSiS), or submit a ticket online at and select Request Software Application Technical Support. Please provide screen name (List, Seating Chart), steps to reproduce, and screenshots.

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • Special characters have been removed from student, parent, and emergency contact names.
  • Email addresses entered on the Other Family Member screen must be in correct format.
  • Parent/Guardian screen now includes fields for Legal Name and Preferred Name.


  • The “R” for “Retained” alert has been removed from the Walk-In, Sections Editor, Course Request and Mass Request Editor screens.


  • The Class Attendance 2.0 K-12 comprehensive teacher attendance screens have been enhanced to remove alerts for At Risk (AR), Eligible for Title I (T) and Retained in Prior Year (R), as these alerts are no longer valid.
  • The Master Absence Report has been corrected to only display teachers, within the selected school, in the Teacher dropdown menu.
  • The Attendance Not Submitted Report has been corrected to display the executed by person’s name accurately on the report footer.
  • The Truancy Letter 2 Report, accessed through the Admin Student Truancy Report screen, has been corrected to accurately display the correct truancy qualifying dates.

Athletic Eligibility

  • The Athletics Screen has been enhanced to add waiver Rule 203 Age Requirement in the waiver dropdown menu.
  • The Athletics Screen has been corrected to accurately display the age rules.


  • Comprehensive Academic Assessment fields have been removed from the Out of Home Care screen. Information is documented on the Counseling Communication screen.

English Learner

  • The reference to ELPAC and CELDT has been removed from the “English Language Proficiency Assessment” section of the Reclassification Letter.
  • A “Campus” parameter for the English Learner Student Schedule Summary report has been enhanced such that all students’ schedules within the campus display on the report.
  • The ELPAC Label has been enhanced to display a student’s grade level tested.


  • Manage SAS screen has been fixed.

Graduation Standards

  • An update has been applied to the Graduation Standards logic such that the LOTE and Algebra Waiver courses will no longer display as meeting the UC and CSU admission requirements.
  • The title of the Graduation Exemption Letter report has been corrected in the reports menu. The report was previously incorrectly displayed as ‘Graduation Notification Exemption Letter’.

Linked Learning

  • In progress courses now display on the Linked Learning/CTE screen.

Summer School

  • Schools are now able to start adding school enrollments and course requests on the Summer School screen.

MiSiS Updates - February 5, 2020

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 2/5/2020

MiSiS Announcements:

Beginning on March 3, 2020, all K-12 comprehensive teachers will be using the new Attendance Taking Screens to submit attendance. (This excludes Continuation, Carlson, and City of Angels schools.)  We strongly encourage users to review the Enter Attendance as a Teacher Using the New Class Attendance 2.0 Screens job aid, located on the Attendance job aids section, prior to the screens’ deployment.

It is recommended that users:

  1. Clear their browser cache before logging into MiSiS and using the new attendance screens.  For instructions on how to clear your browser cache, please see the FAQ posted under Using MiSiS.  
  2. Update the bookmark of roster screen to the new attendance screens.  For instructions on how to create or remove a bookmark, please see the FAQ posted under Using MiSiS.

For user issues, please contact the ITD HelpDesk at (213)241-5200, from 7:30 am to 4:45 pm, Mon-Fri (press 5 and then 2 for MiSiS), or submit a ticket online at and select Request Software Application Technical Support.  Please provide screen name (List, Seating Chart), steps to reproduce, and screenshots.

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The school-based PSA role may now access the Student Schedule Summary report found in Master Scheduling > Post-Commit reports.

Athletic Eligibility

  • The Athletic screen has been corrected to display the correct 50% rule eligibility.


  • On the Homeless screen, users may enter Identifying School field for students.

English Learner

  • The “Years Not Meeting Prof Criterion” column has been removed from all English Learner Rosters. 
  • The Spanish World Language Immersion Master Plan Program is now available for selection at all middle schools.
  • The Mandarin World Language Immersion Master Plan Program is now available for selection at all high schools.


  • The CA Content Standards grades for TK students can now be entered at any Dual Language Program school.  The CA Content Standards are no longer restricted to schools with 70/30 program models.
  • The Mathematics Content Standards for 6th grade students at Dual Language Schools are now displaying correct.
  • The Assigned Counselor Report will now correctly list the Counselors and their assigned students.
  • The Elementary Schools CA Content Standards Report Card now displays the attendance counts correctly.
  • An Auto-Save feature has been added to Elementary schools ‘Grades by Class’ and ‘Grades by Student’ screens.  The grades are auto-saved every 10 minutes by default but can be configured by the teachers to save every 5, 10 15, 20, 25, or 30 minutes, as desired.

Graduation Standards

  • The Graduation Standards Summary Screen has been updated to include a Graduation Exemptions link that allows schools to designate students in specialized populations, such as Foster and Homeless, as graduation exemptions eligible.
  • The Specialized Population Graduation Exemption Letter Report has been modified as follows:
    1. The report has been renamed to ‘Graduation Exemption Letter’.
    2. The report has moved from the ‘Census’ Report Menu to the ‘Graduation Standards’ Report Menu.
    3. The ‘Potentially Eligible’ and ‘Mark as Criteria Not Met’ Options were removed.
    4. The letter templates were updated to include all Specialized Populations. 
  • For the Class of 2020 and beyond, ELD courses can now be substituted for 12th Grade level English courses that have been attempted and failed.

Student Support

  • The Referral screen, located under the Support profile tab, has been enhanced to allow users to select a Discipline Referral Reason category without having to select a subcategory.  
  • The Social Adjustment Report has been enhanced to display Graduation Exemption information.

Student Testing

  • The SBA Label/Roster have been renamed as State Testing Label/State Testing Roster and will include the ELPAC Initial and Summative tests.

MiSiS Updates - January 15, 2020

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 1/15/2020

MiSiS Announcements:


Schoology’s Audio/Video recorder was previously an Adobe Flash plug-in application.  Schoology has now upgraded its audio/video player to a new format.  With this new update, users will experience a new look to the interface, and will no longer receive the prompt to download or enable Flash when using the recorder.  The changes to the interface can be found in the linked document below:

Audio/Video Recorder Updates

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • AR (At Risk), T (Title I) and R (Retained) alerts have been removed from the Student Profile.
  • On the Enrollment screen, users may no longer edit a student’s entry date to a date after a student referral date or end suspension date.
  • The Parent/Guardian Info screen now includes fields to enter parents Legal Name and Preferred Name. The Preferred Name only needs to be entered if different from Legal Name.  The Preferred Name field was added to comply with the LAUSD Enrollment Form.  Legal Name will continue to display on reports which include Parent/Guardian name.  Also, the tab function has been improved on the Parent/Guardian Info screen.


  • The following reports will no longer contain the Specialized Populations column:
    • Manage Groups
    • Student Request Status
    • Class Enrollment (student detail)
    • Potential Promotion & Demotion
    • Placement of Special Ed for Students
  • The Walk-In screen will no longer contain the quick link for Specialized Populations.
  • Primary Centers with kindergarten students may now create itinerant sections in the Itinerant Course Assignment screen.


  • The screens below have been enhanced to remove the At Risk (AR), Eligible for Title I (T) and Retained in Prior Year (R) alerts, which are no longer used:
    • Comprehensive school Teacher Roster, Student Tiles, and Seating Chart
    • Carlson Home & Hospital Student Roster Weekly
    • Carlson Home Manage Teacher/ Class Attendance
    • Continuation Teacher Roster
  • Truancy Letters #2 and #3 have been corrected to display the apartment number.
  • The Uncleared Absences Report-Continuation has been corrected to only display students currently enrolled in the “Students dropdown when the “Include Students Not Currently Enrolled” parameter is set to “No”.
  • The Attendance Tab, located under the Advanced Search screen, has been corrected to allow users to select a two-week date range when selecting an attendance status from the “Attendance” dropdown menu.

Athletic Eligibility

  • The Certificate of Athletic Eligibility report has been corrected to select the most recent mid-term/final term grading period end date, + 5 days, as of the user selected GPA Eligibility Date.
  • At the beginning of the school year, the GPA will no longer be waived for non-initial 9th grade student.


  • The Homeless screen now includes fields for Program Assistance. Data may be entered by users with the Pupil Services Homeless user role and may viewed by all users with Homeless screen access.

English Learner

  • The Annual English Learner Letter has been enhanced to display the Master Plan Program names in Korean, Spanish, Armenian, and Mandarin, based on a student’s home correspondence language.


  • Teachers may now access the GATE Teacher Checklist from the Notification icon.

Graduation Standards

  • An update has been made to the Graduation Standards logic such that for students in the class of 2021 and 2022 who took Algebra 1 during grades 7 or 8 will receive 10 high school mathematics credits if they earned a “D” or better in both semesters.


  • Corrections were made to the ESSA Parent Notification Letter Report to prevent the display of duplicate credential information.

Student Support

  • The Referral Email Settings screen has been corrected to no longer send emails to users who are no longer designated to receive them.

Summer School

  • The Summer School Report Card was corrected to display the apartment number.


  • Partial credit entries on the Transcripts Details screen can now be entered with values between 0.1 and 0.9.
  • An update has been made to the Transcript Report logic such that for students in the class of 2021 and 2022 who took Algebra 1 during grades 7 or 8 will receive 10 high school mathematics credits if they earned a “D” or better in both semesters.


MiSiS Updates - December 11,2019

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 12/11/2019

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS: 


  • The Parent/Guardian section of the Enrollment screen will now require the student have at least one primary guardian. 
  • The Parent/Guardian screen now requires the email address be in the correct format.  
  • The Parent/Guardian screen now includes a Comment Please note that any information entered in this field becomes part of the student record. 


  • The Class Enrollment report has been fixed to generate in a timely manner. 
  • The Walk-In and Sections Editor screens have been enhanced to prevent changing of student schedules two years prior from the current date.
  • The Itinerant Course Assignments screen has been fixed to allow elementary schools to add itinerant teachers.


  • The Principal and Pupil Services Homeless user roles may now edit homeless student records. 
  • Schools may now enter the bus pick up and drop off address when requesting transportation for a student. 
  • The Primary Night-time Residence address column has been removed from the Homeless Student Roster. 


  • The High School Cumulative Grades Label Report has been updated such that repeated and equivalent courses will not be awarded credit.

Graduation Standards 

  • The CSU Application Worksheet has been updated and will now display all applicable courses including courses that have the same title.

Student Support

  • The Support Referral screen has been updated to allow teachers to enter a new referral without having to expand the window. 
  • The Student Referral, Student Suspension, and Counseling Communication reports have been updated to display the campus for the previous school year regardless of whether the user had access to that campus or not.

MiSiS Updates - November 6, 2019

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 11/6/2019

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • Invalid parent email addresses were removed from MiSiS, which included incorrect format and incomplete email addresses.
  • Legal sex field on the Enrollment screen now includes Intersex.
  • A new duplicate student message will display on the Enrollment screen when a user attempts to enroll a student with the same name, birthdate, and parent. Schools need to carefully review the student data before saving the enrollment.


  • The Attendance Alert hover over message has been corrected to, “All absence excuses must be verified through the administrator or attendance designee.”
  • The Manage Teacher/Class Attendance screen, located under the Admin menu, has been corrected to no longer display an error message when users select to sort by last name.

Athletic Eligibility

  • The Athletics screen, located under the student profile Miscellaneous tab, has been enhanced to include “Opioids” and “Bullying and Hazing” has been removed under the District Required Documents. For this school year, if “Bullying and Hazing” had previously been completed, and a date was entered, that date has been transferred to “Opioids”.
    • The Certificate of Athletic Eligibility, Athletic Eligibility List, and Ineligible Parent Letter reports have also been enhanced with this change.
  • The Athletic screen and Certificate of Athletic Eligibility, Athletic Eligibility List, and Ineligible Parent Letter reports have been enhanced for Varsity Football students to be eligible if the student’s age is equal to or greater than 14 as of August 15 and less than or equal to 19 as of June 15 of the school year based on the user selected Eligibility Date.
  • The Athletic Waivers and Comments, located on the Athletics screen, has been enhanced to no longer include waiver Rule 203 Age Requirement.
  • The Athletic screen, located under the student profile Miscellaneous tab, now displays the GPA for magnet students.

English Learner

  • The Reclassification Letter will now print for students reclassified via the IEP process.

Student Support

  • The Student Support Summary Report, located under the Reports menu, has been enhanced to include SHHS services.

Student Testing

  • The PFT Class Roster has been enhanced to display the columns in the order as they appear in the PFT Mass Entry screen.


  • For 8th grade students taking Enrichment Courses during the Summer before their 9th Grade, the grade level associated to the courses has been updated from 8th grade to 9th grade.

MiSiS Updates - October 9, 2019

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 10/9/2019

MiSiS Announcements:

Student Photos

Principals and Assistant Principals, Please grant your photo vendor access to the LAUSD Photo Portal so that student photos may be uploaded after picture day.  The LAUSD Photo Portal houses student photos that display in MiSiS, as well as other District systems.  Please refer to the job aid, Granting Access to Photo Vendors and Assigning Designee (, for guidance.

MiSiS Access Request Forms

The fax number listed on the bottom of the MiSiS Access Request form is no longer in service.  Users who need to submit the form to MiSiS access (such as users with transitioning administrators or Local District/Central Office staff) may now submit the access request form as an attachment to a Remedy ticket for MiSiS.  For assistance with creating a ticket in Remedy, please contact the IT Helpdesk at (213) 241-5200, option 5.

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • The Student Transfer Form and Permit List Reports have been corrected.
  • In order to reduce the number of duplicate students enrolled, users will receive a new message when attempting to enroll a student with the same name, birthdate, gender, and at least one parent guardian who is the same as an existing student in MiSiS. Schools should review the information carefully to ensure a duplicate student is not being enrolled.


  • In order to support the District’s need to report itinerant teachers to the California Department of Education (CDE-CALPADS), a new screen, Itinerant Course Assignment Screen, is available to assist elementary schools with creating courses for itinerant teachers and scheduling students. The job aid may be accessed via the MiSiS website:
  • The Walk-In and Sections Editor screens have been enhanced to prevent the system from creating elementary subject sections which are no longer required for mark reporting.
  • Secondary schools may now add the One-Way Dual Language Master Plan Program Section Attribute under Sections Editor > Add Section Attribute > Master Plan Program screen.
  • When creating a Period X at continuation schools, the Section Attributes screen has been enhanced to automatically populate the IS (Continuation) and Exclude Grades attributes.
  • The Sections Editor screen has been fixed to allow schools to end sections.


  • The Uncleared Absences Report for comprehensive and continuation schools, located under the Reports menu, has been corrected to display all students who have uncleared absences and now displays the 4-digit extension Zip Code.
  • The Manage Attendance and Update Attendance screens at span schools have been corrected to display secondary absence, tardy, and left early reason code for secondary grade levels.
  • The Manage Attendance and Update Attendance screens have been corrected to only display absent reason codes that are equal to absent for future dates.
  • The Manage Attendance screen has been corrected to display the student’s attendance record, highlighted in green, when a student has been issued a suspension.
  • The Manage Attendance screen has been enhanced to display a message when elementary and secondary students are selected and the “Set for selected students” parameters is selected.

English Learner

  • Secondary schools may now add the One-Way Dual Language Master Plan Program for students under Services > English Learner > Master Plan Instructional Program Information


  • The Secondary Schools Report Card – Mailer and Non-Mailer has been enhanced to correctly display the student names in the Student(s) parameter dropdown in alpha order, by last name.

Graduation Standards

  • The Total Credits displayed on the Graduation Standards Summary Screen and the Total Credits displayed on the Excel output, which is generated when the Credits hyperlink is clicked, are now matching.


  • Per California State Law, Proof of Immunity (Varicella) may no longer be selected as exemption for Varicella immunization.


  • The Assignment Monitoring Report has been enhanced to include misassignments for courses with Unfilled Positions.

State Reports

  • The Secondary Classification and Secondary Statistical reports have been corrected to display the “Cost Center Code”, “School Phone Number”, and “Run Date and Time” labels on the Exception portion of the report.

Student Support

  • A new screen and inline reports have been created for Behavior Emergencies. This screen is only applicable for student with disabilities.
  • The Referral Email Settings screen has been enhanced to allow the school user to assign staff to receive automatic emails when a Behavioral Emergency record is submitted for LAUSD Schools.
  • The SSPT Referral Log report, located under the Reports menu, has been enhanced to display the actual dates for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd follow-up meeting dates.
  • The screens and report below have been enhanced to limit teacher access to the current and previous school years:
    • Referral Summary Screen
    • Intervention Summary Screen
    • Student Profile D “Discipline Incident E.C. 49079” alert
    • Social Adjustment reports- in-line and Reports menu
  • The Social Adjustment report has been corrected to display the correct Suspension Effective date.
  • The Counseling Communications, Intervention, and Referral screens have been enhanced to update the Counseling Purposes, Intervention, and Referral Counseling Referral Reasons, as follows:
    • All related AB 1617/216 and AB 1806 items were removed
    • Poor health habits/hygiene was replaced with Health habits/personal care
    • Domestic problems was replaced with Trauma/violence exposure
    • A new category of Add Graduation Exemption was added with the subcategories below:
      • CDE Option
      • CDE Option- Other District/LEA
      • 5th Year Option
      • 5th Year Option – Other District/LEA
      • Does Not Qualify
      • Does Not Qualify– Other District/LEA
      • Declined by ERH/Youth
      • Declined by ERH/Youth– Other District/LEA
    • A new category of Risk Assessment Conducted was added with the subcategories below:
      • Suicidal Behavior
      • Threat
      • Self-Injury
    • When the above reasons for Risk Assessment are selected all other reasons and comments will be disabled or deselected and the message, "Comments are not permitted for this intervention type. A RARD must be completed in iSTAR.” will display.
  • The Referral Screen has been enhanced to display the message, “Contact Student Discipline and Expulsion Support regarding Mandatory Recommendation for Expulsion.”

MiSiS Updates - September 11, 2019

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 9/11/2019

MiSiS Announcements: 

Procedures for Student Photos 

As schools are starting to hold their Picture Day, Principals are encouraged to visit the LAUSD Photo Portal ( to manage their student photos.  Student photos that are uploaded to the LAUSD Photo Portal by the school or authorized photo vendor will appear in MiSiS within 24-48 hours.  Several job aids are available, as well as a checklist, to help schools manage their photos.  Please visit to view the checklist and student photo job aids. 

Manage Grades by Class 

Beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, the ability to enter and edit report card grades/marks in MiSiS will no longer be available to secondary teachers on comprehensive campuses. Secondary teachers must enter progress, midterm, and final report card grades and comment codes using the ‘MiSiS Grade Passback’ app within Schoology. This change only affects grade entry for teachers at comprehensive secondary campuses. Teachers at Options and Continuation schools will still be able to enter grades directly within MiSiS using the ‘Manage Grades by Class’ screen.  

Office Staff at all school types will still be able to enter grades directly within MiSiS using the ‘Manage Grades by Class’ screen. 

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS: 


  • The Student Exclusion Screen has been enhanced to match with the new Information Release Form. 
  • The Enrollment History Screen has been corrected to save the modified date and time when changes in grade level are made. 


  • The Elementary Reorganization Report has been enhanced to include DIBELS 8 test results. 


  • The Initial Notification of Truancy Letters have been enhanced with a new template.  
  • The Five Column Roster Report has been enhanced to provide access to the Health Office User role. 
  • The Attendance Referral Report has been corrected to display the teacher the student was enrolled with when a previous year is selected. 

English Learner 

  • The following reports have been enhanced to include DIBELS 8 test results: English Learner Rosters, Annual English Learner Letter, EL Progress Profile, Individual Reclassification Plan, Reclassification Letter, RFEP Monitoring Roster and Letter. 
  • The process that identifies Newcomers has been enhanced to consider students born outside of the United States, excluding Puerto Rico. 


  • Non-equivalent courses are no longer hidden. The courses will now display on the student’s Grades by Class and the Grades by Student screen as well as print out on the Secondary Schools Report Card. 

Graduation Standards 

  • The Student Profile screen has been corrected such that only students in grades 9 - 12 will display a Graduation Requirements Year.  

Student Photos 

  • If a photo vendor has multiple accounts for each agent, the search results will now display the multiple photo vendor accounts when searching for vendor in order to grant access to the school site. 

Student Support 

  • The Referral Response Form Report link, located in the referral screen, has been corrected to display when counseling referral reasons are selected.  
  • The Suspension Screen has been corrected to no longer allows users to enter more than 10 suspensions, in a school year, for special education student. 
  • The Pupil Suspension Letter Report has been corrected to display the correct grade level. 
  • The Intervention and Referral Screens have been enhanced to display updated referral reasons.   

Student Testing 

  • When entering an Overall score of 0 for VCCALPS via the Test Score screen, the performance level “Emerging” will automatically populate.  
  • The Test Score screen has been enhanced to display new condition codes and performance levels for ELPAC, and the “Alternate Assessment Description” column has been renamed as “Exemption Conditions.” 
  • The calendar icon on the PFT Mass Entry screen has been fixed to allow the entering of a test date. 


  • Non-equivalent courses are no longer hidden. The courses will now display on the student’s Transcript Details screen and on the Transcript Report.

Opening of the School Year 2019-2020

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 8/12/2019

The MiSiS Opening of School Year Checklist 2019-2020 has been posted here. Please review the document.

MiSiS Access Clean-Up

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 8/12/2019

MiSiS Access Clean-up

All Users:

School-based users who have changed schools and still have access to their previous location can delete their old access roles using the OneAccess website ( There is no need to call the ITD HelpDesk, create a service ticket, or call the previous administrator.

To delete access from previous locations, log on to OneAccess and look for your old access requests under My Requests (see below). Click on the trashcan icon for each school you want to delete. To avoid accidentally logging into the old location, and to protect you and the security of the previous school’s data, delete any MiSiS roles you have at the previous location(s) . If you accidentally delete your current role, simply request access and your current principal can approve the new request.

MiSiS Updates - July 10, 2019

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 7/10/2019

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • Special Education students with scheduled transportation may no longer be processed as a No Show. This change was made to ensure transportation is not interrupted for Special Education students.
  • Open Enrollment Permit will be selectable on the Enrollment screen only until Norm Day.
  • Permit Report will include all active permits for students.
  • Grade Level Change screen will validate student age for grade changes for students in K, TK, and TE.
  • Specialized Population (SP) Alert on the Student Profile will display for TE students.
  • Puerto Rico has been removed from the Birth State dropdown on the Student Enrollment
  • Withdrawal screen will allow users to enter L7 withdrawal code and reason combinations.


  • The Manage Teacher/Class Attendance screen now highlights the row in green with a question mark on the left side when a student has been suspended for the selected Date of Attendance.

English Learner

  • School personnel may print Reclassification Letters/Labels when students are reclassified centrally via the SSPT or IEP process.
  • The RFEP Monitoring Letter and Roster have been enhanced to display a student’s number of years reclassified.
  • The Student Search screen has been enhanced to include new Master Plan Programs and a new EL Typology dropdown to allow schools to search for Newcomers, PLTEL, and LTEL students.
  • A new Counseling Communication of “IRP” has been added to allow schools to document Individual Reclassification Plan parent/guardian meetings.  The communication may be entered via the Student Search (multiple students) or the Student Profile (single student) screens. 


  • GATE Notification Letter report will generate with an updated template.


  • A correction has been made to the ELA and LOTE GPAs hyperlinks, that are located on the Graduation Standards Summary Screen, such that the Excel data file that pops up, will now correctly display the course details used for the GPA calculations.

Graduation Standards

  • The following updates were made to the Graduation Standards logic:
    • Students in the Class of 2021 and 2022 who completed the Algebra 1 course in Middle School with a grade of ‘D’ or better, while in grades 7th or 8th, will receive 10 numerical credits towards HS Graduation Requirements.
    • For students in the class of 2021 and beyond, Literacy and Language and Advanced English Language Development (ELD) courses may substitute for the twelfth grade English subject requirement, after the appropriate district-approved English course have been attempted and failed.
  • The ‘Last IGP Date’ link, which is located on the Graduation Standards Summary Screen, now correctly hyperlinks to the Counselor Communication Screen.
  • The CEEP/ATP field, located on the Graduation Standards Summary Screen, now correctly displays the school’s College Code.


  • School users may now edit the end date on the Homeless The end date must be within the school calendar dates.

Student Support

  • The Suspension screen has been enhanced to be disabled after an appeal has been entered.
  • The Social Adjustment Report has been enhanced to display all comments/follow up entries.
  • The Referral and Intervention screens have been enhanced to remove access to enter Category II discipline referral reasons for all user roles except for Principal and Discipline Designee roles.
  • The Participant tab, located under the referral screen, has been corrected to enable editing of Referral Reasons.
  • The SSPT Referral Log report has been corrected to list the same referral on one line.

Summer School

  • Edit and Delete option has been removed for prior year records on the Summer School Enrollment screen. (Enrollment > Summer School)


  • The High School Transcripts Report will now display any credits earned for students in the Class of 2021 and 2022 who completed the Algebra 1 course in Middle School with a grade of ‘D’ or better, while in grades 7th or 8th.

MiSiS Updates - June 12, 2019

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 6/12/2019

MiSiS Announcements:

Address Standardization Now in MiSiS

Beginning today, addresses entered on the Enrollment, Parent/Guardian, Emergency Contact, and Other Family Member screens in MiSiS will be standardized automatically to comply with United States Postal Services (USPS) requirements. After the address is submitted by the user, the screen will display an Address Validation status. There are five possible statuses:

  • Valid Address – Entered address is a valid per USPS.
  • Invalid Address – Entered address in not valid per USPS.
  • School Verified Address – Entered address is not valid per USPS but the school has verified the address based on school attendance boundaries or official documentation (Driver’s License, utility bill, etc.).
  • MiSiS Verified Address – Entered address is not valid per USPS but MiSiS has verified the address based on information in MiSiS. This status only applies to Student Residence Address but may display as an Address Validation status Same as Student checkbox is selected when the parent/guardian, contact, or other family member address.
  • Unverified Address – This status displays when MiSiS was not able to make a connection with the address standardization tool. Schools do not need to take any action. MiSiS will automatically validate the address when the address standardization tool is available.

Until June 25, all previously entered addresses in MiSiS will have an Unverified Address status. On June 25, MiSiS will automatically standardize all previously entered addresses in MiSiS. Schools do not need to take any action.

Clearing the cache (browser history) should resolve most issues with the new address fields in MiSiS. Users can review the directions below for the different internet browsers.

  • Firefox – Go to History, then select Clear Recent History.
  • Safari – Go to History, then select Clear History and Website Data.
  • Chrome – Go to chrome://history/, then click on the Clear browsing data button.
  • Internet Explorer – Go to Tools, then select Internet Options. From the General tab, under Browsing History, click Delete.

Refer to the Enter or Edit Student Address in MiSiS job aid for complete directions.

The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS:


  • Addresses entered or edited on the Enrollment, Parent/Guardian, Emergency Contact, and Other Family Member screens will be automatically standardized to meet USPS requirements. After the address is submitted, an address validation status will display. For more information, refer to the Enter or Edit Student Address in MiSiS job aid.
  • Affiliated Charter Schools will now display in the Future School drop down on the Withdrawal Screen.
  • Schools may now enter up to two Primary Parents for a student on the Parent/Guardian screen.
  • Address fields have been added to the Other Family Member screen.


  • The Attendance At-A-Glance screen has been corrected to only display attendance information from the logged in user campus.
  • The Update Attendance screen has been corrected to all classes a student is enrolled in within the campus.

English Learner

  • The Alternate English Proficiency Assessment tab found in the English Learner screen has been enhanced to display VCCALPS test scores.
  • Due to changes in the Reclassification Process, the Reclassification Letter, EL Progress Profile, Individual Reclassification Plan, The Ready to Reclassify Roster, and the Reclassification Label have been enhanced to display new criteria for reclassification..


  • Secondary Schools Report Card-Mailer and Non-Mailer will now filter students correctly when Learning Community Groups are selected.
  • The LAUSD Official GPA logic will now count the credit for each repeatable course – courses that can count for credit more than once.


  • Users may now enter Immunization dates in the MMDDYYYY format on the Immunization screen. (Misc >Immunizations).

State Reports

  • The Secondary Classification Report has been enhanced to include the Exception Report.
  • The Continuation Classification Report has been enhanced to include the Exception Report.

Student Support

  • The Support Referral screens has been enhanced to be available during summer school. This screen has also been enhanced to allow users to enter referrals when there is a gap in school enrollment at the same school.
  • The SSPT screens has been enhanced to be available during summer school.
  • The Suspension screen has been corrected to accurately calculate the number of Initial number of suspensions day.
  • The SSPT Referral Form has been corrected to only display the selected referral’s referral reasons..

Student Testing

  • The ELPAC Tracker screen has been corrected to exclude students in grade PK.


  • The High School Transcript Report has been enhanced to display the specific Graduation reason descriptions. These are: “Date of Diploma”, “Certificate of Completion Date”, “CHSPE”, and “GED”.

Address Standardization Now in MiSiS - June 12, 2019

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 6/12/2019

Beginning today, addresses entered on the Enrollment, Parent/Guardian, Emergency Contact, and Other Family Member screens in MiSiS will be standardized automatically to comply with United States Postal Services (USPS) requirements. Before entering or editing an address in MiSiS, users will need to clear the browser cache. After the address is submitted by the user, the screen will display an Address Validation status. There are five possible statuses:

  • Valid Address – Entered address is a valid per USPS.
  • Invalid Address – Entered address in not valid per USPS.
  • School Verified Address – Entered address is not valid per USPS but the school has verified the address based on school attendance boundaries or official documentation (Driver’s License, utility bill, etc.).
  • MiSiS Verified Address – Entered address is not valid per USPS but MiSiS has verified the address based on information in MiSiS. This status only applies to Student Residence Address but may display as an Address Validation status Same as Student checkbox is selected when the parent/guardian, contact, or other family member address.
  • Unverified Address – This status displays when MiSiS was not able to make a connection with the address standardization tool. Schools do not need to take any action. MiSiS will automatically validate the address when the address standardization tool is available.

Until June 25, all previously entered addresses in MiSiS will have an Unverified Address status. On June 25, MiSiS will automatically standardize all previously entered addresses in MiSiS. Schools do not need to take any action.

Clearing the cache (browser history) should resolve most issues with the new address fields in MiSiS. Users can review the directions below for the different internet browsers.

  • Firefox – Go to History, then select Clear Recent History.
  • Safari – Go to History, then select Clear History and Website Data.
  • Chrome – Go to chrome://history/, then click on the Clear browsing data button.
  • Internet Explorer – Go to Tools, then select Internet Options. From the General tab, under Browsing History, click Delete.

Refer to the Enter or Edit Student Address in MiSiS job aid for complete directions.

MiSiS Updates - May 15, 2019

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 5/15/2019

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • Several changes have been made to the Contact Information Screen (Enrollment > Contact Information):
    • A new field, Release To, has been added.  This field is used to indicate if the child may be released to the emergency contact. 
    • The Contact Name field has been split into three fields - First, Middle, and Last Name. 
    • The current Contact Name field will be removed from the screen. 
  • Birth Country field is no longer a required field on the Enrollment screen.  
  • A new field, Legal Sex, has been added to the Enrollment screen.  Non Binary is now available in the dropdown values for Legal Sex and Gender.  Legal Sex field is defined as a person’s assigned sex at birth.
  • The Address and Phone Number Search has been added to the District Limited Read user role. 


  • At Elementary Schools, teacher access to the Unresolved Absence screen has been corrected to only allow updating of absence reason codes for the current, plus four previous, instructional days.  
  • The Attendance Referral Reports now displays the student’s primary address instead of the mailing address. 
  • The Uncleared Absences Report now displays the current teacher on the list portion of the report. 


  • The Elementary Schools CCS Report Card now displays the correct teacher name on page 2 for students who have transferred to a different school during the Grade Reporting Period.
  • A new date field has been added to the Elementary Schools Retention Warning screen that is a required entry in order to document when the Kindergarten Continuance Form was filed for kindergarten students who will be retained.

Graduation Standards 

  • The overall ‘Eligible for Graduation’ indicator now correctly displays 'Yes’ for students who have the ‘CDE Only’ option and have completed all of the CDE Requirements.

Special Education Placement Option Portal

  • The Local District and Miles will now display on the Program Options screen.  Miles refers to the “fly over distance” between the student’s School of Residence and the school offering the program option.

State Reports

  • The Elementary Statistical/SMASR now properly accounts students who are already five years of age upon enrollment in grade level TE as TE ADA (i.e., ADA-generating students).

Student Support

  • The Intervention and Counseling Communication screens are now available for summer school. 

Student Testing

  • The PFT Mass Score Entry screen now allows the teacher/designee to submit all selected student records. 

Summer School

  • The Summer School Confirmation Letter may be generated by the sending or receiving school.  Summer School Student Report includes new columns, including current school of enrollment, scheduled, and waited listed courses.


  • The High School Transcript Report now displays the correct home address for students who have multiple parent/guardian addresses.


Elementary School Scheduling - May 2, 2019

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 5/2/2019

The elementary rollover process has been completed for the 2019-2020 school year. Continuing students have been rolled over into the next grade level.  Schools may now create new sections and assign to teachers and students for the next year.  Refer to the Elementary Rollover and Scheduling Process on the MiSiS website under the job aids link –

What's New! - April 24, 2019

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 4/24/2019

The Next Year Enrollment 2 process completed its first run.  NYE2 moves matriculating students to the next school for the 2019-2020 school year. Last night's run did not include students with Magnet, Zone of Choice, School for Advanced Studies, Dual Language, or other choice programs for next school year.  Those students will be included in tonight’s Next Year Enrollment run (Wednesday, April 24).  Students enrolled in Options schools have a next-year enrollment record for the same grade level.  Schools need to promote eligible students to the next grade level.  The Elementary Rollover process is tentatively scheduled for the week of April 29.

Schools should run the MiSiS NYE Enrollment Error Report to determine which students could not be processed by NYE2.  Instructions for running the report and fixing various errors may be found here.  

To view incoming students, use Student Search with Enrolled as of Date= First Day of 2019-20 school year (e.g., August 20, 2019).

MiSiS Updates - April 17, 2019

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 4/17/2019

MiSiS Announcements:

Next Year Enrollment (NYE2)

The Next Year Enrollment 2 (NYE2) process to move matriculating and choice program students (Magnet, Zone of Choice, Dual Language, Admission Criteria, School for Advanced Studies) to the next school year, is expected to run the week of April 22.  NYE2 is delayed due to changes in school boundaries impacting data needed to run NYE2.   Schools will be informed via the MiSiS System Announcement screen when NYE2 begins.

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • The Student Information (Enrollment > Student Information) screen now displays the Legal Sex field. This is a read only screen.
  • The School Full Read user role now has access to the Office Summons Report.


  • The Walk-In and Sections Editor screens have been enhanced to prevent the scheduling of students who are no longer enrolled.
  • The Section Attributes screen, found in Section Assignments and Sections Editor screens, now reflects the new Master Plan Program names for the 19-20 school year.


  • A new screen, Contact Log Mass Update, has been created to allow users to enter contact log records for multiple students. The screen can be accessed through the Advanced Search
  • The Student Truancy Report has been enhanced to allow users to generate Truancy Letter 2 and 3 during the same evaluation period.

English Learner

  • The EL Progress Profile report now displays accurate RI testing data when the report is generated for the previous school year.
  • The Annual English Learner letter has been enhanced to display in Korean, Armenian, and Mandarin languages.
  • The Master Plan Program names have been updated and will display starting in the 2019-20 school year: The Structured English Immersion Program has been updated to the Language and Literacy in English Acceleration Program; the Dual Language Program has been updated to the Dual Language Two-Way Immersion Program; the Maintenance Bilingual Program has been updated to the Dual Language One-Way Immersion Program; and the Foreign Language Immersion Program has been updated to the World Language Immersion Program.
  • The Individual Reclassification Plan report has been enhanced to display the ELPAC performance level, score, and abbreviated performance description.


  • The GATE Referral (Services > GATE) screen now displays the submitted by, submitted date, modified by, and modified date at the bottom of the screen.


  • New GPAs have been created to be used to determine eligibility for the State Seal of Biliteracy. These are:
    • SSB ELA Coursework GPA – This GPA is computed based on the student’s A-G coursework in the B Subject Area (English Language Arts).
    • SSB LOTE 1 GPA – This GPA is computed based on the students’ A-G coursework in the E Subject Area (Language Other Than English) for a qualifying language.
    • SSB LOTE 2 GPA – This GPA is computed only if the student has a second qualifying language.
    • SSB LOTE 3 GPA – This GPA is computed only if the student has a third qualifying language.

Graduation Standards

  • The Science Subject Area displayed in Graduation Standards Summary screen has been split into separate Biological Science and Physical Science sections. The years displayed under the Completed, In Progress, and Need columns will be specific to each section.
  • The benchmark graph, located on the Graduation Standards Summary screen, will now accurately display the Grade Level Benchmarks for currently enrolled students, withdrawn students, and students who have graduated.


  • The Assignment Monitoring Report now displays all staff assigned to the school that have course section assignments.

Student Support

  • The Support Referral, Participant tab has been enhanced to allow users to add participants from any school within the campus.
  • The Suspension Screen has been enhanced to automatically invalidate the previously updated attendance suspension reason codes when a suspension is edited.
  • The Special Education Provider user role has been enhanced to allow access to enter, edit, and delete the Contact Log, Support Interventions, Referrals, and Counseling Communications that were created by the user.
  • The SSPT Referral tab has been enhanced to allow users to partially save the referral.

Student Testing

  • The STS Coding Roster has been updated and renamed the CSA Eligibility Roster. The report will identify potential students to be tested with the California Spanish Assessment (CSA).

Summer School

  • The roles of Office Manager, Counselor, Counselor Plus, and Scheduling Administrator, may now enter Summer School enrollment and course requests for individual students on the Summer School screen (Enrollment >Summer School).
  • The Summer School ID Report may now be sorted by Student or Period.  This enhancement will assist schools with the distribution of student identification cards.


  • Schools authorized to offer experimental courses are now able to add new Transcript Records that include these courses.

MiSiS Updates - March 27, 2019

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 3/27/2019

MiSiS Announcements:

Student Search

Student Search has been updated with a new look with additional features.  Refer to the Search Students Screen job aid for more information.

The Attendance Category and Primary Language have been removed from the Mass Action menu.

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • The Transfer screen is now available. Schools may begin adding transfers which will be processed beginning in mid-April.  Refer to the Entering Transfer Job Aid for more information.
  • The Year End Flag screen is now available. Year End Flags must be entered for all 12th grade students returning in the 2019-2020 school year. Refer to the MiSiS Year Flag Job Aid for more information.


  • The Repeating Courses and the Potential Course Deficiency reports will now display successfully when selecting all students.
  • The Counseling Planning Sheet will now display accurate courses and marks for selected students.


  • The Student Truancy Report, located under the Admin menu, is now enabled to mail Truancy Letters 2 and 3. Absences during the strike have been excluded from the truancy classification count.
  • The Five Column Roster will no longer display a blank page.
  • The Master Absence Report is now available for continuation schools.
  • At elementary schools, the Saturday Makeup School screen, located under the student profile Attendance tab, will now display qualifying absences.
  • The Uncleared Absence Report is no longer displaying absences from previous schools of enrollment.
  • The Uncleared Absence Screen is now displaying all uncleared absences in all scheduled class sections.
  • The SARB Search screen, located under the Admin menu, is now displaying an error message when the user enters a begin date that is greater than the end date.
  • At secondary schools, the Attendance At-A-Glance screen is now considering courses taken outside of the campus.
  • The Update Attendance screen is now displaying all scheduled class sections.
  • The Manage Attendance screen, located under the Advanced Search, now considers the students selected when updating attendance.

English Learner

  • The RFEP Monitoring Letter will now display a parameter called “RFEP Years” to determine the number of years reclassified, instead of the date parameters.
  • The RFEP Monitoring Roster and Letter will accurately display science marks based on the latest grading period.


  • The GATE District Administrator user role will not allow the user to submit a referral without completing the school sections of the referral.
  • The Referral Submitted column has been added to the GATE Student Search


  • Entering or editing grades for students, via the Grades by Student screen, now requires the selection of the Term during the 15th and 20th week grading periods, if the student has a schedule with a combination of 10- week and 20-week courses. This is due to the 10-week courses being configured with only 5-week and 10-week grading periods.

Graduation Standards

  • An update to the Graduation Standards has been implemented such that ELD courses will be allowed to substitute for core English courses that meet grade level 9, 10, or 11, only if the core English course has been attempted and failed.
  • The Grade Level Benchmark graph displayed on the Graduation Standards Summary screen, will now correctly display the yellow benchmark indicators based on student’s Graduation Requirements year relative to current date.


  • Homeless records may now be entered between school years.

Student Support

  • The SSPT Reclassification Form In-line reports have been revised as per State requirements and policy changes.

Student Testing

  • Valid CELDT Listening/Speaking combined scores have been restored in the Language Proficiency Assessment tab found under the Services > English Learner
  • The SBA Exemption Report will now display qualifying students.


  • The Academic Decathlon Transcript Report will now display a grade of ‘P’ that has been awarded to eligible courses and will now allow the credits of the course to be included in the GPA calculation.

MiSiS Updates - February 22, 2019

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 2/22/2019

MiSiS Announcements

The MiSiS team has a new method for communicating with users: MiSiS System Announcements

MiSiS users will start receiving announcements that apply to their user role.  All users, except teachers, will see the announcements when they first log in for the day.  However, teachers will be able to view the announcements by clicking on the bell on the upper right of the landing screen.  Announcements may include reminders, release notes, and system maintenance messages.  Users can also view past announcements for the day by clicking on the bell.

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • Enroll Student Search now requires users to enter a student birthdate when searching by First and Last Name. Enroll Student Search also includes the ability to include Last LAUSD school as a search parameter.


  • The Counseling Planning Sheet now displays accurate student grades.


  • The Attendance Not Submitted Report now defaults the Begin Date to the first instructional day of the school year.


  • The following screen and reports have been updated to include the passing of more than 50% of the scheduled classes:
    • Athletics Screen
    • Athletic Eligibility List Report
    • Ineligible Parent Letter
    • Certificate of Athletic Eligibility Report


  • The validation for California Start Date and US Start Date has been removed on the School Experience

English Learner

  • The EL Student Schedule Summary report now displays students’ current grade levels.


  • Users are now able to submit and edit a GATE referral without receiving a “Sorry for the inconvenience” error message. This error was impacting referrals for 2nd grade students who had a prior enrollment in grade level TE, TK, or PK.


  • The message on the Manage Grades by Class and Grades by Student screens for Elementary School teachers now reflects accurate Grade Entry availability.
  • Elementary Schools CCS Report Card now displays correct Number of 'Days Present’.

Graduation Standards

  • The High School IGP Report inline version has been added to the District Admin and the Pupil Services - School Based roles.


  • The Dynamic Group Enrollment Process in the Manage Groups screen has been modified to prevent overlapping group enrollments for Counseling and Learning Community groups.


  • Pupil Services Homeless user role and school user are now able to edit the Homeless student record.

Student Support

  • The Student Support Admin role now has access to enter contact logs for non-enrolled students.
  • The Principal role now has access to edit contact log records created within the campus.
  • Teachers are now able to edit interventions they created.

Student Testing

  • The PFT Student Letter now prints in a student’s home correspondence language (Spanish, Armenian, Korean, and Chinese).
  • The Test Score screen now has an additional column for Alternate Assessment Description and includes any descriptions for students who tested for ELPAC and received an exception code.


  • The Excel data files that generate when the GPA links are clicked, on the Graduation Standards Summary screen, for the CSU GPA, UC (W) GPA, UC (Capped) GPA, Financial Aid (Initial) GPA, and Financial Aid (Post) GPA now displays correct courses and GPA values.

MiSiS Updates - January 30, 2019

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 1/30/2019

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • The Parent/Guardian screen will now allow a parent/guardian to be entered without a Phone Notification (Attendance, Emergency, General) if the student already has a parent/guardian with notification numbers.
  • The abbreviation for Creek has been changed from “CR” to “CK”.


  • The Counseling Planning Sheet and Elementary Reorganization reports will now display ELPAC test results.


  • The Initial Notification of Truancy Letters will not be mailed centrally and Truancy Letter 2 and 3 have been disabled from the Student Truancy Letter reports screen until further notice. The District is working to ensure that absences during the work stoppage will not be included in truancy-related reports.
  • The Update Attendance screen, located on the student profile Attendance tab, has been modified to include a Verified column.  This checkbox will be enabled when a student is marked absent in all, but one class, where they were marked as present, tardy, left early, or absent with a reason code of present or the attendance was not submitted. Once the teacher has signed the Discrepancy Memo verifying the student was truly present, users with the Office Manager, Principal, and Counselor roles may check off the Verified checkbox for the corresponding date. This date will be excluded from appearing on the Teacher Discrepancy report.
  • The Update Attendance, Manage Attendance, and Manage Teacher/Class Attendance screens have been modified to restrict users from updating suspension and school emergency reason codes:
    • Users with the Office Manager, Principal, and Discipline Designee roles will be able to update reason codes 4I: In-School Suspension and SC: Suspended Class to any status and reason code.
    • If an appeal has been entered and the appeal decision is to Uphold the suspension, users will not be able to update the attendance status nor the reason codes.
    • If the appeal decision is Overturn, reason code 5: Administrator Approval-Justifiable Personal Reasons will be automatically updated for the corresponding suspension days.
    • If the appeal decision is to modify the suspension days, reason code 5: Administrator Approval-Justifiable Personal Reasons will be automatically updated for the dates that are no longer within the suspension dates.

English Learner

  • The Annual EL Letter will display Initial ELPAC test results.
  • The RFEP Monitoring Roster will accurately display SBAC data.


  • Invalid test scores will display for GATE Office Admin user role.


  • The Retention Warning Notices screen for Elementary School students has been enhanced with the following features:
    • Retention Warning Notices can no longer be added for TK students.
    • The option to select ‘May be Retained’ in the 3rd Grading Period has been added.
    • When a kindergarten student is selected as 'Will be Retained', a popup message will now display that the ‘Kindergarten Continuance Form’ is required.
    • The columns 'Created by' and ‘Created Date' has been added to saved records.
  • The CCS grades of students from prior schools can now be viewed by the Office Staff at the new schools.
  • The rules for calculating the 'CSU GPA', 'UC (W) GPA', 'UC (Capped) GPA', 'Financial Aid (Initial) GPA', and 'Financial Aid (Post) GPA' have been updated such that the grade level associated to the course is no longer used. The rule was updated to use the Academic School Year associated to the course.
  • The Manage Grades by Class CCS Screen will now display the 'Grades Submitted' reflecting ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, as appropriate.

Graduation Standards

  • The Graduation Standards Details Screen will now display ‘Courses Needed’ under the ‘Required Courses’.


  • The Manage Groups screen has been enhanced to allow employees with school access to be available in the Group Leader dropdown.  This will include employees such as PSA counselors who want to be assigned as group leaders.


  • Two new fields, SRQ Received Date and Verification Type, have been added to the Homeless screen.
  • Homeless Student Roster now includes the SRQ Received Date and Verification Type

 Linked Learning/CTE

  • Start Date and End Date for Industry Sector/Career Pathway now defaults.  Start Date defaults to 7/1 and the end date defaults to 6/30. 


  • Users will now have the ability to set default access on the Landing Page. If you have multiple user roles, you can set your default to the user role you use most often. The job aid is posted on the MiSiS website:

 Student Support

  • The SSPT Follow-up Meeting report no longer displays a blank when a Meeting Participant is added as “Other”.
  • The Suspension screen has been modified to allow users with access to appeal suspensions, to update the Suspension Effective Date and the Suspension End Date when the suspension appeal decision is to modify the suspension days.

 Student Testing

  • The ELPAC Coding Roster will now display students’ previous grade level tested.


  • The Experimental Courses can now be manually added at authorized schools, to the students’ Transcripts records when selecting the ‘Out of District’ option.


MiSiS Updates - December 21, 2018

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 12/21/2018

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • The Walk-In Scheduling screen has been enhanced to prevent the scheduling of elementary students in a school different from their school of enrollment; the screen will prevent the overlapping of sections for elementary students.


  • The Update Attendance screen, located under the Attendance tab, no longer displays an error message.
  • The Pupil Services Administrator user role now has access to the Attendance Referral Report.
  • The Attendance Not Submitted reports for regular and continuation schools now displays the principal’s name on the Teacher’s Discrepancy Memo.

English Learner

  • The English Learner Rosters, the Master Plan Roster and Label, and the EL Student Schedule Summary report have been updated to include the Initial ELPAC test results.
  • A new column has been added to The EL Progress Profile Report, EL Rosters, and EL Student Schedule Summary report to identify newcomers.


  • The CA Content Standards Elementary Schools Report Card can now be generated for any Elementary School student directly from the student profile via Academics > Reports > Elem Schools Report Card – CCS.

Student Support

  • Users with access to the SSPT referral screen can now submit multiple SSPT Intervention Plans.
  • Users with edit access to the suspension screen are no longer able to edit suspension dates.

Student Testing

  • The ELPAC Coding Roster will now display students in grade K.
  • The PFT Mass Entry screen will reflect the 9th grade Fitness testing information from the 17-18 school year.

MiSiS Updates - December 5, 2018

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 12/5/2018

MiSiS Announcements:

Users who may have bookmarked specific student profiles will need to refresh the link as the Student Profile screen was recently updated to meet Section 508 requirements. Users are advised to review and update their bookmarks for MiSiS related pages to ensure the links are still active.

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • The fields on the enrollment/withdrawal screen have been updated to match the enrollment screen so that the values are consistent.


  • The Sections Editor screen will now prevent the overlapping of periods when students are added to off-site sections.


  • The Initial Notification of Truancy Letter has been translated into Tagalog and Farsi.
  • At secondary schools, the Attendance Summary Report now considers reason code 3 under the Days UnExc column.
  • Continuation High Schools now have access to the Uncleared Absence Screen, located under the student profile ‘Attendance’ tab.
  • At City of Angels, the Teacher Attendance Roster now displays correctly when sorted by a student’s last name.


  • The Nursing Office Admin Role now has the ability to read the Athletic Screen located under Student Profile Miscellaneous tab.


  • The Out of Home Care screen now includes the fields listed below which are populated by the IODS Foster Youth Inbound interface:
    • Attorney Name 
    • Attorney Phone Number
    • Attorney Address
    • Attorney Title 
    • Attorney Email Address 
    • Supervising Social Worker Name 
    • Supervising Social Worker Phone 
    • Supervising Social Worker Email Address

English Learner

  • The Master Plan Roster will now display students’ master plan program information.
  • A new report, the Individual Reclassification Plan, is now available for elementary and secondary schools with PLTEL and LTEL students.  The report is available in various languages and is intended to be used to discuss the academic progress of English learners.  A job aid has been made available at


  • The student’s school of enrollment, at the time the GATE referral was created, is now saved in the MiSiS database. 
  • The GATE Student Search and GATE Referral screens now include a poverty indicator if a student is enrolled at a Community Eligibility Provision school.
  • The Teacher Notification report is now working for a teacher assigned to complete GATE Checklist.  The Notification appears on the top right corner of screen if teacher is assigned to complete a GATE checklist.


  • The Manage Grades by Class student roster will now display single entries that displayed duplicate entries for some students.

Graduation Standards

  • The Middle School IGP Report will now display in Alpha order by the student’s Last Name.


  • The Manage Groups report will now display from the Manage Groups screen.

Student Support

  • The Student Support Admin can now enter, edit, and delete Contact Log entries they create.
  • The Student Support Admin user role now has access to the Academic Interventions screen.
  • Student Health and Human Service records are now being interfaced into MiSiS.
  • Students with these services will have an SH Alert on the student profile.  When a user hovers over the alert, the message “Student Health and Human Services (SHHS) Record Summary available” under the Support Tab or via Social Adjustment.
  • A new screen has been added under the profile Support tab, SHHS Service Summary, which displays all SHHS services for a student.
  • The Social Adjustment Report now include SHHS records.
  • A selection parameter has been added to the Social Adjustment Report to include an Enrollment Status (Enrolled, Not Enrolled, Both).


  • A new refresh button that updates a student’s Graduation Eligibility Status, has been added to the Transcript Details Screen.  Authorized users (Principal, Scheduling Admin, or Counselor Plus) can now refresh the Graduation Eligibility status for any student. This is used whenever an update to a course grade or new Transcript entry has been made.


  • Inline reports will open in new tab in the same browser.  There is no change to the data displayed or export options of the report.  This is done for 508 compliance.
    • Attendance → Attendance Audit
    • Attendance →   Attendance Referral
    • Attendance → Attendance Totals
    • Attendance → Uncleared Absences Report
    • Graduation Standards → Graduation Progress Report
    • Graduation Standards → IGP Report
    • Graduation Standards → SP Grad Exempt Notification Letter
    • Transcript → Transcript Report
    • Student Support → Social Adjustment Report
    • Grades → Report Card - Mailer
    • Grades → Report Card - Non-Mailer

MiSiS Updates - October 31, 2018

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 10/31/2018

MiSiS Announcements:


The MiSiS School Front End (Office Procedures) and Term Rollover training is currently available for registration in MyPLN, Search Keyword = "TrainITD".


Due to a bug, the immunization screen is displaying a pink bar on the top of the screen. If there is not a message in the box regarding MiSiS not being able to connect with Welligent, the screen is working, and immunizations may be entered. 

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS: 


  • The bug impacting PK and TE enrollment has been fixed.  Schools are now able to enroll students previously enrolled in Special Education Infant and Preschool locations.
  • The following screens have been updated for Section 508 compliance:
    • Parent/Guardian
    • Contact Information
    • Identifying Information
    • Transfer
    • Records Request
    • Summer School
    • No Show



  • The Athletics Screen now displays the Nurse's Office Visit History dates as mm/dd/yy.

English Learner

  • The EL Progress Profile report will display students’ Master Plan Program information.
  • The Reclassification Letter will display accurate data for reclassified students.


  • Teachers may now enter GATE Referral Checklist.
  • GATE Psychologists may now enter test scores with decimal points.
  • GATE Referral and GATE Checklist print function is now working correctly.


  • The Elementary Schools CCS Report Card will now display the new ELPAC Summative test performance levels for students, when applicable.
  • The Secondary Schools Cumulative Grade Labels Report will now display the correct name of the school where Summer Session courses were completed.
  • Fixes were made to reported students’ grades data.


  • The Learning Management System (LMS), Schoology, now displays a student’s “preferred” first name entered in MiSiS.


MiSiS Updates - October 3, 2018

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 10/3/2018

MiSiS Announcements:

Release Notes

Starting with the next release, release notes will no longer be sent via email.  The release notes will continue to be posted on the MiSiS website ( under the What’s New section.  The next releases are planned for October 30th, November 27th, and December 18th.

Parent Portal Four-Digit Personal Identification Number (PIN)

In an effort to improve security and simplify the process of linking a student to a parent’s Parent Portal account, the Information Technology Division (ITD) and the Office of Parent and Community Services (PCS) have created a four-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN).  The four-digit PIN will replace the student’s first and last name during the linking process.  Parents will continue to use the child’s LAUSD student identification number and birth date to enroll in the Parent Portal.  The requirement for a four-digit PIN was implemented on Monday, October 1, 2018.  A letter was sent to the assigned legal guardian identified in MiSiS the week of October 1, 2018 with the child’s four-digit PIN via US mail.  The school’s address will be used as the return address.  Since the letters contain the PIN code, any returned letters must be given directly to the legal guardian.  Click on the following link to view a draft of the letter:

Please note the following:

  • A parent’s PIN code is available to the schools in the MiSiS Focus Dashboard and Reporting System and the Parent Portal Employee Login.  This PIN code should only be provided to the assigned legal guardian identified in MiSiS.
  • Parents who previously linked their students to the Parent Portal must use the PIN to verify their accounts.  They will have 30 days from October 1, 2018 to verify their account before ITD disables features from their accounts.
  • The PIN is a one-time use only.  If a PIN reset is required, a principal or designee must use the Parent Portal Employee Login screen to reset the PIN.

New Job Aid section for Parent Portal

Documentation to support the implementation of the PIN are available at

Procedures for Student Photos

As schools are starting to hold their Picture Day, Principals are encouraged to visit the LAUSD Photo Portal ( to manage their student photos.  Student photos that are uploaded to the Portal by the school or the authorized photo vendor will appear in MiSiS within 24-48 hours.  Several job aids are available, as well as a checklist, to help schools manage their photos.  Please visit to view the checklist and student photo job aids.

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • The Elementary Cum Record Label report has been changed to Student Cumulative Record Label.  The report may be run for elementary and secondary schools.
  • The Withdrawal History Screen now includes the explanation of Withdrawal Codes and Reasons.
  • The Enrollment Screen – Schools are now able to select Entry Code = PreK/TE when editing a PK or TE enrollment record.
  • The following screens have been updated for Section 508 compliance:
    • Address History
    • Other Family Members
    • Military Family Members
    • Attendance Category
    • Enrollment History
    • Withdrawal History
  • The School Experience Screen – Dates entered by schools for US Start Date and California Start Date will now display correctly.  The ODA CALPADS user role may now edit this screen.


  • The Attendance Totals Report now displays the correct Teacher and classroom numbers.
  • The Attendance At-A-Glance screen no longer includes tardies and “left early” for school bus reason codes.
  • The following screens have a new design for compliance with Section 508:
    • Support > Support > Referrals
    • Student > Letters > Attendance Notifications
    • Attendance > Attendance At-A-Glance
    • Student > Attendance > Uncleared Absences


  • The GATE Search Results in Excel format will now include Poverty Status and IEP Status.
  • The Recommended and Not Recommended radio buttons on the GATE Referral Screen are now editable if the Parent Consent field = No.
  • The link to student grades on the GATE Referral Screen now connects to CCS grades for elementary students.


  • The Manage Grades by Class – CCS link has been removed from the Admin menu.  Elementary School teachers and Office staff can now access the CCS grades screen when selecting Manage Grade by Class link under the Admin menu.
  • The Grade CCS link has been removed from the Academics tab of the student profile screen.  Elementary School teachers and Office staff can now access the CCS grades screen when selecting the Grades link from the Academics tab of the student profile screen.
  • The Honor Roll Report now filters for the correct Group selected in the selection parameters.
  • The Secondary Schools Cumulative Labels Report will now display the classes for withdrawn students, if grades were submitted for them.
  • Issues with some students’ data were corrected which caused some teachers to receive errors when submitting grades.
  • The Manage Grades by Class screen has been updated with the following features:
    • When a Secondary School teacher is selected, the Course-Section field is not applicable. The field is greyed out and user must click on Search in order to display the teacher’s scheduled courses.
    • Elementary School teachers can now toggle to view courses from previous school years directly from the Class screen.
    • District users can now select any school in the district from the School drop down. The Local District parameter has been removed.

Health Screening

  • The CHDP Result field has been removed from the CHDP section of the Health Screening screen.  Schools may now enter a CHDP Date for students up to 18 months before the student will enter 1st grade.

Homeless Students

  • A homeless record has been created for every currently enrolled student who had an active Homeless record on the last day of school, in the 2017-18 school year.  Schools may run the Homeless Student Roster for a list of students experiencing homelessness.  As a reminder, schools must have a current Student Residency Questionnaire on file or verified by the Homeless Education Program.

Student Support

  • Operations Coordinators can now enter suspension appeals in the Suspension screen.
  • The Support > Support > Referrals screen has a new design for compliance with Section 508.

Student Testing

  • A new PFT screen is available to enter physical fitness testing data for students in grades 4-12.  Students in grades 5, 7, and 9 will be tested during the testing window per the timeline established by the Student Testing Branch.  To access the screen, teachers must apply for the PE Teacher role through oneAccess.  A job aid has been created and made available at


  • The Transcript Records that have been entered directly into the Transcript Details Screen can now be completely edited.

MiSiS Updates - September 7, 2018

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 9/7/2018

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • Preferred Name now displays on the following reports: Meal Code Roster, Elementary Class Roster, and Emergency Roster Report.


  • Schools will be able to add off-site sections


  • For secondary and continuation schools, the Attendance Referral Report now counts absences as full days when different absence reason codes are used.
  • For secondary campuses with magnet schools, the Uncleared Absence Report, when generated at the preferred location, now includes teachers and students from the magnet school.
  • At the continuation schools, the Attendance Referral Report, located under the student profile Attendance tab, now defaults to the enrollment status and the student selected.
  • The Reason Code Help Link document has been updated.
  • At the magnet schools, the Attendance At-A-Glance screen now displays all section attendance data.
  • Students will no longer be eligible for Truancy letters 2 and 3 once their absences have been cleared. Review the Truancy Notification Dates and Policy for additional information.

English Learner

  • The following reports/screens have been updated to include Summative ELPAC test results: English Learner Rosters, Master Plan Roster and Label, EL Progress Profile, ELPAC Label (new report), English Language Proficiency Assessment Tab (previously labeled as the CELDT Assessment Tab), and the Student Profile Page will display the student’s Performance Level based on Summative ELPAC.
  • Schools will be able to add an Initial Language Classification with corresponding date.

Census Menu

  • The following screens have a new design for compliance with Section 508:
    • Census > Health Screening
    • Census > Meal Code
    • Census > Out of Home Care
    • Census > Court Order
    • Census > Bus Schedule
    • Census > Exclusions
    • Census > School Experience
    • Census > American Indian
    • Census > Migrant


  • The Grades by Class and Grades by Student screens will now display the new ELPAC Test scores and Performance Level for students, when applicable.
  • The Cum Label Report will now display the Algebra Courses with correct credits for Middle School students.

Linked Learning

  • Linked Learning and CTE schools may now update Student Linked Learning records for multiple students using the Mass Linked Learning screen on the Advanced Search Action menu.

Special Education

  • The Scheduling Administrator user role has been granted access to the IEP Case Manager report.

Student Support

  • A new report, Student Support Summary Report, is now available. This report is very similar to the Social Adjustment Report and may be generated for a selected set of students. It lists all entries for Academic Intervention, Contact Log, Counseling Communication, Intervention, Referral, and SSPT Referrals.  The Student Support Summary Report also includes the corresponding school enrollment information.
  • The Social Adjustment Report will now display the Academic Intervention details when this information has been entered for a student.
  • The SSPT Referral now allows entry of multiple intervention plans.
  • The SSPT Referral Log Report now displays multiple Referral Reasons in one line, per student, per Referral.
  • The SSPT Referral Form in-line report now displays the name of the teacher, as of the SSPT Referral Date.
  • Due to confidentiality reasons, the Contact Log is limited to specific user roles, for students who are no longer enrolled in the District.  The same view access has been implemented to the Social Adjustment Report.

Student Testing

  • The PFT Student Information Report will generate accurate information.
  • A new PFT Student Letter is available for students in grades 5, 7, and 9.


  • The Testing Information selection parameter, on the High School and Middle School Transcript Reports, now includes exams for selection that are relevant for reporting to Universities.
  • The Add New Transcript Records screen will now allow authorized users to input Course Completion Dates for Summer Sessions.
  • The Add New Transcript Records screen now allows experimental courses to be added to student records when authorized schools are selected.
  • Two new columns, Created By and Created Date, have been added to the Transcript Details screen, which will indicate whether records were posted by a staff member or the system.

MiSiS Announcements - August 6, 2018

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 8/6/2018

Please see the notes below to help you use MiSiS in order to prepare for the start of the new school year.

MiSiS Announcements:

Access to MiSiS

ITD has developed and is implementing the oneAccess System for MiSiS. The goal of oneAccess is to simplify the tasks schools will need to take to process their access to student information systems.  Users will be provided default access based upon defined roles and locations as updated in the SAP Payroll/Personnel system.  In addition, the oneAccess System provides the ability for school users to request access online and track the status of these requests for nonstandard access requests, such as access to multiple locations or unique roles.  The system has been deployed since July 31st for MiSiS.  Additional systems (e.g., FOCUS, Welligent, Schoology) will be added in Fall 2018.

The attached documents (oneAccess Approver User Guide and oneAccess Approver FAQ Guide) are provided as additional resources.  As a reminder, principals will have to approve some user requests to access student information.  Principals:  Please check the SPAM folder regularly to ensure oneAccess requests are not misdirected or left pending.  Please call the MiSiS Help Desk (213-241-5200, option 5) with any issues or questions.

MiSiS Updates - August 1, 2018

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 8/1/2018

MiSiS Announcements:

Opening of the School Year Checklist 2018-2019

The Opening Checklist has been posted here. Please review the document.

New Online Portal for Requesting MiSiS User Roles Now Available

oneAccess ( is a new portal for requesting new or additional user roles in MiSiS and has replaced the legacy EZ Access Request System.  This new portal will be available to all District and non-District school-based employees.  Users will be able to track when their requests are submitted, manage their existing roles, and keep track of when their access is set to expire.

For more information on how to request and manage MiSiS user roles, click here to view the job aid.  A oneAccess for MiSiS User Guide is also available on the Apply for Access page on the MiSiS website.

School Front Office Training

The School Front Office Procedures classroom training for the MiSiS program is now available for registration in MyPLN (  This full day, hands-on course, is designed to provide employees who work in school offices with instruction on all procedures.  Topics include: Enrollment, Class Assignments, Submitting and Updating Attendance Records, Generating Various Reports, and Managing Summer School Records. Office Manager access is required.

To locate MiSiS courses in MyPLN after login, enter keyword "TrainITD" in the Search field.  For questions regarding MiSiS training content, please email [email protected].


Please review the release notes for June 19, 2018 located in the <What’s New Section>.

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • The Unaccompanied Minor selection has been removed from the Enrollment screen.
  • Under the No Show Process, No Show students will be withdrawn and coded with an L8 - Whereabouts Unknown and reason code 81 - No Show.  This change has been made to record accurate data of No Show students to CALPADS.
  • On the Withdrawal Screen, two reason codes are no longer active: 49 - Romero Open Enrollment and 46 - Home School with Affidavit.
  • The following Reason Codes have new descriptions:
    • 31 - Non LAUSD Adult School Diploma/HiSETProgram/ACCT
    • 42 - Non LAUSD Adult School Non-Diploma/Non-HiSET/ACCT
    • E46 - Affiliated Charter School
    • 54 - Independent or Non LAUSD Charter School
  • The descriptions of the following Leave Codes have been updated:
    •  L3 - California Public School Outside LAUSD
    • L4 - California Private School
    • L5 - School Outside California

Starting August 1, 2018, school administrators and designees can take advantage of the Demographic Dashboard located in FOCUS to determine the students enrolled at their school.  This list will serve as a support tool for school schools by identifying new students coming into their school site and are subject to LAUSD Enrollment Procedures prior to their entry date. The NYE process will also serve as a support tool by having Pre-School and Kinder Student information populated in MiSiS, expediting the enrollment procedures and document verification.  In preparation for a successful beginning of the school year, school staff is highly encouraged to reach out to new families to inform them when they may visit the school and complete the enrollment process. The Division of Special Education Operations will be supporting schools by reaching out via robo-call to parents of incoming Pre-School and Kinder families in need of completing enrollment procedures and direct them to contact their school of attendance. Your support in facilitating the enrollment procedures prior to entry date is highly appreciated.


  • A new rule to determine LTEL students has been implemented in the following reports and screens:
    • Potential Conflict Matrix
    • Student Missing Requests
    • Student Request Scheduled
    • Student Course Request Summary
    • Counseling Planning Sheet
    • Course Request
    • Mass Request Editor
  • The Sections Editor and Walk-In screens have been modified to prevent overlapping section enrollments for elementary students participating in Independent Study programs.
  • To support concurrent college enrollment, new periods C1-C0 and 1C-5C are now available for all secondary schools.  For more information, contact your local district counseling coordinator and refer to the job aid at


  • The teacher attendance taking screen will now display absent attendance transactions correctly.


  • For secondary students, the Athletics screen, the Certificate of Athletic Eligibility, the Ineligible Parent Letter, and the Athletic Eligibility List reports have been modified to comply with CIF-LA Section rules and regulations. 
  • The Sports Physical Screening section, located on the Athletics screen, has been renamed as Overall Nurses Clearance.  This enhancement provides athletic directors with information on injuries, including concussion reporting.  This information is retrieved from Welligent and includes student’s physical exam and nurse visits.  The Overall Nurse’s Clearance counts toward Overall Athletic Eligibility.

English Learner

  • The RFEP Monitoring Letter and Roster will reflect the most recent science grades issued during the corresponding grading periods.
  • The nightly Reclassification Process, Letter, and Label have been updated to consider ELPAC test scores for reclassification.
  • The Annual English Learner Letter has been modified to include ELPAC test scores when available.


  • The GATE Referral screen fields has been reorganized and additional validation has been added to allow for easier data entry for schools.  The fields, to be completed by the school GATE Coordinator, are now grouped together. 


  • The Secondary Schools Report Card has been updated such that tardies, with the reason of extracurricular, will no longer be included in the count.
  • The Class Rank Report and the Secondary Schools Report Card have been updated such that users with a District Admin role, can now generate the reports for any local district, campus, or school, without having assignments at the selected locations.


  • The Manage Groups dynamic criteria DIBELS will be available for elementary schools.  The screen has been modified to allow group enrollment for incoming students.

Linked Learning/CTE

  • A new screen is now available for Linked Learning/CTE schools to enter students’ participation.


  • The curriculum output, between the MiSiS Assignment Monitoring Report and the SARC Report, has been corrected.  The data on both reports is now in sync.

Student Testing

  • The ELPAC Student Tracker screen has been updated to include Initial ELPAC students.
  • The new ELPAC Coding Roster (previously named CELDT Coding Roster) will include ELPAC test scores when scores become available.

Student Support

  • The Social Adjustment Reporhas been modified to include SSPT Interventions and includes Contact Logs, Counseling Communications, Academic Interventions, Interventions, Referrals, and SSPT Referrals entries for students who are no longer enrolled.
  • The Social Adjustment Report, located under the Reports menu, now includes a multi-select option for the student parameter.


  • The reported students’ Transcript Records have been corrected.

MiSiS Updates - June 20, 2018

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 6/20/2018

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:

Linked Learning/CTE

  • A new screen is now available for Linked Learning/CTE schools to enter students’ participation.

English Learner

  • The Reclassification Letter will display the DIBELS “Above Benchmark” Performance Level in Korean, Spanish, Armenian, and Chinese languages. 
  • The RFEP Monitoring Letter will page break after each student.


  • The CA Content Standards Elementary Schools Report has been updated such that:
    • Students who have been enrolled less than 15 instructional days will now display dashes, instead of question marks, if they do not receive grades.
    • Grades from previous grading periods will now display correctly.
  • Students who have been enrolled less than 15 instructional days, and do not receive grades, will display with dashes instead of question marks, on the Teacher Verification of Marks Report.
  • The Grades Submitted indicator, on the Grades by Class screen, will no longer require grades for students who have been enrolled for less than 15 instructional days.
  • The Honor Roll Report will now display ‘NS’ only for periods that a student has no section enrollment.
  • The Secondary Schools Report Card logic has been updated to display the correct Counselor information.


  • The Manage Groups dynamic criteria “Grade in Course” will be available for secondary schools with grades 6-12 to assist in determining course grades based on selected grading period.

Scheduling Reports

  • A new rule to determine LTEL students has been implemented in the Class Enrollment, Student Request Status, Students Without Schedules, Off-site Section Enrollment reports and the Sections Editor screen.

Student Support

  • Users are now able to select a begin and end date on the SSPT Referral Log.


  • The Transcript CSV Report logic has been updated and the official Transcript report will now display accurately. Corrections have been made to reported students Transcript Records.

MiSiS 2017-2018 Year End Coding

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 6/6/2018

The Mass Leave Reason Entry Screen

The Mass Leave Reason Screen bug, impacting screen performance, has been fixed. Schools must enter a leave reason code on the Mass Leave Reason Entry screen, for all 12th grade students. See REF-6501.4-17-18 Year-End Coding for All 12th Grade Students.

Saturday Makeup School

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 5/30/2018

MiSiS Announcements:

Saturday Makeup School

In support of the Saturday Makeup School pilot program in Local District South, new absence reason codes (V1, V2, V3, and V5) have been added to MiSiS.  The use of these new codes, while available to all schools, is limited to schools that have been approved, in writing, by their Local District superintendent or designee to implement Saturday Makeup School.  Schools that use the new absence codes (V#), and have not yet been approved to participate in the pilot program, may risk reporting inaccurate attendance data and will be asked to correct their data.

Mass Leave Entry Reason Screen

The Mass Leave Reason screen is now available to enter 12th grade leave codes.  Please be aware that the screen loads slowly due to the determination of each student’s graduation status.

Summer School

The Room Finder Report has been updated and now generates for the 2017-2018 Summer Term.

MiSiS - oneAccess

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 5/24/2018

MiSiS Announcement:

New Online Portal for Requesting MiSiS User Roles Now Available

oneAccess ( is a new portal for requesting new or additional user roles in MiSiS and has replaced the legacy EZ Access Request System.  This new portal will be available to all District and non-District school-based employees.  Users will be able to track when their requests are submitted, manage their existing roles, and keep track of when their access is set to expire.

For more information on how to request and manage MiSiS user roles, click here to view the job aid.  A oneAccess for MiSiS User Guide is also available on the Apply for Access page on the MiSiS website.

Elementary Scheduling and UserVoice

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 4/27/2018

Elementary School Scheduling

The elementary rollover process has been completed for the 2018-2019 school year. All students have been rolled over into their next grade level. Schools may now create new sections and assign them to teachers and students for the next year.  Refer to the Elementary Rollover and Scheduling Process on the MiSiS website under the job aids link –


MiSiS introduced the UserVoice tool on March 27, 2018. It allows users to submit and track MiSiS feedback ideas and supports the development of a better MiSiS. Refer to the attachment (UserVoice flyer) for more information.

MiSiS Discussion Forum

Due to the implementation of UserVoice, the MiSiS Discussion Forum has been deactivated and will no longer appear on the MiSiS website.

MiSiS Updates - April 25, 2018

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 4/25/2018

MiSiS Announcements:

Secondary Teacher Attendance Window

Several Secondary teachers experienced issues submitting attendance today due to school and class enrollment records being deleted. The records have been restored. The attendance taking window for all Secondary teachers will be extended beginning on 4/26/2018 until the end of the day 4/27/2018. If teachers cannot submit attendance in MiSiS, attendance should be recorded on a printed Five Column Roster report, adding the names of any students not listed, and crossing out the names of any dropped students; the report must be signed and dated. If attendance is not submitted in MiSiS by the teacher on the same instructional day, the paper record must be retained in the office for five (5) years.

Elementary Teacher Attendance Window

No changes are needed for elementary schools. Elementary teachers can submit attendance for the current day and retroactively for 4 prior calendar days.

Next Year Enrollment

The Next Year Enrollment 2 (NYE2) began running last week.  This process creates a next year enrollment for matriculating students and students with a transfer record.  Schools should run the NYE Error Report (Reports> Enrollment > NYE Error Report) to determine which students could not be processed by Next Year Enrollment.

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:

Next Year Enrollment

  • Several changes have been made to the Next Year Enrollment process this year:
    • Schools may no longer revoke a transfer for Magnet, Dual Language, or Zone of Choice Application programs.  If a parent declines an enrollment for next year at a Magnet or Dual Language school, the school must indicate the decline in the Apply Portal. MiSiS will delete the transfer after receiving the data via interface overnight. If a parent declines a Zone of Choice enrollment, the school should mark the student as a No Show after July 1.
    • MiSiS will automatically create transfers for Special Education students with a school in the Future School Per IEP field on the Special Education Summary Screen.
    • Schools may now enter a transfer for 12th grade Special Education students who will be continuing in an LAUSD school after 12th grade.
    • The School of Residence field is now automatically populated for students matriculating or transferring to a new school.  The field will populate automatically if the student has only one school of residence, or if the student, with multiple boundary schools, is matriculating/transferring to one of those boundary schools. If the student has multiple residence schools, and is not enrolled at one of those schools, the field will need to be entered by the school.


  • The Class Enrollment Report sub-report will now display accurate student counts.
  • The Student Schedule Summary Report will now display students without schedules.
  • On the Manage Groups screen, Special Education Service Type dynamic criteria has been added for selection.
  • Static Scheduling Groups will now display for matriculating students.


  • The Teacher Discrepancy Report - Continuation is now generating successfully.
  • The Five Column Roster report is now lists student names in alphabetical order.

Foster Youth

  • The Out of Home Care screen and Foster Youth Comprehensive Summary Report will now display student’s Educational Rights Holder and the social worker’s name and contact information, if the information has been provided by DCFS or CALPADS.


  • The Grades Summary Report will now display correctly when Group Category of Counselor is selected.

Graduation Standards

  • The A-G Requirements detail screen will now display applied 'G' courses to the 'D' requirement, if needed.
  • The High School IGP Report will now display correctly when converted to the PDF format.

School for Advanced Studies

  • Validation on the SAS Participation End Date has been removed. SAS schools may enter a future date for the SAS End Date.

Special Education

  • A new field, Review Student SPED Eligibility, has been added to the Special Education Summary Screen.  If a Yes is displayed, the student has a prior IEP in LAUSD but re-enrolled without an IEP. The school should review the student’s special education information to determine if the student is eligible for special education services.
  • The Eligible for Special Education field on the Special Education Summary Screen now displays Welligent data.

State Reporting

  • The Elementary Statistical Report now accurately displays the TE ADA students.

Summer School

  • The Summer School Application Report has been updated to display the student address for use in a #10 window envelope.  Please note that a Home Address for the Primary Guardian is required for the address to display on the letter.
  • The Confirmation letter now displays the Teacher Name and Room Number of students when Period Sort order is selected.
  • The Summer School Course Request Summary Report has been enhanced to offer a detailed view.  This report now mimics the layout of the Roster Report but is intended to be used as a receiving report.
  • The Schedule Students screen in Sections Editor, has been updated to allow the pasting of multiple Student ID’s to allow en masse programming.


  • Course numbers containing the letter ‘C’ are no longer available for selection when adding new transcript records. These course numbers will be made available to schools at a future date.


  • The Transportation field has been moved from the enrollment screen to the Bus Schedule Screen on the Census menu.  Schools will use this field to request non- Special Education Transportation for a student.  If Transportation is approved, the Bus Schedule screen will display the approved Transportation Program and Bus Schedule.

Withdrawal Screen

  • Several bugs have been fixed on the Withdrawal screen:
    • Schools will now able to withdraw a student on the same date as a discipline referral.
    • Schools will now able to edit a future withdrawal record created by Next Year Enrollment process.
    • Schools will now able to enter a withdrawal record for a matriculating student.

MiSiS Updates - March 28, 2018

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 3/28/2018

MiSiS Announcement:

Introducing the new UserVoice tool that lets users submit and track MiSiS feedback ideas and supports the development of a better MiSiS. Click here for more information.

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • Advanced Student Search results will appear at the top of the screen after search.
  • Due to a change in District policy, MiSiS will be sending all parent cell phone numbers to Blackboard Connect, which will send text messages to all cell numbers. Text messages will include an opt out option for parent and guardians.

Next Year Enrollment

  • The Year End Flag screen is now available. Senior high schools can now enter a year end flag for current 12th graders returning in the 2018-19 school year.
  • Schools may use the transfer screen to transfer Special Education students in grade 12 to a new school for the 2018-19 school year. The transfer screen can be used for students transferring from a comprehensive high school to a career and transition center.
  • Schools will no longer be able to revoke transfers to Magnet schools.


  • Schools that opt to add a new scenario for the 18-19 school year will now be able to add school courses.


  • The Attendance Referral Report will now allow users to select groups that were not available before, due to the group parameter using standardized logic.
  • The Attendance Total Report (Inline) will now allow users to select current and the 2 prior years' data.
  • The Attendance-at-a-Glance Screen attendance transactions will now match the legend.
  • The Truancy Letters 2 and 3 will now display the student's truancy occurrences.

English Learner

  • The SBAC Test Scores that determine a student's reclassification will now consider ELA SBAC test scores for students in grades 9 and 12.
  • The EL Progress Profile Report will now display the Composite ELA score for elementary students.
  • The Parent Notification Dates Tab found under Services > English Learner will now display the current school year.
  • ELPAC Student Tracker Tab – Student Profile - Once test information is submitted on the ELPAC Student Tracker screen, a record will appear under Services > English Learner > ELPAC Student Tracker Status displaying the school name where student tested, the test turn in date, test purpose of Summative, and name of employee who submitted the record through the ELPAC Student Tracker screen.


  • The Honor Roll Report will now display the HR information for students at magnet schools.


  • On the Group Participation Screen, a group must be selected for a student before saving the record.
  • On the Manage Groups Screen, a new performance level of “Above Benchmark” has been added to the dynamic criteria for DIBELS.

Health Screening Screen

  • The Condom Availability Program Waiver and Date may now only be entered for students in Grades 9-12.   Data for students in grades PK-8 has been deleted.
  • Users must enter a CHDP result and date.

Focus Reporting and Dashboards

    • Monitor teacher progress in getting their students’ parents registered
    • Monitor the total percentage of parents registered at the school
    • Identify students without parents registered
    • Identify Parent PIN numbers
    • Find parent contact information for registered parents, as well check when their last login occurred.
  • On the Parent Portal Campus View Dashboard, users can select a Teacher’s Name to see all his/her students. If a student has parent(s) registered in Parent Portal, the user can select the Student Name to see contact information for the registered parent(s).

Student Support, Email Referral Settings, and Next Year Enrollment

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 3/12/2018

Student Referrals, Counseling Communications, and Interventions

Last week, an issue prevented users from creating and saving new Student Referrals, Counseling Communications, and Interventions. Updates to existing records were not affected. The issue has been fixed. Users can now create and save Student Referrals, Counseling Communications, and Interventions without receiving an error message.

Referral Email Setting

As a reminder, schools need to maintain their Referral Email Setting to ensure that Student Support referrals can be properly documented and communicated. Here are a few reminders:

  • If the school’s Email Referral Settings are not set up, staff will not be able to save student referrals.  Please refer to the MiSiS job aid - Referral Email Setting (, to set up your default email setting for counseling and/or discipline referrals. 
  • For schools who have not completed additional steps beyond the default setting - while this will allow school users to save a referral - the “Referred to” parameter will be blank. Please refer to the MiSiS job aid - Referral Email Setting ( for instructions on how to update the missing information.
  • If a staff member is not listed on the Email Referral Setting screen, please follow the instructions on the attached document on how to add the staff member.
  • Schools are reminded to update the Email Referral Setting when a staff member, who is listed to receive student referrals, is no longer employed at the school. There have been instances where staff members are listed, who are no longer employed at the school, which prevents school users from submitting Student Referrals.


MiSiS – Important Enrollment Information

 The following information is for secondary schools only.

Next Year Enrollment Process - Phase 1 (NYE1)
Next Year Enrollment 1 (NYE1) ran last night.  This process will create an enrollment for non-matriculating students, grades 6-11, at the same school for the next grade level, according to school’s grade level configurations as determined by School Management Services.

Options Schools and NYE1
This NYE1 process will create an enrollment record for non-matriculating students, grades 6-11, at the same school, but the students will remain in the same grade level.

Using Advanced Student Search during the NYE1 Phase

Schools may view next year students by going to Advanced Student Search and using the Enrolled As of Date field of the first day of school in 2018-19 school year to search. For most schools the first day of school will be August 14, 2018. Students in the highest grade level this year (e.g., Grade 8 in Middle Schools and Grade 12 in High Schools), will still appear in the search results for next year at the same grade level until NYE2 runs in early April. 

Secondary Scheduling and Future Year Groups

The future 2018-2019 school year is now available in the Master Scheduling screen.  Schools may now begin the future year scheduling process for non-matriculating students, grades 6-11.  For more information on the future year scheduling process, refer to the support materials on the MiSiS website: When using the Advanced Student Search during the NYE1 phase to create groups for future year scheduling, students in the highest grade level will be included in the search.  When validating the group membership, only valid future year students will be added.

MiSiS Updates - February 28, 2018

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 2/28/2018

Schoology Announcement:

All elementary school teachers can now access the online gradebook for their class in Schoology. Changes to class rosters are sent from MiSiS to Schoology nightly. To access the online gradebook in Schoology, teachers log in using their Single-Sign On (SSO) at and select the class in the “Courses” menu.

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • The Emergency Roster Report now includes the complete student schedule for all students.
  • The Transfer Screen no longer includes Independent Charter Schools or Magnet Schools.  Schools cannot enter transfers to Independent Charter or Magnet schools.
  • Students may not be withdrawn from a school if a student has been marked as a No Show.


  • The Missing Student Request Report (Pre-commit) has been modified to reflect the number of potential conflicts based on the number of instructional periods available.


  • The Uncleared Absences Report – Continuation is now available under the Reports menu.
  • The Uncleared Absences Report:
    • Displays all students with uncleared absences.
    • Displays the school principal’s name accurately on the report.
    • Includes the option of sorting by Period/Teacher.
    • Displays the groups accurately in the parameters.
  • At Span schools, the Attendance at a Glance screen now displays the attendance data accurately for secondary students.
  • The Student Truancy Report, located under the Admin menu, now includes pagination with the option to show 50, 100, 150, 200 students per page.
  • At Magnet Schools, the Student Attendance Totals report, located under the Attendance tab of the student profile, now displays the meeting pattern of the preferred location.


  • The GATE Student Search now includes a parameter for Student Race and Hispanic/ Latino indicator.


  • The Options Schools Report Card has been updated to correctly count absences and tardies.
  • The Retention Warning Notice has been removed from the CA Content Standards Elementary Schools Report Card for TK students.
  • A new link, ‘Back to Student Roster’, has been added to the teacher’s Grades by Student screen that returns them to the attendance roster screen, where they can select additional students to continue awarding grades.
  • The Grade Submission Confirmation alert will now display at the center of the screen so that teachers will no longer need to scroll to click it.
  • The display of the Retention Warning Notice on the CCS Elementary Schools Report Card for K-6 grade students, has been modified such that it is confined within a column for better visibility. It will no longer wrap into the beginning of the next row.
  • Various errors in grades have been fixed for reported students.

Student Support

  • The Contact Log now provides the ability to document contacts for withdrawn student. The role of Principal, Office Manager, Counselor, and School based PSA, will be able to create/enter/update/delete Contact Log entries.
  • The Referral Search, located under the Admin menu, now includes the option to search for Referrals with no action taken.
  • For students who have an SSPT referral and who matriculate to the next school level (i.e., middle to high school), the “Case Manager” drop-down field, located in the Intervention Plan tab, now displays the current school of attendance staff.
  • Previously entered Counseling Communication entries, can now be edited by the person who created the record, as well as the user with the Scheduling Administrator role.

Student Testing

  • The new ELPAC Student Tracker Screen has been created to assist schools with the tracking of students eligible for the summative ELPAC test.  The job aid is available on the MiSiS website:
  • Once test information is submitted on the ELPAC Student Tracker screen, a record (ELPAC Student Tracker Tab- Student Profile) will appear under Services > English Learner > ELPAC Student Tracker Status, displaying the school name where the student tested, the test turn-in date, test purpose of Summative, and the name of the employee who submitted the record through the ELPAC Student Tracker screen.


  • The Transcript Records have been fixed for students who were given a course number containing the letter ‘C’. These course numbers are provisional and are not to be used by schools at this time. For the affected students, the ‘C’ course numbers have been replaced with the same course number that does not contain the letter ‘C’.
  • Various errors in Transcript records have been fixed for reported students.

MiSiS Updates - January 24, 2018

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 1/24/2018

Schoology Announcement:

Student photos are now visible in the online gradebook for all students that have a photo in MiSiS.

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • The bug that prevented the enrollment of students in TE, has been fixed.  Schools may now enroll TE students.
  • The Grade Level Change screen has been updated.  Schools may now change the grade level for students with more than one grade level change this year.
  • Dental Examinations can now be entered on the Health Screening screen.


  • The Elementary Reorganization Report has been modified to display RSPM (RSP Math), RSPE (RSP English) or Yes (when a student has multiple RSP services). The report will also display the new CCS marks for elementary students.
  • In the Sections Editor Screen, after selecting a section, users may now sort on the Student ID. When creating or editing an Independent Study section using Period X, schools will not be able to select the "Exclude Attendance" attribute or remove the “Independent Study” or “Exclude Grades” attributes.
  • In the Manage Groups Screen, the "Days Absent" Dynamic Criteria will no longer be available for schools. When transferring students from one group to another, only active groups will display in the "Target Group" dropdown. Dynamic Groups will now generate quicker. The system will prevent schools from adding students to multiple learning communities and counseling groups.
  • The Advanced Search and Student Profile system will allow users to add students to learning communities and counseling groups through the Student Profile and the Advanced Search screens.


  • The Continuation Uncleared Absence Report is now available under the Reports menu.
  • The teacher and substitute roles are now able to change an individual student’s status to “P”.
  • The Truancy Letter 2 will now only display absences from the current school year.


  • An error message is no longer displayed when attempting to access the Grades by Student screen for any students withdrawn as of SY 2016 - 2017.
  • The Counseling List Report now displays the results based on the selected parameter.
  • When entering grades, teachers and office staff, will now have the capability to mass-assign to all students in the class roster, the mark of 'N/A' for the content standards of specific subject areas.
  • Teachers can now enter grades for TK students in TBE programs.
  • The borders, for each group of Academic Subjects, are now in bold to make the CA Content Standards Elementary Schools Report Card sections more distinguishable.
  • The Helper Text pop up (available in the ‘Grades by Class and Grades by Student’ screens) has been updated with more helpful information.
  • The Elementary Schools Teacher Verification Report’s ‘Assigned Subject’ label has been changed to ‘Strands Addressed this Grading Period’. The question mark symbol (?) used for missing grades, is now bolded for easier identification.
  • The Secondary Schools Report Card, when generated for Magnet Schools, will now display the control sheet when the 'Distribute by' option is selected.

Graduation Standards

  • The Middle School IGP report has been updated to display students’ names in standard format.

State Reports

  • The Continuation Statistical/SMASR now displays the In-School Suspension Attendance Minutes correctly in the SMASR.
  • The Scheduling Administrator role now has access to the COA Elementary Statistical Report.
  • The Capture Code and the “As of Date” on the Elementary Classification Report now display correctly.

Student Support

  • School Users will now be able to create/update SSPT Referrals, Support Referrals, Interventions, and Counseling Communications that fall within student's school enrollment begin and end dates.
  • Per policy, teachers may not suspend a student from a class more than once, every 5 school days. This validation has been implemented in the suspension screen.
  • Only the Principal and Discipline Designee roles will be able to enter Category I offenses that require an expulsion recommendation, using the Referral screen.


  • The Transcript Report Group parameter drop down now displays all Groups when the Group Category of ‘All’ is selected.
  • Data corrections have been made to reported students’ Transcript Details.
  • A screen has been created for adding new Transcript Records. The new screen will allow users to enter manual Transcript Records more quickly by auto-populating certain fields, and allowing the user to save and continue after each record.

MiSiS Updates - January 8, 2018

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 1/8/2018

Schoology Announcements:

The “Schoology Enhancement Survey” is available at our website: Based on the top requests from the survey, the following features will be available in the gradebook at the end of January 2018:

  • The Roster Display Option, in the gradebook roster, has been updated to allow teachers to sort their gradebook roster with the following options: Ascending; Descending; Last/First; or First/Last.
  • Teachers will have the option to view the full student’s name in the gradebook screen by selecting “View Full Student Name” under the View settings.

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • A new screen, “Address History”, is now available on the Enrollment menu.  The screen will display the student address history data from the Student ID system.
  • Users will not be able to edit or enter a withdrawal on or after the date of an existing discipline referral.


  • The Counseling Planning Sheet report has been modified to display RSPM (RSP Math), RSPE (RSP English) or Yes (when a student has multiple RSP services) in the “RSP” section of the report; the report will also display the new CCS marks for elementary students.
  • Schools can delete terms that are not in use. For example, schools that exclusively schedule 20-week classes can choose to delete 10-week terms (e.g., 2017-2018 A-Track Fall - First Half). Staff with access to MiSiS via the Scheduling Administrator or Principal user roles, can perform this function. Once the term is deleted, it will no longer appear on report parameters and screens. This feature is available for all schools; however, the intent was to provide the option for High Schools.


  • The Inline Uncleared Absences Report, located under the student profile, now fits in a #10 envelope.
  • The Attendance Summary Report will now display correct attendance totals.
  • The Seating Chart screen has been updated with student information for comprehensive elementary and secondary schools.
  • The City of Angels teacher screen can now be sorted by student last name.

English Learner/Student Testing

  • Schools will be able to enter parent notification dates for valid students.
  • The DIBELS criteria will display when the EL Progress Profile Report is generated in Spanish.
  • The SBA label will generate for selected teachers and periods.

State Reporting

  • The Secondary Statistical Report no longer displays a W9 Scheduled Outside Home School (Different School) for magnet students which are enrolled at the preferred location.

Focus Reporting & Dashboards

  • MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards is Now Focus Reporting & Dashboards - MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards has transitioned to Focus Reporting & Dashboards. Visit the Focus website at for information about the transition and the difference between the two applications. 
  • Attendance Bands Dashboard Drill Reports Updated - On the Attendance Bands Dashboard, all student-level drill reports now include three new columns displaying the number of Total Full Day Absence, Partial Days Absent, and Full Days Absent. To access the reports, click the Operations Analytic Area on the Welcome Page > Attendance Subject Page > Attendance Bands Dashboard > any tile, chart element, or table cell > “… by Student.”
  • Mail Merge Reporting Module Updated - All templates on the Mail Merge Reporting Module now include the Student ID prompt, which can be used to search for a specific list of students. In addition, the Secondary Marks template, now includes the Grading Period prompt.
  • New Mail Merge Reporting Module Templates - Two new templates are now available in the Mail Merge Reporting Module: Students with Ds and Fs and Students GPA. Students with Ds and Fs provides the total number of Ds and Fs for each student, as well as a concatenated list of all classes in which the student has Ds and Fs. Students GPA provides a concatenated list of all courses and grades as well as one of four GPAs (Weighted, Middle School, Official, and Athletic Eligibility). The related job aid, Use the Mail Merge Reporting Module, has been updated and is available on the Focus ad hoc reporting job aids website
  • New Testing Coordinator Local District Report - A new report is available for Testing Coordinators to access student testing information, including student names and identifying information, Special Education details (if applicable), Testing Accommodations, Counselor, students’ class schedules and more. To access the report, click the Classic View icon on the Welcome Page > Dashboards in the navigational menu > Local District Reports > Testing Coordinator tab.
  • New Subject Area: Marks - Elementary CCS (California Content Standards) Now Available – This subject area is now available to provide data from the new CCS report card. It can be accessed by clicking the Classic View icon on the Welcome Page > New in the navigational menu > Analysis > Marks – Elementary CCS. A subject area guide is available on the Focus ad hoc reporting job aids website
  • New Attribute: Number of Ds and Fs Column in Student Detail Subject Area - A new column is available in the Student Detail Subject Area to display the total number of Ds and Fs for a student in the current Grading Period and Term. To access the column, click the Classic View icon on the Welcome Page > New in the navigational menu > Analysis > Student Detail Subject Area > Marks folder > Secondary Grading Period Marks subfolder > Number of Ds and Fs. The Student Detail Subject Area Guide has been updated and is available on the Focus ad hoc reporting job aids website
  • Attendance Data Added to Course Enrollment Subject Area - The Attendance folder is now available in the Course Enrollment Subject Area to provide data regarding each course/section in which a student is enrolled including information such as the number of Periods Present/Tardy, Excused/Unexcused, Attendance Not Submitted (ANS), and the student’s Period Attendance Rate. The Course Enrollment Subject Area Guide has been updated and is available on the Focus ad hoc reporting job aids website
  • New Job Aid: Create Letters Using an Extract from the Mail Merge Reporting Module - This job aid is now available to provide instruction on how to create letters in Microsoft Word using an extract that was previously produced in the Mail Merge Reporting Module. The job aid is available on the Focus ad hoc reporting job aids website
  • Updated Job Aid: Create Mailing Labels Using an Extract from the Mail Merge Reporting Module - This job aid has been updated with new notes to provide more help in creating mailing labels. The job aid is available on the Focus ad hoc reporting job aids website


MiSiS Updates - December 20, 2017

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 12/20/2017

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • A new screen, "Address History”, is now available on the Enrollment menu. The screen will display the student address history data from the Student ID system.
  • Users will not be able to edit or enter a withdrawal on or after the date of an existing discipline referral.


  • The Counseling Planning Sheet report has been modified to display RSPM (RSP Math), RSPE (RSP English) or Yes (when a student has multiple RSP services) in the “RSP” section of the report; the report will also display the new CCS marks for elementary students.
  • Schools can delete terms that are not in use. For example, schools that exclusively schedule 20-week classes can choose to delete 10-week terms (e.g., 2017-2018 A-Track Fall - First Half). Staff with access to MiSiS via the Scheduling Administrator or Principal user roles, can perform this function. Once the term is deleted, it will no longer appear on report parameters and screens. This feature is available for all schools; however, the intent was to provide the option for High Schools.


  • The Inline Uncleared Absences Report, located under the student profile, now fits in a #10 envelope.
  • The Attendance Summary Report will now display correct attendance totals.
  • The Seating Chart screen has been updated with student information for comprehensive elementary and secondary schools.
  • The City of Angels teacher screen can now be sorted by student last name.

English Learner/Student Testing

  • Schools will be able to enter parent notification dates for valid students.
  • The DIBELS criteria will display when the EL Progress Profile Report is generated in Spanish.
  • The SBA label will generate for selected teachers and periods.


  • The GATE Student Search will now display new columns for Teacher Checklist and Parent Consent.


  • Additional tuning has been made to the Secondary Schools Report Card to improve performance.

Graduation Standards

  • The Academics Notifications screen that tracks Graduation Exemption status, located under the 'Letters' tab on the Student Profile screen, is now available for all students.
  • The previous school will now be able to print a complete and accurate IGP report when a student transfers to a new school.
  • The Post-Secondary Plans report will now show a “No Data Found” message when records do not exist based on the selected parameters.

State Reporting

  • The Secondary Statistical Report no longer displays a W9 Scheduled Outside Home School (Different School) for magnet students which are enrolled at the preferred location.

Focus Reporting & Dashboards

  • MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards is Now Focus Reporting & Dashboards - MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards has transitioned to Focus Reporting & Dashboards. Visit the Focus website at for information about the transition and the difference between the two applications.
  • Attendance Bands Dashboard Drill Reports Updated - On the Attendance Bands Dashboard, all student-level drill reports now include three new columns displaying the number of Total Full Day Absence, Partial Days Absent, and Full Days Absent. To access the reports, click the Operations Analytic Area on the Welcome Page > Attendance Subject Page > Attendance Bands Dashboard > any tile, chart element, or table cell > “… by Student.”
  • Mail Merge Reporting Module Updated - All templates on the Mail Merge Reporting Module now include the Student ID prompt, which can be used to search for a specific list of students. In addition, the Secondary Marks template, now includes the Grading Period prompt.
  • New Mail Merge Reporting Module Templates - Two new templates are now available in the Mail Merge Reporting Module: Students with Ds and Fs and Students GPA. Students with Ds and Fs provides the total number of Ds and Fs for each student, as well as a concatenated list of all classes in which the student has Ds and Fs. Students GPA provides a concatenated list of all courses and grades as well as one of four GPAs (Weighted, Middle School, Official, and Athletic Eligibility). The related job aid, Use the Mail Merge Reporting Module, has been updated and is available on the Focus ad hoc reporting job aids website
  • New Testing Coordinator Local District Report - A new report is available for Testing Coordinators to access student testing information, including student names and identifying information, Special Education details (if applicable), Testing Accommodations, Counselor, students’ class schedules and more. To access the report, click the Classic View icon on the Welcome Page > Dashboards in the navigational menu > Local District Reports > Testing Coordinator tab.
  • New Subject Area: Marks - Elementary CCS (California Content Standards) Now Available – This subject area is now available to provide data from the new CCS report card. It can be accessed by clicking the Classic View icon on the Welcome Page > New in the navigational menu > Analysis > Marks – Elementary CCS. A subject area guide is available on the Focus ad hoc reporting job aids website
  • New Attribute: Number of Ds and Fs Column in Student Detail Subject Area - A new column is available in the Student Detail Subject Area to display the total number of Ds and Fs for a student in the current Grading Period and Term. To access the column, click the Classic View icon on the Welcome Page > New in the navigational menu > Analysis > Student Detail Subject Area > Marks folder > Secondary Grading Period Marks subfolder > Number of Ds and Fs. The Student Detail Subject Area Guide has been updated and is available on the Focus ad hoc reporting job aids website
  • Attendance Data Added to Course Enrollment Subject Area - The Attendance folder is now available in the Course Enrollment Subject Area to provide data regarding each course/section in which a student is enrolled including information such as the number of Periods Present/Tardy, Excused/Unexcused, Attendance Not Submitted (ANS), and the student’s Period Attendance Rate. The Course Enrollment Subject Area Guide has been updated and is available on the Focus ad hoc reporting job aids website
  • New Job Aid: Create Letters Using an Extract from the Mail Merge Reporting Module - This job aid is now available to provide instruction on how to create letters in Microsoft Word using an extract that was previously produced in the Mail Merge Reporting Module. The job aid is available on the Focus ad hoc reporting job aids website
  • Updated Job Aid: Create Mailing Labels Using an Extract from the Mail Merge Reporting Module - This job aid has been updated with new notes to provide more help in creating mailing labels. The job aid is available on the Focus ad hoc reporting job aids website

MiSiS Update November 29, 2017

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 11/29/2017

MiSiS Announcements:

MiSiS Secondary Gradebook

The MiSiS Secondary Gradebook is now read only.  Secondary teachers will continue to have access to their Secondary MiSiS gradebook for historical purposes. Secondary teachers can access their official Schoology gradebook via the Schoology button on their MiSiS teacher screen.

Decommissioning MiSiS Explorer

MiSiS Explorer will be retired by the end of the 2017 calendar year (December 31st, 2017). MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting provides all capabilities available in MiSiS Explorer. Current users of MiSiS Explorer are encouraged to take the Basic Ad Hoc Reporting Training Class, available for registration in the Learning Zone at

Coming Soon:

MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards will transition to Focus Reporting & Dashboards

Focus is a new LAUSD integrated ad hoc reporting and dashboards application that will be available soon to current MiSiS Ad Hoc reporting and Dashboards users. Users will receive an email notification when it is available. Check the application website, for updated information.

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • The Magnet/Class Analysis Report now displays the cost center for all teachers.
  • The Student Transfer Form now includes SBAC and Physical Fitness Test results.
  • The Cumulative Record Label for Elementary no longer includes a parameter for the Learning Community.


  • When adding a student to a section that is over-capacity, the user will be prompted to enter the daily pin on the Walk-In Scheduler screen. Schools will be able to modify students’ sections if attendance has not been submitted for selected dates. When scheduling an IFEP, RFEP and EO student in dual language programs, the system will not add an EL Service.  A new "SP" (Special Population) alert will be added for qualifying students.
  • The Sections Editor screen will allow schools to modify sections if attendance has not been submitted for selected dates.  Schools will be able to add off-site sections.
  • The Student Schedule Summary Report will now display a student’s cost center.
  • The Teacher Section Assignments Report will now display active sections as of the selected date.
  • The Class Enrollment Sub-Report will now display student ID and generate successfully for schools using combined sections.


  • The Attendance Summary Report now displays Tardies (T) and Left Early (LE) correctly, based on their reason code.
  • The Uncleared Absence Report now displays in Mandarin when the parent/guardian’s correspondence language is Mandarin, Chiu Chow or Taishanese.

English Learner

  • On the Student Profile page, after a master plan is added for students whose language classification is IFEP, RFEP or EO, the system will not add an EL Service. Schools will now be able to access PK students’ records.


  • The Secondary School Report Card has been updated to sort correctly when the option to ‘Distribute by Period’ is selected.

Graduation Standards

  • New values for selection have been added to the Graduation Exemptions Certification screen for eligible Foster and Homeless students. The hyperlinks to the Certification screens are accessed from the Graduation Standards Summary screen.
  • The Specialized Population Graduation Exemption Letter Report has been updated and will now populate for all students when the ‘Mail Letter’ option is selected.


  • When creating or editing a Dynamic group, criteria must be added before saving the group. When changing the student membership start and end dates in a static group, the changes will be applied to all actively enrolled students.


  • New homeless records were added to MiSiS for students who were identified as homeless last school year, and who are attending the same school this year.  These records were added to assist with District reporting to CALPADS.

State Reporting

  • The Statistical Opportunity Report displays E and L codes correctly along with correct user name.
  • The Continuation SMASR/ Statistical Report displays the correct run date and time.

Student Support

  • The Email Referral Setting now displays the Small Learning Community in the SLC dropdown menu.
  • SSPT Referral Report now displays information that is entered on the SSPT Referral screen

Student Testing

  • The AP Computer Science Principles test scores will now display under Academics > Test Scores.


  • The High School Transcript Report has been updated for faster performance.

MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards

  • New Section Type Short Name Column in Relevant Subject Areas - The Section Type Short Name column is now available in the Section Details folder in all relevant subject areas: Academic Records, Course Enrollment, Marks – Elementary Academic Subjects, Marks – Secondary, Schoology – Assignments. All subject area guides have been updated and are available on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage
  • Update the EL Elementary Detail Report - The drill to detail report on the EL Elementary Profiles on the MMED Dashboard has been updated. The Basic Skills section has been updated to include SBAC in addition to DIBELs. The report also now displays the California Content Standards (CCS) Marks in the Marks section.
  • Update to the EL Secondary Detail Report - The drill to detail report on the EL Secondary Profiles on the MMED Dashboard has been updated. The Basic Skills section has been updated to include SRI in addition to SBAC.

MiSiS Updates - November 2, 2017

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 11/2/2017

MiSiS Announcements:

Decommissioning MiSiS Explorer 

MiSiS Explorer will be retired by the end of the 2017 calendar year (December 31st, 2017). MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting provides all capabilities available in MiSiS Explorer. Current users of MiSiS Explorer are encouraged to take the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting Basic Training Class, available for registration in the Learning Zone at

New CCS Elementary Report Card

As elementary schools prepare to print the New CCS Report Cards, we want to ensure that you have the necessary resources to support your effort. Follow this job aid link to access the webpage:

How to Print the CA Content Standards Elementary Grades Report Card.

For more information, contact the MiSiS Help Desk at (213) 241-4200 Option 5.

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • The Library Success Card field on the Enrollment screen has been removed.  Schools do not need to enter this information. The Los Angeles Public Library will send library cards to all students.  Parents may opt out by not using the library card.
  • The Withdrawal Code L7 may only be entered for students in grades 9-12.


  • The Student Truancy Report, located under the Admin menu, is now available to view the past two school years.
  • The Truancy Letter 1 now displays the truancy dates accurately.
  • The Educator Absence Schedule, located under the Admin menu, has been updated.
  • The new sections, at continuations schools, now have display default minutes if the sections are in District approved periods.

English Learner

  • The Spanish version of the Reclassification Letter will generate without reference to the LAT; and will display ELA-SBAC and CELDT RETEST information (when results become available) if the student is reclassified due to scores.
  • The EL Reclassification Label will include CELDT RETEST scores for reclassified students (when results become available).
  • The EL Progress Profile Report will include ELA-SBAC and CELDT RETEST scores for qualifying students (when results become available); and will generate successfully for selected teacher(s) and period(s).
  • The English Learner Rosters will display 2 additional columns for ELA-SBAC and CELDT RETEST scores (when results become available).
  • The LTEL Student Goal Sheet will display ELA-SBAC and CELDT RETEST scores (when results become available).
  • The Master Plan Roster will display CELDT RETEST scores (when results become available).
  • The EL Monitoring and Reclassification Processes have been updated to include the ELA-SBAC and CELDT RETEST scores (when results become available).


  • When creating or editing a Dynamic group, new criteria has been added for “Days Absent Excused” and “Days Absent Unexcused”.


  • Users must now enter a CHDP date when entering a CHDP result on the Health Screening screen.

Student Support

  • The SSPT Follow-up Meeting Report will now extract information from the Follow-up Meeting screen.
  • The Social Adjustment Report now displays all student referrals.


  • Courses taken at Adult Schools during the Summer are now correctly displaying on the students’ Transcripts Detail Screen.
  • The HS Transcript Report has been fixed such that when a Group is selected an error is no longer returned.

MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards

  • Coming Soon: MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards will transition to Focus - Focus is a new LAUSD integrated ad hoc reporting and dashboards application that will be available soon to current MiSiS Ad Hoc reporting and Dashboards users. Check the application website, for updated information.
  • New Subject Area: IT Assets Subject Area - This subject area is now available, providing a weekly snapshot of data for all LAUSD IT assets tracked by the IT Asset Management (ITAM) team. This data can be used to create reports about the physical location and usage information of all IT assets. A subject area guide has been created and can be accessed on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • Mail Merge Reporting Module Now Available - The Mail Merge Reporting Module is now available. It can be used to create mail merge-ready report extracts that can be used in the Microsoft Word mail merge process. To access the reporting module, go to Dashboards in the navigational menu > Example Reports > Mail Merge Reporting Module. A job on how to use the reporting module to create mailing labels is available on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • New Local District Report: Secondary Spring Rollover - The Spring Master Schedule Rollover Report for Secondary Schools is now available, providing information on which schools have started rollover and/or are committed. To access the report, go to Dashboards in the navigational menu > Local District Reports > Local District Reports > Secondary Spring Rollover tab.
  • New Job Aid: Subject Area Summary Guide - This job aid is now available to provide guidance on selecting the most appropriate subject area for a new ad hoc report. It can be accessed on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • New Job Aid: Use Report Templates - This job aid is now available to provide instructions on using the report templates, such as Daily Attendance and Secondary Marks. These can be accessed in the Catalog > Shared Folders > Library > Report Templates. The job aid is available on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • New Job Aid: Create a Report Displaying GPA and Marks Data - This job aid is now available to provide instructions on how to analyze GPA and marks data together. The job aid is available on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • Hierarchy Columns Now Available - Hierarchy columns are now available in all subject areas to create reports displaying student counts with the ability to drill down from a Local District to a Campus or School. The most common hierarchy column is the Currently Enrolled School Hierarchy – Local District column in the Current Enrolled School folder in most subject areas. A new job aid, Use Hierarchy Columns, is now available to provide instructions on using the hierarchy columns, which are available in most subject areas. Also, all subject area guides have been updated to include the available hierarchy columns. The job aids and guides are available on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • New Student Email Address Column - The Student Email Address column is now available in all subject areas. To navigate to it in the Columns pane, go to Student > Additional Information > Student Email Address. All subject area guides have been updated and can be accessed on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (

MiSiS Updates - October 11, 2017

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 10/11/2017

MiSiS Announcements:

New District ID Format

Beginning 10/16/2017, users will notice that new students to the district will be assigned a district ID with a new format which does not contain the student’s birthdate or gender. Only new students will be assigned IDs with the new format; students with the previous format will not change.

MiSiS User Access

In preparation for the school opening, the MiSiS team granted temporary Teacher access to staff members who had sections assigned to them but had not applied for MiSiS access. This was done to ensure that teachers could submit attendance on the first day of school. Users with “School Based” access who are receiving this email have still not applied for access using the EZ Access application (  Users receiving this email are strongly encouraged to do so. Your temporary access is set to expire on October 12, 2017.  Access will not be restored until the application has been submitted and approved in EZ Access.  By applying before October 12, 2017, you will not lose access to MiSiS.

Elementary and Secondary MiSiS Gradebook

The MiSiS Elementary and Secondary gradebook publish feature is now disabled.


  • Gradebook Print - The Gradebook Print report has been deployed in Schoology.  Users with School Support or Teacher role will now be able to generate a pdf report at the section or student level.  For more information, click here
  • New Assessments in Schoology - Fifteen new and enhanced Schoology assessments have been released.  They include Fill in the Blank, Dropdown, Drag and Drop, Label Image, Highlight Hotspot, Highlight Image and more.  Click on the following link to review: Assessment Question Types
  • LAUSD Kiosk App for Schoology - Chromebook users are now able to launch the LAUSD Kiosk App for Schoology from any District provisioned Chromebook.  This app will give students a “Locked Down” version of Schoology’s web interface.  For more information, click here

The following items have been fixed or updated in MiSiS:


  • When creating or editing a Dynamic group, the criteria for “Periods Absent” and “Tardies Today” have been removed from the drop-down.


  • The Truancy Screen has a multi-select parameter. Please select less than 250 students to avoid a time-out error.
  • Attendance Referral - Continuation: When downloading into a PDF format, the alignment fits into a single page.

English Learner

  • The EL Progress Profile Report will generate successfully for the selected teacher(s) when selecting to run the report “By Teacher and Period” option.
  • The English Learner Rosters will successfully run for all selected grade levels; when running the EL and LTEL Monitoring rosters for previous school years, only the report option of “By Student” will be available; CAHSEE test information will no longer display for students if no data is available. 


  • The Honor Roll Report Card now defaults to the current school year when selecting the School Year parameter.
  • Elementary Schools will no longer be able to enter or generate the non-CA Content Standards grade types for School Year 2017 -2018 or generate the Teacher Verification Report for School year 2017-2018 and thereafter.  Office staff and Administrators, with roles that have grades edit permissions, can still edit prior school year grades. The new CA Content Standards versions must be used.

Student Testing

  • The SBA Label may no longer be run by teachers.


  • Users will need to enter an “involved person” when entering a Restraining Order on the Court Order screen.

MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards

  • New WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) Subject Area - This subject area is now available, providing data regarding schools with WASC accreditation. It includes school, campus, local district, and board district attributes, as well as Staff Information, Geo Location Data, and WASC Information, such as the Category and Visit information. A subject area guide has been created, and can be accessed on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • New Student Homeless Information Subject Area - This subject area is now available, providing data regarding students who are recorded as homeless in MiSiS. It includes student demographics, enrollment, attendance, programs, GPA, test scores, graduation, and marks data, as well as data regarding homeless attributes. A subject area guide has been created, and can be accessed on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • Updates to Class Size Local District Report - Three new columns have been added to the Class Size Local District Report: Norm Category, Instructional Director Name, and Course Grade Span. To access the report, go to Dashboards in the navigational menu > Local District Reports > Local District Reports > Class Size tab.
  • New Local District Report: Secondary Grade Submissions - This report is now available, displaying the count of teachers who have submitted grades for schools and districts. It can be accessed by clicking Dashboards in the navigational menu > Local District Reports > Local District Reports > Secondary Grade Submissions.
  • New LCFF (Local Control Funding Formula) Code Subfolder Added to Student Detail Subject Area - The LCFF Code subfolder has been added to the Student Detail Subject Area to create reports using the LCFF Code, LCFF Description, LCFF Start Date, and LCFF Source. The Student Detail Subject Area Guide has been updated, and can be access on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage ( 
  • Updates to Age Column - The age column in the Birth subfolder has been updated to not round up. The Birth subfolder can be accessed in the Student folder in all Subject Areas.
  • Updates to GPA, Attendance Band, and Other Rounding Columns - Some columns, such as GPA and Attendance Rate, have been updated to automatically include the standard number of decimal places.

MiSiS Update - September 28, 2017

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 9/28/2017

MiSiS Announcements:


A bug has been identified affecting the High School Transcript Report.  When generating the report, and the ‘All’ option is selected under the ‘Testing Information’ dropdown field, be sure to deselect the ‘None’ option, otherwise an error message will appear.

Changes to The MiSiS Screens

Enhancements were recently made to the application which are required to make MiSiS Section 508 compliant. You may notice some slight changes to how the screens look, but there is no change to how you access the application or complete your tasks.

MiSiS Updates - September 20, 2017

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 9/20/2017

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • The Student Profile now displays SP alert for students identified as belonging to a Specialized Population. The alert will display for currently enrolled students in grades TK-12 who were homeless and/or DCFS foster students in the last four years. These students may be eligible for certain educational rights as outlined in "Bulletin 6718: Educational Rights and Guidelines for Youth in Foster Care, Experiencing Homelessness and/or Involved in the Juvenile Justice System." These rights include, but are not limited to, Immediate Enrollment, School of Origin (including transportation), Partial Credits, Exemption from District Graduation Requirements (AB 167/216 and 1806). For more information about the rights afforded to these Specialized Populations contact Pupil Services at (213)241-3844. 
  • The Emergency Roster Report generated Teachers and Periods in the correct order.
  • Schools may now enter an E7 First School for students with a prior enrollment with an entry code of E Pre-K/TE.
  • The Student Exclusion Screen and Mass Student Exclusion Screen now reflect the LAUSD Directory Release Information Form available in the Parent/Student Handbook.

No Show Process

  • MiSiS will be doing weekly data clean ups for the following issues:
    1. Student has same entry and withdrawal date and was marked absent.  These students are considered No Show students.
    2. Adjusting Entry Date to first day of present attendance for students withdrawn from the school.
  • A script was run to delete enrollments of students with the same enrollment and withdrawal date who were marked absent with reason code “unresolved”.  These students will be flagged as No Show.  As a reminder, the correct procedure is to flag the student as a No Show.  Schools do not need to withdraw No Show students; MiSiS will automatically withdraw the students. Refer to the job aide No Show Process for complete directions.
  • The Mass No Show screen is now available for flagging multiple students as No Show’s at the same time.


  • The Teacher Section Assignment Report will now display the teachers’ assigned cost center.
  • The Student Schedule Summary Report now has an additional parameter of “Include Columns” which gives the option to display the newly added columns of “Counselor” and “Learning Community” in the report.
  • A new link has been added on the Student Summary area under “Quick Links” for the “SP Grad Exempt Notification Letter” on the Walk-In Scheduler Screen.


  • The Attendance Summary Report headers have been rearranged to allow users to clearly view student attendance data.
  • The Uncleared Absence Report now sorts the Individual letters as per the sort option selected in the report parameter.


  • The Certificate of Eligibility now accurately displays the School Name Last Year.

English Learner

  • Students participating in dual, maintenance, or transitional language programs will no longer require a parent waiver to be added in the Student Profile > Services > English Learner.
  • The EL Progress Profile Report will now display the newly added DIBELS performance level of “Above Benchmark” for students who’ve attained this level.
  • The EL rosters will now successfully run for all selected grade levels.


  • The GATE Notification Letter now generates correctly for all students.
  • The School for Advanced Studies Participation screen now displays a default value for Resident Status.  Based on the student's residence address, if the student is enrolled at the any of the student's boundary schools, the Resident field defaults to Resident.  If the school believes the student lives within the school’s boundaries and the value does not default, schools should go to the enrollment screen (Enrollment > Enrollment History > Edit) and click the Validate Address button on the screen to populate the school of residence field for the student.
  • Schools may now search for School for Advanced Studies and Conservatory of Fine Arts participants on the Student GATE Search screen.


  • The Grades Audit Report has been updated and no longer displays the changes that are made to student grades during the open Grade Entry Window.
  • The Options Schools Report Card has been updated and now displays on a single page.
  • The Grades by Student screen has been updated and the student attendance counts now display correctly.

Graduation Standards

  • The 'Specialized Population Graduation Exemption Letter Report' is now available at the student profile, under Academics>Reports.


  • Schools will no longer be able to end or delete athletic groups on the Manage Groups screen.
  • When extending a group’s end date in the Manage Groups screen, only actively enrolled students will have their group membership extended.
  • When adding students to a group using the Advanced Search, users will be able to select students across multiple pages.

State Reports

  • The Elementary Classification Report now includes the ‘Enrollment Date’ after the column ‘Enrollment Code’ in the Roster portion of the report.
  • The ECast vs. Actual Enrollment report is no longer available. User are to use the Ad Hoc Norm Day Enrollment Dashboard.

Student Support

  • The Counselor, Summer School Counselor, and Counselor Plus roles now have access to create Support Referrals.

Student Testing

  • A new DIBELS performance level of “Above Benchmark” has been added which will display on the Student Profile > Academics > Test Scores for students who’ve attained this level.
  • The SBA ELA Exemption Report header will display “NO DATA FOUND” when no data is available to display on the report.
  • The PFT Student Information Report will now display the “Score” and “Lvl of Part” in the correct columns.


  • When entering New Transcript records, the courses under the Course Catalog drop down are now listed in numerical order.
  • Data corrections were made to reported students’ Transcript Details.

MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards

  • Graduation Progress Tiers Updated – The tiers included in MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting have been updated to accurately reflect the tiers listed in MiSiS. Two folders in the Student Graduation Progress Subject Area have been renamed: the previous A-G Requirements sub-folder is now labeled LAUSD A-G Requirements, and the previous LAUSD Requirements sub-folder is now LAUSD Additional Requirements.
  • Instructional Director Added to English Learner Service Local District Report – A filter and column for Instructional Director has been added to the English Learner Service Local District Report. To access these reports, click Dashboards in the navigational menu > expand Local District Reports > click Local District Reports > click English Learner Service tab.
  • RFEP Count Updated to 2017-2018 School Year – On the English Learner Dashboard, the count of RFEP students has been updated to reflect 2017-2018 students.

MiSiS Updates - August 30, 2017

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 8/30/2017

MiSiS Announcements:

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)/Assignment Monitoring Report

We are currently in the process of updating the Assignment Monitoring Report. We are targeting the updates to be completed by the end of next week. We will notify schools when the report is ready for use.

MiSiS Deployment Schedule

Starting with the September 19th release, the MiSiS application will go offline starting at 5:30pm, during scheduled deployments of the updated software. This is a minor change from the previous plan which started deployments at 6:00pm.

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • All Directory Release Information entered before 7/1/2017, has been deleted from the Exclusions screen. The request to withhold the student directory information is applicable only to the current school year. Schools will need to enter this data annually.
  • The Withdrawal Reason SPED NPS is no longer available for the L4 withdrawal Code.
  • The Withdrawal Reason SPED NPS has been added for L2 and L3 Withdrawal Codes.
  • Schools may now enter up to 4 Additional Race fields on the Enrollment screen.
  • Schools may now edit the withdrawal reason code for No Show students, and now mass enter No Show records.


  • The Teacher Section Assignment Report will now display teachers’ conference periods.
  • The Magnet Course Enrollment Report now has a column to display assigned cost center for teachers.
  • The Class Enrollment Sub-Report now has a column to display special education information for students with active IEP’s.
  • The Potential Promotion and Demotion Report will now generate for all selected grade levels.


  • The Attendance At-A-Glance legend has been modified to include the categories of Present, Absent, and Other.
  • The Uncleared Absences letter will now fit in a #10 window envelope.
  • The Truancy letters now include the school’s short name in the body of the letter.


  • When a Secondary Athletic Director enters a waiver for a student before or beyond the current school year, the following error message will display:  "Waiver cannot be entered for the previous or future school year."

English Learner

  • The English Learner Rosters, the EL Student Schedule Summary Report, and the CELDT Coding Roster will now display special education information for students with active IEPs.


  • Points earned in courses at Options Schools will now carry over for students who do not complete the course and re-enroll into the same course.
  • The report 'AB1806 and AB2167/216 Notification Letter', located under the 'Census' report menu, has been renamed to 'Specialized Population Graduation Exemption Letter Report' and has been modified to include a new 'Options' parameter with the following values: 'Potentially Eligible', 'Notification status', 'Mail Letters', 'Mark as Criteria Not Met'.
  • The Secondary Schools Report Card has been fixed, such that, when the options to Distribute by Period is selected, the output is sorted by that period.
  • A new comment: #22- “Student is recommended for another credit recovery opportunity” has been added for Secondary School Teachers to select when entering grades.

Graduation Standards

  • A new value of 'Academic Notifications' has been added under the "Letters" tab of the student's profile and now displays log entries indicating that the 'Specialized Population Graduation Exemption Notification letter' has been mailed or the entry has been marked as 'Criteria Not Met'.
  • The Office Manager’s role will no longer be able to add new Transcript records for a student. This feature is now limited to the Principal, Scheduling Admin, and Counselor Plus roles.
  • The Graduation Standards Summary page for A-G requirements now displays the number of years completed towards the requirement.  This value is now aligned with the minimum requirement of each respective category.
  • The Graduation Standards Summary page for CDE requirements now displays the number of years completed towards the requirement.  This value is now aligned with the minimum requirement of each respective category.  Partial credit courses now tally correctly to reflect completion of requirements.
  • A bug has been fixed that incorrectly indicated completion of LAUSD requirements when the Health requirement had not been met.
  • The Graduation Standards now awards credit only up to the Maximum Credits Allowed when a student repeats a course or takes an equivalent course that has already been completed.
  • The time stamp on the Graduation Standards Override is now displays correctly for the Principal role.
  • The UC Admission’s status logic will now enforce the requirement that VPA courses must be taken in sequence to fulfill the requirement.

Student Testing

  • The SBAC Test scores for the 2016-17 school year are now available in MiSiS. The SBA Student Label and Roster for students with a preferred name, will now display the name followed by a “P” for preferred.
  • The PFT Coding Roster will now display the elementary teacher’s assigned room number when running the report.


  • A new report is available that serves as a worksheet to help students fill out their CSU college applications.  The report lists courses taken by A-G category and lists pertinent GPA’s and exams.
  • When schools update the Term End Date that is associated to a course, in the student transcripts detail screen, that date will now display in the student’s Transcript Report.

MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards

  • New SAS (Schools for Advanced Studies) School Flag Column - This column is now available to produce reports regarding schools that have been designated as SAS. It can be found in all subject areas consisting of the Current Enrolled School subfolder and/or Course Location folder. This column is in addition to the SAS Flag, which indicates whether a student is enrolled in a SAS. The updated subject area guides are available on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage
  • New Counselor Staff ID and Homeroom Teacher Staff ID Columns - These columns are now available to produce reports including Staff IDs. These can be used to produce accurate counts of teachers and/or counselors. The MiSiS Staff ID can be found in all subject areas consisting of the Current Enrollment subfolder. The updated subject area guides are available on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage

MiSiS Updates - August 17, 2017

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 8/17/2017

MiSiS Announcements:

MiSiS Ad-Hoc Reporting and Dashboards

Due to a feature addition, there will be a service interruption to the MiSiS Ad–Hoc Reporting and Dashboard today, Thursday, August 17th, from 12:30pm to 1:30pm. Users will not be able to log in during this time.

Access to MiSiS

In preparation for the school opening, the MiSiS team granted temporary Teacher access to staff members who had sections assigned to them but had not applied for access. This was done to lower the number of Help Desk calls and to ensure that teachers could submit attendance on the first day of school. If you have not applied for access to MiSiS using the EZ Access application (, you are strongly encouraged to do so. Your temporary access will expire on October 9, 2017.

No Show Reminders

Directions for the No Show Process are available here:  No Show Process.

Students must be marked absent with the reason code of Unresolved for every period to be flagged as a No Show.

  1. Do not withdraw a student flagged as a No Show. The nightly process will update the withdrawal for the student.
  2. The No Show process runs every night at 6 pm.  
  3. The No Show Report (Reports > Enrollment > No Show Report) generates a list of No Show students.

Opening of the School Year 2017-2018

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 7/26/2017

Opening of the School Year 2017-2018 Checklist

MiSiS Updates - July 26, 2017

Posted by MiSiS Team on 7/26/2017

MiSiS Announcements:

Users are advised to review any of the previous MiSiS Release Notes (such as for June 14, 2017 or July 12, 2017) which are posted online under the What’s New section at

Opening of the School Year Checklist 2017-2018

The Opening Checklist has been posted here. Please review the document.

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:

Master Scheduling

(For Information only) The Master Scheduling > Sections Editor screen currently shows as “8/16/17” when selecting to “add students” to sections in Sections Editor, the “start date”, which is the next instructional day.  For sections added prior to the start of the semester, the start date needs to be modified to reflect the first day of school (8/15/17).  Double click on the “Start date” and change the date to “8/15/17” to add sections for selected students.  For example:

Auto Withdrawal

  • The Auto Withdrawal function is now working. Group membership now properly ends when a student is withdrawn from a school.


  • Users are now able to enroll students in the Transitional Kindergarten Expansion (TE) grade level if the student turns five years old between December 3rd and the last day of the school calendar.

School Closing Checklist

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 6/15/2017

2016-2017 End of School Year Checklist

Updated June 15, 2017 – added checklist items for Certify and MiSiS Ad Hoc reporting. The previous version, posted on May 24, can be found here.

MiSiS Updates - June 14, 2017

Posted by MiSiS Team on 6/14/2017

The following items have been updated/fixed in MiSiS:


  • Withdrawal Screen – Schools may now enter L7 Leave Reason and withdrawal combinations for students in grades 9-12:
L7 93 CHSPE Grades 9-12
L7 94 HiSet/GED Grades 9-12
L7 90 Diploma Grade 10-12 if student meets Graduation Standards
L7 97 Diploma Exemption from LAUSD Requirements Grade 10-12


  • Scheduling Post-Commit Screens and Reports:
    • Walk-In Screen - The daily PIN will display only when a section is over-capacity; the EL column is now sortable.
    • Sections Editor Screen - The screen will not allow a course title when attendance has been taken in the selected section.
    • Students Without Schedules Report - The report will generate successfully for the 2017-2018 school year.
    • Section Attributes Report - The report will display an appropriate teacher degree code in the credential authorization column.
    • The Potential Course Deficiency Report (9-12) - The report will generate successfully when all grade levels are selected.
    • The Student Request Status Report - This new report can be used by the counselor or scheduling administrator to view courses that were scheduled, not scheduled, or scheduled but not requested, prior to committing the master schedule.  The same information is displayed in the Walk-In screen under the Automated Scheduler quadrant.
    • The Class Enrollment Sub-Report - The sub-report will now display students’ EL data in the appropriate EL column.


  • The SARB report is available to users in the Reports Tab.

English Learner

  • When adding a Master Plan record for an English Learner student participating in a Dual, Maintenance, or Transitional Language program, the user will no longer be prompted to add a parent waiver.
  • The Parent Waiver section on the English Learner screen has been changed to a read-only screen, as Parent waivers will not be necessary as of the new school year.  Any changes or updates to existing information will need to be updated by Central Office.


  • The Grades by Student screen will now display classes taken at Passport schools along with classes from the home school.

Graduation Standards

  • The High School IGP Report will no longer display failed courses on the AP Exam in which students do not earn a score of 3 or better in “Courses Not Meeting Graduation Requirements.

Manage Groups

  • Users will be able to only edit group membership for athletic groups; performance has been improved when creating groups.

MiSiS Explorer

  • When creating a static group, the Advanced search pop-up will now display information correctly.

Student Testing

  • The following bug fixes were applied to the SBA Label & Student Roster Report:
    • The report will now generate completely when ‘All Teachers’ are selected.
    • The report will no longer print the roster right underneath the labels.  
    • The report now prints with the grade levels in ascending order when selecting Page Break by Grade Level.
    • The report now marks students with the same first name in the same classroom with a ‘Y’ even if they are in different grade levels.
    • The test scores screen for SBAC will no longer display the subtests if there are no overall scores.

Student Support

  • The Nonsense Word Fluency field now allows users to enter a value on the SSPT screen.
  • A new District SSPT user role has been added, which has access to the same reports as the District Admin role, except for Gradebook, Scheduler and State Reports.
  • The OT Exit-Cancellation Report now displays “city, state” correctly.
  • The SSPT Logo and Print Intervention Plan are aligned correctly.

Summer Schools

  • The Room Finder report has been updated to accurately report students enrolled in Summer Term courses.  This report is available in Room Finder view (room number only) and List View (Course, Section, Teacher, and Room).  Please note - Room Finder currently does not include Middle School students in Summer Term.  This will be updated soon.


  • The Transcript Report now allows credit to be awarded for first- time completed courses.

MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards

  • Decommissioning MiSiS Explorer – MiSiS Explorer will be retired by the end of the 2017 calendar year (December 31st, 2017). MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting provides all capabilities available in MiSiS Explorer. Current users of MiSiS Explorer are encouraged to take the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting Basic Training Class, available for registration in the Learning Zone at
  • New Local District Report – Class Size– This report is now available for users to view selected course class sizes. To access the report, navigate to Dashboards in the navigational menu > Local District Reports > select the Class Size tab.
  • New Local District Report – EL Service – This report is now available, displaying school sections where an EL student is enrolled and the section term has an attribute of EL Service. To access the report, navigate to Dashboards in the navigational menu > Local District Reports > select EL Service tab.
  • Updates to Summer School Monitoring Reports – The Summer School Monitoring Reports now include a parameter for program as well as a column to display the program to distinguish the various summer programs. To access the reports, navigate to Dashboards in the navigational menu > Summer School Reports.
  • New Enrollment History Subject Area – A new subject area is available to create reports using enrollment data from previous school years, as well as withdrawal data events for students. A subject area guide is available on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage at
  • New Graduation Requirements Columns – The following columns are now available in the Student Detail and Student Graduation Progress Subject Areas to assist in identifying students eligible for graduation: Probation/Foster Eligibility Option Type Description, Probation/Foster Eligibility Option Type Code, Post- Secondary Plan, Homeless Eligibility Option Type Description, and Homeless Eligibility Option Type Code. These columns can be found in the Student Detail Subject Area > Graduation folder or the Student Graduation Subject Area > Graduation Requirement folder. The MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting subject area guides have been updated at
  • New DIBELs Composite Performance Level Columns – These columns are now available in the Student Detail Subject Area to summarize a student’s performance on the DIBELs test. The columns include DIBELs Composite Performance Code, DIBELs Composite Performance Description, DIBELs Composite Performance Display Code, and DIBELs Composite Score. They can be found by navigating to the Student Detail Subject Area > Latest Test Scores folder > DIBELs Assessment subfolder. The MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting subject area guides have been updated at
  • New Curriculum Type Code and Description Columns – These columns are now available within the Programs folder in all subject areas. These columns display the Curriculum Type of a Special Education Program. Options include “Alternate Curriculum,” “General Education with Modification,” etc. The columns can be found by navigating to the Programs folder > Special Education subfolder. The MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting subject area guides have been updated at
  • AEA (American Evaluation Association) Ethnicity Prompt Now Available – On the Launch Pad and the Graduation Progress Dashboard, a new prompt has been added to the top of the page with which users can drill down to a specific AEA Ethnicity.
  • Updated Attendance Bands and Tiers – Calculations used in these columns have been updated to align with the District. These columns can be found in the Student Detail Subject Area > Attendance folder.

MiSiS Updates - May 24, 2017

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 5/24/2017

2016-2017 End of School Year Checklist

The following items have been fixed or updated in MiSiS:


  • The Name Label Report is now available on the Enrollment Reports menu. Schools may use this report to print labels with students’ names.
  • Secondary schools may now access the Mass Leave Reason screen to enter Leave Codes for 12th graders who will be graduating or not returning for the next school year. Refer to the MiSiS job aid: Mass Leave Reason for more information.
  • If a 12th grade student will be returning next year, schools should enter a Year End Flag for the student.
  • When entering a Student Residence address, fractions can now be entered in the Number field for an address (i.e. 3904 1/2).


  • Secondary School Scheduling Pre-Commit Screens and Report
    • Section Assignments: Section capacity for non-academic courses may be updated to “0”. The Special Day Program Section Attribute has been updated to include values listed in ECAST. The Section Assignments grid will reset when selecting different courses.
    • Scenario Manager: The scenario date title has been updated to the “Last Active Date”. This will update based on the most recent edit of the master schedule.
    • The following reports will generate successfully for all schools, including span schools: the Teacher Section Assignment Report, the Student Request Scheduled Report and the Placement of Special Ed Students Report.
  • Scheduling Post-Commit Screens and Report
    • Walk-In: Dual Language schools will only display students enrolled in the dual language program. The students’ schedule change process has been fixed; elementary scheduling has been updated to restrict scheduling students in a course not equal to the student’s grade level.
    • Sections Editor: The SPED column has been updated to reflect accurate data. The Special Day Program Section Attribute has been updated to include values listed in ECAST.
    • Elementary Reorganization Report: The report will generate successfully for dual language schools.
    • Class Enrollment Report: The report is now accessible to users with the Categorical Program Coordinator role.


  • The Attendance At-A-Glance screen now displays attendance transactions at magnet schools from the preferred location.
  • The Attendance Referral Report now displays the logged-in user's name in the footer. If multiple statuses have been issued for one class, they are now displayed in the Attendance Details portion of the report and the headers are rearranged with a description.
  • The Classroom Attendance Totals by Date Range – Secondary report is now displaying the correct number of instructional days.
  • The School Bus (SB) tardy code will no longer be counted as a tardy on the student's report card.
  • The red asterisks, that appear under the Tile View and Seating Chart, are now cleared on the Teacher’s Roster when attendance is submitted.
  • The Uncleared Absence in-line report located under Attendance > Report Student Profile screen now generates successfully.

Athletic Eligibility

  • The Official Athletic Team and Tryout groups for the 2017-18 School Year are now available. See job aid, Athletic Eligibility Process, for detailed procedures.
  • The following enhancements have been made to Eligibility Waivers in the Athletics Screen:
    • The role of District Athletic Director now has access to enter, edit, and delete all waivers.
    • Once a waiver has been entered by a District Athletic Director, the Secondary Athletic Director will be able to view the entered waiver, but will not be able to delete it.
    • Secondary Athletic Directors will now be able to enter, edit, and delete waivers only if they were entered at the same school.
  • In the Athletic Eligibility Screen, if a student is in multiple sports in the same school year, the default will be Fall, Winter, or Spring of the current school year, followed by the group name.

English Learner

  • The RFEP Monitoring Roster has been enhanced to only display students who are currently enrolled with their teacher. If a student moved from one classroom to another within the same term, the student will no longer display on both teachers' rosters.


  • A new report, the UGrades Audit Report, has been deployed and can be accessed via the path Reports>Grades>Grades Audit Report. The report is for Secondary School Administrators and can be generated at the School or student level. It displays any grade changes made to student’s courses within any selected Term and Grading Period.
  • The Secondary Schools Report Card has been updated and no longer includes the ‘Activity’ absences such as Field Trips, Athletic Events, Counseling Office, etc. on the student’s absence counts.
  • The Options School Report Card has been updated to print once, at the end of the report, when the banner page is selected to be printed.
  • The Elementary School Report Card no longer times out when generated for the entire school.
    Note: When generating the Elementary Schools Report Card, deselect the Grade level of TK from the grade level selection parameter to avoid an error.

Graduation Standards

  • The Graduation Standards report was updated to allow semester credit to be awarded to students who earn a score of 3 or higher on the AP Human Geography Exam.

Manage Groups

  • A report link icon has been added on the Manage Groups screen to allow schools to run a report on the selected group; the group membership search allows for pasting more than 1,000 student IDs.

MiSiS Explorer

  • When creating a static group, and using the Advanced Search page, the pagination will be available to add students to the group. New 2017-18 data has been added under Schedule > Fall and Spring 2017-2018 terms, as well as Elementary Subject > Room 2017-2018.
  • Change Course Audit Trail in the Student Profile: Students whose records were modified through the Change Course Assignment Tab, will now reflect the changes in the Student Profile > Transcript > Transcript Audit > View Course Audit.
  • Advanced Search Screen: Students may be added to a group through the Action tab drop-down selection of “Assign Group” using appropriate group dates.

Student Support

  • The Counselor role now has access to edit SSPT referrals.
  • If school staff have not assigned anyone to receive automatic emails when a referral is submitted, the user who entered the referral, along with the principal, will receive an email notifying them that the school office staff must designate one or more school staff members to receive and respond to the various types of referrals, see job aid: Referral Email Setting.
  • The SSPT Referral Log Report now displays all student with an SSPT referral.

Summer School

  • A new report is available to assist with the Summer School opening. Schools will be able to generate a Room Finder report that lists students assigned period/room number.
  • The “Move” and “Remove” students button have been enabled for “off-site” students. Schools will now be able to select students that originate from schools other than the host summer school site.
    Note: Currently, a bug exists where certain students are excluded when generating the Summer School Roster Report. In lieu of the Roster report, please use the Summer School Students report which generates a complete set of students and lists requests and assigned sections. The Summer School Course Summary Request can also be used to determine how many students are requesting courses.


  • The Transcript Audit screen has been updated to include more details of any changes made to final grades and courses within the Transcript Screen.
    Note: Currently, a bug exists that when a user clicks on the field and enters text into the field (adding a new transcript record or editing an existing one), the courses listed under the Course Catalog column disappear. Courses must be entered by selecting from the dropdown only. Do not type anything into the field; refresh the screen to reset the course list. The MiSiS Team is working to fix this issue as soon as possible.

MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards

  • Decommissioning MiSiS Explorer – MiSiS Explorer will be retired by the end of the 2017 calendar year (December 31st, 2017). MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting provides all capabilities available in MiSiS Explorer. Current users of MiSiS Explorer are encouraged to take the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting Basic Training Class, available for registration in the Learning Zone at
  • Local District Reports – Incoming Students Report Now Available – This report can be found by navigating to Dashboards > Local District Reports > Local District Reports in the navigational menu. Click the Incoming Students tab at the top of the screen. This report displays a list of incoming students for middle schools and high schools.
  • Local District Reports – Updates to Students Without Schedules Report – The pivot table in this report now displays a count and percentage of both Students with Schedules and Students Without Schedules. Click the arrow next to a Local District Name to drill down to the campuses in that district. This report can be found by navigating to Dashboards > Local District Reports > Local District Reports > Students Without Schedules.
  • Local District Reports – Updates to Master Scheduling Commit Status Report – A column has been added to this report titled “# of Schools Using Concurrent Term.” This report can be found by navigating to Dashboards > Local District Reports > Local District Reports in the navigational menu. The Master Scheduling tab is selected by default.
  • Summer School Monitoring Reports Now Available – Reports for summer school are now available and can be found by navigating to Dashboards > Local District Reports > Summer School Monitoring Reports. The first report tab is the School Summary, which provides a breakdown of the number of students enrolled in summer school. The second tab is the Course and Teacher Summary, which provides a summary of the courses and teachers available in summer school. The third tab is Enrollments, which provides an Enrollment Roster. Future enhancements will include a prompt for Summer School Program and pivot tables on the Courses and Teachers Summary and Enrollments report.
  • Schools for Advanced Studies Subject Area Now Available – This subject area is now available, providing data for students attending schools that are designated as Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS). This subject area includes student demographics, Enrollment, Programs, and Groups data, as well as data about SAS schools and the students attending them. Student data includes whether they are a Resident at the school, their eligibility criteria (i.e., Participation Criteria), and enrollment Start and End Dates. A subject area guide has been created and can be accessed on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage at
  • Date Test Taken Column Now Available in Student Testing Subject Area – A new column has been added to the Student Testing Subject Area. It can be found by navigating to the All Student Tests folder > Date Test Taken. The column provides the date on which the student completed the related test. The Student Testing Subject Area has been updated and can be found on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage at
  • SAS Flag Column Now Available in All Subject Areas – A new column has been added all subject areas and can be found by navigating to the Student folder > Program Participation > SAS Flag or by navigating to the Program folder > Program Participation > SAS Flag. This column is a flag indicating whether a student attends classes at a SAS-designated school. The Subject Area Guides have been updated and can be found on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage at
  • Student No Show Subject Area No Longer Available – This subject area is no longer available in MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting. For No Show data, see the Unprocessed No Shows Report on the Norm Day Enrollment Dashboard.
  • Subject Area Descriptions Now Available – To help the user select the appropriate subject area for an analysis, hover text is now available in the tool. To see a subject area description, navigate to New > Analysis in the navigational menu and then hover the mouse over the name of a subject area.
  • Updates to Attendance Bands and Tiers – Attendance Bands and Tiers have been updated to align with the bands and tiers defined by the District. Attendance Bands and Tiers are found in the Attendance folder in the Student Detail Subject Area.

MiSiS Updates - May 22, 2017

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 5/22/2017

The following items have been fixed or updated in MiSiS:


  • The Office Summons report has been enhanced for improved usability.
  • The School Period parameter is now a single select option.
  • The Time parameter is now an optional field (this allows the user to write in the time).
  • The Distribute By options will change:
    • Alpha: sorts selected students in alpha order.
    • Teacher/Period: sorts by the teacher first, then by students based on the selected period.
  • The report will now display the student’s complete schedule with the selected period in bold text.
  • The office summons will now be created for one summons per student.


  • The Grades by Class and Grades by Student screens have been tested and are properly functioning for both Secondary and Elementary Schools. The Grade Entry window for the Final Grading Period opened on 5/18/2017 for all schools.


  • A bug has been identified that when adding a new transcript record or editing an existing one, the courses listed under the Course Catalog column disappear when a user clicks on or enters a course number into the field. Courses must be entered by selecting from the dropdown only. The MiSiS Team is working to fix this issue as soon as possible.

MiSiS Updates - April 12, 2017

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 4/12/2017

MiSiS Announcements

Next Year Enrollment

  • Schools may now enter Year End Flags for students who will be returning 12th graders next year. The Year-End Flag Screen will be used for Completers or Certificate of Completion students returning to school next school year, as well as students who did not complete requirements and will be returning next year to continue to work towards completion of the requirements. Refer to REF-6501.3 2016-17 Year-End Coding for All 12th Grade Students for more information. During the Next Year Enrollment processing, 2017-18 enrollments will be created for 12th grade students with Year End Flags in the same school.
  • The Address Confirmation Letter is now available. This report may be sent to families to confirm a student’s address for the next year school; for example, matriculating students living in an Option Area.
  • The Next Year Enrollment nightly process will now create a Next Year Enrollment for TE students in Kindergarten at the student’s resident school.

Decommissioning MiSiS Explorer

MiSiS Explorer will be retired by the end of the 2017 calendar year (December 31st, 2017). MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting provides all capabilities available in MiSiS Explorer. Current users of MiSiS Explorer are encouraged to take the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting Basic Training Class, available for registration in the Learning Zone. (

The following items have been fixed or updated in MiSiS:


  • The Enrollment and Withdrawal Report may be generated for the prior three school years.
  • The Foster Student Comprehensive Report (Elementary and Secondary) now includes SBAC scores and performance levels.


  • Elementary School Scheduling
    • The elementary rollover process has been completed for the 2017-2018 school year. All students have been rolled over into the next grade level. Schools may now create new sections and assign teachers and students for the next year. Refer to the Elementary Rollover and Scheduling Process on the MiSiS website under the job aids link -
    • New dual language schools are available for the 2017-18 school year. Student transfers to the dual language schools may be created for scheduling of students for the next school year. Refer to the Dual Language Education Programs - Set Up Procedures for Elementary Rollover on the MiSiS website under the job aids link -
  • Secondary School Scheduling
    • Course Request Screen
      • Accurate special education data will reflect for students in the SPED column.
      • An error no longer displays when selecting more than 20 students.
      • The Individual Student Request report will also be available from the screen.
      • Students with experimental course requests will no longer show large numbers of requests.
    • Request Generator
      • Schools that have permission to offer experimental courses will be able to publish versions containing experimental courses.
      • Section types will no longer be overwritten when a new course request is added for a group of students.
    • Pre-Run Validation Report – An additional issue type has been added to reflect students with requests where no section is available in Section Assignments.
    • Add/Drop Report – Additional information has been added to the report to display the name of person who modified the student’s schedule and when the modification was made.
  • Walk-In Scheduler – Accurate special education data will reflect for students in the SPED column.
  • Groups – Users will be able to edit the end date of a group in Student Profile > Misc. > Group Participation without generating an error message.
  • MiSiS Explorer – Static groups may now be created using MiSiS Explorer.


  • The Elementary Classroom Attendance Totals by Date Range report now displays the student’s age, with the selected “As of Date”.


  • Two new columns were added to the Secondary Schools Report Card, the ‘Grades by Class’ screen, and the ‘Grades by Student’ screen – 'Total Absences' and 'Total Tardies'. The new columns now display the count of all absences and tardies accumulated from all classes the student was enrolled in for a period (hour) within that selected term. The 'Section Absences' and 'Section Tardies' columns display the count of absences and tardies accumulated only from that teacher's class.


  • As an added security measure, the ability to right-click on student photos and save it to your computer, has been disabled.

Student Support

  • When a Student Support Discipline Referral for firearms is submitted, the Student and Expulsion Support Unit will now receive an automatic email notification of the referral.
  • The Student Referral now has a new ‘Referred By’ parameter.

Summer School

  • Summer School Data has been uploaded to allow schools to enroll and schedule students for the Summer Term. The Periods may display in descending order in Sections Editor. The MiSiS team is working to resolve this issue.


  • Summer courses taken for enrichment at a high school, after 8th grade, will now display as 9th grade summer in the student’s Transcript detail.
  • Editing the 'School Year' value or clicking on the 'Cancel' button of an existing 'Out of District' Transcript record, using the Chrome browser, will no longer return an error message.

MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards

  • Decommissioning Ad Hoc Reporting Team Folder on 5/2/17 – The Ad Hoc Reporting Team folder in Shared Folders in the Catalog will be decommissioned on April 11, 2017. Owners of any reports in the folder must save copies of the reports they wish to keep before everything is deleted on May 2. For directions on how to do this, see the Copying and Pasting an Object in the Catalog Job Aid on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage ( An email communication will be sent out directly to owners.
  • Publisher Class Available Soon – Users who wish to share reports with other users in the Shared Folders now have the option to do so once completing the web-based Publisher Training Class. Go to the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting webpage ( for more information.
  • Marks Report Template – A new report template displaying students’ courses and marks is available in the Catalog and can be found by navigating to the Catalog > Shared Folders > Library > Student Courses Marks-Template. To use the template, select the school(s) from the School Name prompt and click OK.
  • Search for Multiple District IDs Job Aid – A new job aid is available describing how to copy and paste a list of District IDs into a filter. When creating a filter, the list of selected values must be formatted correctly. The job aid can be found on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • Census Day Flag Column – A new column has been added to the Current Enrollment folder. This column identifies a student who was included in the count on Census Day. The column can be found in all subject areas (except Student No Show and Student Withdrawal Data) by navigating to Enrollment > Current Enrollment > Census Day Flag. The Subject Area Guides have been updated and can be found on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • EL Comments and Modified By Columns – Language Classification Record Comment, Language Classification Record Created By, Language Classification Record Language Created Date, Classification Record Modified By, and Language Classification Record Modified Date columns have been added to the Language Classification folder, which is found in multiple subject areas: Academic Records, Course Enrollment, English Learner, Marks – Elementary, Marks – Secondary, Marks – Work Effort, and Student Detail. All five columns can be found by navigating to Student > Language Classification. The Subject Area Guides have been updated and can be found on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • GPA Added to Course Enrollment Subject Area – The GPA folder has been added to the Course Enrollment Subject Area. Authors can now include any of the GPAs tracked in MiSiS in Course Enrollment reports. Examples include Athletic Eligibility GPA, LAUSD Official GPA, LAUSD Middle School GPA, etc. The Subject Area Guide has been updated and can be found on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • Student Addresses Added to Course Enrollment Subject Area – The Address subfolder has been added to the Course Enrollment Subject Area and can be found by navigating to the Student folder > Address. The Subject Area Guide has been updated and can be found on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • SARB Columns Added to Attendance Daily Subject Area – New SARB columns have been added to the Attendance Daily Subject Area. These columns include SARB #, SARB Chair, Contact Number, Referring School, Student Status, and SARB Date. The Subject Area Guide has been updated and can be found on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • Section Capacity Column Added to Section Details folder – The Section Capacity column, identifying the number of students allowed in the section, has been added to the Section Details folder. This folder can be found in multiple subject areas: Academic records, Attendance Student Section, Course Enrollment, English Learner, Marks – Elementary, Marks – Secondary, and Marks – Work Effort. The Subject Area Guides have been updated and can be found on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • Enrollment History Subject Area Is No Longer Available – The Enrollment History Subject Area is no longer available in Ad Hoc Reporting. For Norm Day Enrollment data, users can refer to the Norm Day Enrollment Dashboard.

MiSiS Updates - April 7, 2017

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 4/7/2017

MiSiS Announcements

Enrollment – NYE2
Next Year Enrollment Script 2 ran last night in MiSiS. NYE2 creates a 2017-2018 enrollment for TK -11 regular matriculating students remaining at the same school. It will also create a 17-18 enrollment for matriculating and non-matriculating students who will not be attending the same school next year due to Magnet placement, Permits with Transportation (PWT), Zone of Choice (ZOC) placement, Special Education assignments or other transfer reasons. The process will increase the student’s grade level by one and create the 2017-2018 enrollment at the next school according to the student’s residence address, as it appears on the Student Profile Screen, under the Student Information section in MiSiS, or at the next school entered on the Transfer Screen. TK students will process into grade Kindergarten at their school of residence. MiSiS has run data for Magnet, PWT and Zone of Choice transfers from the Magnet/PWT, Zone of Choice and Open Enrollment Interface and will continue running NYE until June 30, 2017. Refer to REF-6646.1 2017-2018 Next Year Enrollment for all Students for more information about Next Year Enrollment.

The Next Year Enrollment process is run nightly; however, MiSiS may not be able to generate new 2017-18 enrollments for some students due to incorrect or missing data. Schools can generate the NYE Error Report (Reports > Enrollment > NYE Errors) to determine which students could not be processed. Schools may fix the exceptions using the report column “Error Descriptions.” Use the steps below to make corrections based on the difference scenarios. Note that corrections made today will be viewable on the following school day.

Error Description: Transfer School Does Not Support Next Grade Level

  1. Search for student.
  2. Go to Miscellaneous > Transfers.
  3. Review the Transfer Record. Transfer To school must have the grade student will be in next year.
  4. Click Save.

Error Description: Invalid Street Number (Student’s Address)

  1. Search for student.
  2. Go to Enrollment > Enrollment History.
  3. On the Enrollment History screen click Edit for the current enrollment.
  4. Check student address and make any changes. If you are not sure of the correct address format use USPS Search or LAUSD Resident School Identifier.
  5. Click Save.

Error Description: Overlapping Enrollments in Home School
No action needed by school; error will be corrected centrally.

Error Description: No Address for Matriculating Student

  1. Search for student.
  2. Go to Enrollment > Enrollment History.
  3. On the Enrollment History screen click Edit for the current enrollment.
  4. Enter Student Address.
  5. Click Save.

Error Description: No Boundary School Found

  1. Search for student.
  2. Go to Enrollment > Enrollment History.
  3. On the Enrollment History screen click Edit for the current enrollment.
  4. Review Student Address.
    • Use LAUSD Resident School Identifier to research the student address.
    • If student lives outside of LAUSD boundaries, the student will not have a boundary school for matriculation. Please inform the parent/guardian.
    • If student lives within LAUSD boundaries, check the student address in MiSiS to ensure accuracy. Make any changes and click Save.

Error Description: Multiple Transfer Schools

  1. Search for student.
  2. Go to Miscellaneous > Transfers.
  3. Review the Transfer Records and contact the parent/guardian if necessary to determine the correct Transfer record.
  4. To revoke the incorrect transfer select Revoke on the Action dropdown.
  5. Click Save.

Error Description: Student Has Multiple Boundary Schools
Students with multiple boundary schools will need a Transfer Record in MiSIS for the Next Year Enrollment to add a record for the 2016-17 school year.  The Student Resident Schools report will provide a list of boundary schools for each student. Schools can also use LAUSD Resident School Finder.

  1. Run Student Resident Schools Report in MiSiS to determine which schools a student can attend next school year. Contact the parent/guardian to determine which school the student will attend.
  2. Search for student.
  3. Go to Miscellaneous > Transfers.
  4. Click Add New Record.
  5. Enter Transfer information.
  6. Click Save.

Error Description: No Record in School Year End
This error is for all non-returning 12th grade students. Schools do not need to take any action.

Secondary Schools will now be able to schedule incoming students for the 2017-2018 school year. The selected 2017-2018 Magnet and Zone of Choice students are also now displaying in the future year. Students may fluctuate in the scheduling screens if transfer records are created for students to attend schools other than their boundary schools or as Magnet acceptances are updated.

Student Photos
The display of Student Photos in MiSiS may be affected by an enhancement to the photo server. Users may at times see a shadow image instead of student photos during peak performance. This behavior will be intermittent. In the case that student photos disappear from MiSiS, there is no need to call the help desk. Ph

MiSiS Updates - March 24, 2017

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 3/24/2017

MiSiS Announcements

Scheduling Incoming Students – Secondary Schools
The Next Year Enrollment (NYE2) process, which places matriculating students in the future year, has been delayed. The MiSiS team is working to complete the process as soon as possible and users will be notified when the system is available to schedule incoming students.

Decommissioning MiSiS Explorer
MiSiS Explorer will be retired before the next school year. The MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting tool provides all capabilities available in MiSiS Explorer. Current users of MiSiS Explorer are encouraged to take register for the Basic MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting Training Class, available through the Learning Zone. For more information, please go to

Using Groups in MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting Job Aid
This job aid is now available and provides guidance on using Groups in reports created in MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting. It provides information on the data available, in addition to instructions on how to create basic analyses using Groups, which can be found in these subject areas: Academic Records, Enrollment History, Contact Information – Additional Contacts, Contact Information – Parent Guardian, Student Graduation Progress, Student Support, and Student Testing. This job aid can be found on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (

Decommissioning Ad Hoc Reporting Team Folder on 4/11/17
The Ad Hoc Reporting Team folder in Shared Folders in the catalog will be decommissioned on April 11, 2017. Owners, of any reports in the folder, must save copies of the reports they wish to keep before everything is deleted on April 11. For directions on how to save the reports, see Copying and Pasting an Object in the catalog job aid on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage ( An email communication will be sent out directly to owners.

Publisher Class Available Soon
Users, who wish to share reports with other users in the Shared Folders, now have the option to do so once completing the web-based Publisher Training Class. Go to the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting webpage ( for more information.

The following items have been fixed or updated in MiSiS:


  • The Student Transfer screen is now available to schools. A new transfer type, School of Origin Rights, has been added. This transfer type is for Foster and Homeless Youth with the right to matriculate with their peers. Please refer REF-6646.2 2017-2018 Next Year Enrollment for all Students for more information about Next Year Enrollment and entering student transfers in MiSiS.
  • Various enrollment reports have been fixed.
    • The Foster Comprehensive Elementary Report now displays all foster students.
    • The Elementary Cumulative Record Label has been changed to display parent/guardian instead of caretaker.
    • The Student Clearance form no longer duplicates courses.
    • The Homeless Student Roster now displays all homeless students.
    • The Emergency Student Roster’s header has been reduced in size.
    • The Student Resident School Report now displays all student addresses.
    • The Secondary Alpha Roster now displays correctly for magnet school.
    • The Office Summons Report now includes only currently enrolled students, the Comprehensive Academic Assessment Completed Indicator, date completed, and the name of the person completing the report.


  • The Add/Drop report will display from the Walk-In Scheduler screen without error.
  • Sub-groups may be created using the wizard via the Request Generator for Secondary Schools.
  • The Counseling Planning Sheet Report, in CSV format, will now display accurate data in the cells for Primary Language, GATE Category, Home Correspondence Language, Master Plan Program, and ELD level.
  • New Special Education data has been added to the Elementary Reorganization report field, such as: Special Day Program, RSP, and (%) time in Special Education services. The report will now generate for all grade levels. (Please note that depending on the number of students, the report may take up to 1 minute to display).


  • The Master Absence Report now defaults to the sort order by student last name.
  • The Truancy Letter 2 now displays the date the letter was generated instead of the date the letter was downloaded. When these letters are generated in mass, one letter per page is printed.
  • The Uncleared Absence Report can now be generated for 6th grade students enrolled in Span schools.

English Learner

  • The Reclassification Letter now displays the Term and School Year for secondary courses. The default date of “2/20/15” on the 'Begin Date' parameter has been corrected to “7/1/xx”, (xx represents the current school year).
  • In addition to English and Spanish, the LTEL Student Goal Sheet will now print in three other languages: Korean, Mandarin, and Armenian.


  • The Secondary Schools Report Card will now display zero credit for failed courses.
  • The Counseling List Report will now display only active student courses.

Graduation Standards

  • The Graduation Standards’ logic will now honor validation of Statistic courses for the UC and CSU Admission requirements.
  • The following updates were made to the High School IGP Report:
    • The High School IGP Report will now display the CSU Subject 'G' as completed in the LAUSD A-G Graduation Details Screen when students have completed the requirement.
    • Long titled courses will no longer wrap the text in the Courses Completed section.

Special Education

  • Teachers may now view the Special Education Summary screen for students.

State Reports

  • The Exception Report of the Secondary Statistical Report now displays the ER8 exception correctly. This exception displays when a 6th grade student (secondary level) of a Span school is scheduled in an elementary course.
  • The Exception Report of the Secondary Statistical Report now displays the W11 exception correctly. This exception displays when a student has a section enrollment on a day(s) when a cohort enrollment does not exist.
  • The Continuation Statistical Report no longer displays W1 for last school year.

Student Photos

  • Teachers using Tile View will now see student images in the correct proportions.
  • In Advanced Student Search and Student Profile, student images will no longer be cropped in the shape of a circle. Original image dimensions, captured by photography vendors, will be utilized.

Student Testing

  • The SBA ELA Exemption Report has been updated to display only students enrolled in US public schools as of 4/15/xx, (xx represents the prior year). Please note that MiSiS does not contain out-of-district enrollment history; therefore, school records must be inspected to confirm SBA ELA exemption criteria.


  • The High School Transcript Report has been updated to reflect the student’s most recent enrollment in cases where a student has withdrawn and re-enrolled.
  • The Transcripts Detail screen will no longer be available for selection to LAUSD Adult Schools when entering new courses taken in District.

Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards

  • Attendance Daily Subject Area – This subject area is now available, providing data on Attendance by Period, including Periods Absent or Tardy. It also includes Daily Status Codes, Alerts, and Attendance Location Data, in addition to general student demographics, Enrollment, Groups, and Programs data. On 3/22/17, 2016-2017 data was loaded, and on 3/23/17, 2015-2016 data was loaded. A subject area guide has been created and can be accessed on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • Attendance Folder in Student Detail Subject Area – A new folder has been added to the Student Detail Subject Area that includes YTD Attendance Data, in addition to data pertaining to Attendance Bands, Attendance Tiers, Truancy Letters, and Alerts. On 3/22/17, 2016-2017 data was loaded, and the 2015-2016 data was loaded on 3/23/17. The Student Detail Subject Area Guide has been updated and can be accessed on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • Additional Special Education Columns – New columns have been added to the Special Education subfolder found in the Programs folder in the English Learner, Enrollment History, Contact Information – Parent Guardian, Contact Information – Additional Contacts, Student Detail, Student Graduation Progress, Student Support, and Student Testing Subject Areas. The subject area guides have been updated and can be accessed on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage ( Special Education Summary Screen fields are now available in MiSiS Ad Hoc.
  • Attendance Student Section Subject Area – This subject area is now available, providing data on Section Attendance. It also includes Attendance Status Codes and Alerts, in addition to general student demographics, Enrollment, Groups, and Programs data. On 3/22/17, 2016-2017 data was loaded, and 2015-2016 data was loaded on 3/23/17. A subject area guide has been created and can be accessed on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage
  • Conservatory of Fine Arts Subject Area – This subject area is available, providing data on students participating in the Conservatory of Fine Arts, including class enrollment and, if applicable, drop data. The available data also includes student demographics, Enrollment, Attendance Permit Details, GPA, Programs, Bus Route Information, Latest Test Scores, Groups and Fund Center data. A subject area guide has been created and can be accessed on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • Contact Information – Parent Guardian Subject Area and Contact Information – Additional Contacts Subject Area – The previously available Parent Guardian Subject Area has been divided into these two new subject areas. Contact Information – Parent Guardian consists of all Parent Guardian details, including addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and information on Military Family Members. Contact Information – Additional Contacts consists of contact information such as addresses and phone numbers for documented contacts that are not the parent and/or guardian. Both subject areas also include student demographics, Enrollment, Groups, Programs, Bus Route Information, Grade Level, and School data. Subject area guides have been created and can be accessed on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • GATE - Referrals Subject Area – This subject area is available, providing data on students referred to the Gifted/Talented Program, including Referral, Determination, Evaluation, Notification, and Parent/Guardian Consent data. The available data also includes student demographics, Enrollment, Attendance Permit Details, GPA, Programs, Bus Route Information, Latest Test Scores, Groups and Fund Center data. (GATE – Testing Subject Area, which will include GATE assessment data, will be available in a forthcoming release.) A subject area guide has been created and can be accessed on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • Student Exclusion Subject Area – This subject area is available, providing principals and other users with the ability to create Student Exclusion Reports. The available data also includes student demographics, as well as data pertaining to all student exclusions received for every student. A subject area guide has been created and can be accessed on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • Student Photos Now Available – Student Photos are now available to be used in reports. The column can be found in every subject area, in the Name folder. Authors must be logged into MiSiS when applying Student Photos to reports. A job aid on Applying Student Photos is available on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting job aids webpage (
  • Attendance Daily TE Report Template – This template provides a TE student count for elementary schools, and can be found by navigating to the Catalog > Shared Folders > Example Reports > Attendance > Attendance_Daily_TE.
  • Attendance Daily TK Report Template – This template provides a TK student count for elementary schools, and can be found by navigating to the Catalog > Shared Folders > Example Reports > Attendance > Attendance_Daily_TK.
  • Attendance Do Not Accept Notes Report – This report is now available. It includes a list of all students and whether to accept notes regarding attendance. It can be accessed by navigating to the Catalog > Shared Folders > Example Reports > Attendance > Do Not Accept Notes > AT_Attendance_Do Not Accept Notes.
  • Roster CELDT – This report is now available. It includes a roster of all students and their CELDT scores and can be accessed by navigating to the Catalog > Shared Folders > Example Reports > EL Demographics > Roster_CELDT.
  • Pivot Table Fix – Pivot tables have been fixed to allow thousands of rows, if necessary.
  • Briefing Books change – The ability to create briefing books is now only available to Publishers. To become a Publisher, you must complete the Publisher Training Class.

Next Year Enrollment (NYE1) - Secondary Schools

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 3/2/2017

MiSiS – Important Enrollment Information

The following information is for secondary schools only.

Next Year Enrollment Process - Phase 1 (NYE1)

Next Year Enrollment 1 (NYE1) was run last night.  This process will create an enrollment for non-matriculating students, grades 6-11, at the same school for the next grade level according to school’s grade level configurations as determined by School Management Services.

Options Schools and NYE1

This NYE1 process will create an enrollment record for non-matriculating students, grades 6-11, at the same school but the students will remain in the same grade level.

Using Advanced Student Search during the NYE1 Phase

Schools may view next year students by going to Advanced Student Search and using the Enrolled As of Date field of the first day of school in 2017-18 school year to search. For most schools the first day of school will be August 15, 2017. Students in the highest grade level this year (e.g., Grade 8 in Middle Schools and Grade 12 in High Schools), will still appear in the search results for next year at the same grade level until NYE2 runs in late March. 

Secondary Scheduling and Future Year Groups

The future 2017-2018 school year is now available in the Master Scheduling screen.  Schools may now begin the future year scheduling process for non-matriculating students, grades 6-11.  For more information on the future year scheduling process, refer to the support materials on the MiSiS website: When using the Advanced Student Search during the NYE1 phase to create groups for future year scheduling, students in the highest grade level will be included in the search.  When validating the group membership, only valid future year students will be added.

MiSiS Updates - February 8, 2017

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 2/8/2017

MiSiS Reminder: As of last night, the Attendance Window has been reset to the default settings: Elementary teachers can submit attendance for the current day plus four previous instructional days; Secondary teachers can submit attendance for the current instructional day.

The following items have been fixed or updated in MiSiS:


  • Schools can now assign sections to a Period X to denote Independent Study Programs. An updated Independent Study Policy is forthcoming and will be issued by the Division of Instruction.
  • The Student Schedule Summary Report will now display only the selected period when running the School Finder list or Teacher-Period list.
  • The Counseling Planning Sheet now accurately displays student final marks.


  • The Mailed Truancy Letter Report now displays correctly.

Academic Intervention

  • A new screen on the Admin menu, Update Academic Intervention Outcome, is now available to Office Managers, Principals, Counselors, Scheduling Administrators, and Categorical Program Coordinator user roles. This screen can be used to enter Participation Duration, Outcome, and Participation End Reason for a group of students.
  • Intervention Services Report now has a parameter to include students who are no longer enrolled.

English Learner

  • The Parental Exception Waiver Request section has been updated to now only allow waivers to be entered for LEP students and has removed waiver requests entered for non-LEP students. This section will now also allow a past date to be entered in the 'Request Decision Date' field when entering a waiver for a Dual Language program.
  • The "Parent Notification Date" field no longer displays on the Reclassification Information section of the EL screen, as this field already exists on the Parent Notification Dates section.
  • Master Plan Program section will no longer display these four 4 fields -- Initial Parent Notification date, Annual Parent Notification date, Notification Type, Eligible/Participates. These are now found in the Parent Notification Dates section.
  • The RFEP Monitoring R Roster no longer displays subjects multiple times for the same student.


  • Schools piloting the TK California Content Standards Grades may now enter grades by teachers.
  • The Teacher Verification Report can now be displayed for teachers and administrators that are piloting the California Content Standards Grades and Reports.

Graduation Standards

  • Users are now able to save the Post-Secondary Plan when selecting Community College from the dropdown.
  • The Middle School IGP Report now correctly displays the students’ Fall and Spring schedule in the right order.


  • The CHDP on Health Screening screen (Misc > Health Screening) is now editable.
  • Data clean-up was done to remove Immunization Exemption= Student with Active IEP. Due to a change in California law this exemption is no longer valid. Schools should contact School Nurse or Nursing Services for further information.

Manage Groups

  • The “End Group” and “Delete Group” buttons will function without error.
  • Screen performance is enhanced in both the Manage Groups screen and Miscellaneous Participation.
  • The “Add Students” button will add qualifying students to groups without an error.

MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting

  • The student detail reports on the Eligibility Code Dashboard, also known as, the More than a Meal Dashboard, have been updated to include Parent/Guardian contact information. All student detail reports on the Eligibility Code Dashboard now include parent name and parent contact, or phone number of the primary parent.

MiSiS Explorer

  • Current and Future Enrollment Attributes will now display school’s location code.
  • When searching for students while creating a static group, the Advanced Search screen will clearly display searched data.

Next Year Enrollment

  • Student Resident School Report now includes students without a boundary school.

State Reporting

  • The Secondary Classification Report now correctly displays the AAL student count, and AAL students are also listed on the roster portion of the report.
  • The Opportunity Statistical Report now displays the Attendance Category based on the user selected School Month and date range.
  • The City of Angels Elementary Statistical/SMASR now displays the correct Run Date (the date the report was generated by the Central Office).
  • The ESY Statistical- Secondary Report can now be generated for previous school years.

Student Support

  • When entering a Support Referral, teachers will no longer get an error message. Please note: Teachers have create access, but do not have edit rights to Student Support referrals.


  • When entering new transcript records, you will no longer receive an error message after saving the record.
  • The ‘Term’ dropdown of the 'Add New Transcript' now displays the Term Codes instead of the Term Definitions.

MiSiS Updates - January 19, 2017

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 1/19/2017

MiSiS Announcements

New District ID Format

Beginning 1/27/2017, users will notice that new students to the district will be assigned a district ID with a new format which does not contain the student’s birthdate or gender. The new district ID will continue to be ten (10) characters, but will have an X where the M or F used to be. Example: 200000X001. Only new students will be assigned IDs with the new format; students with the previous format will not change.

The following items have been fixed or updated in MiSiS:


  • Schools are now able to adjust the student’s Entry Date to the first date of attendance in the school year. The Entry Date can be moved only if the student was marked absent with reason Uncleared in every period. When the entry date is changed, the section start date will be automatically adjusted to the new Entry Date.
  • The Military Connected Family screen now includes a Status Begin and Status End Date.
  • The Student Profile now includes an alert for Unverified Address. Users will see a UA (unverified address). An unverified address is a student address not matching the Master Planning and Demographics data. Master Planning and Demographic data is used to determine a student’s resident school area.
  • The Advanced Student Search functionality has several updates:
    • Users may search for a student by partial First Name and Last Name. Last Name and First Name fields include a Contains, Starts With, and Ends With filter.
    • School users may now search for students who are not currently enrolled at their school.
    • Additional columns are now sortable.
  • Enroll Student Search changes:
    • The Leave Code and Leave Reason is displayed in the search results for students not currently enrolled.
    • The Result columns are now sortable.
    • Users may search for a student by partial First and Last name. Last Name and First Name fields include a Contains, Starts With, and Ends With filter.
    • Students older than age 25 will no longer display in search results.
  • The Address and Phone Number search (Admin > Address and Phone Number Search) allows users to search by parent’s first and last name.
  • Two new reports are now available on the Enrollment Report menu:
    • School Address Range Report – Generates a list of all addresses within a school’s attendance area and the resident school for each address.
    • Unverified Address Report – Generates a list of all students with an unverified address. An unverified address is a student’s address not matching the Master Planning and Demographics data. Master Planning and Demographic data is used to determine a student’s resident school area.


  • In Sections Editor, schools may now increase the capacity of a section without receiving an error.
  • In the Walk-In Scheduler, the Off-site sections will display with appropriate icon; filtering for selected periods will occur in the “Offered Sections” area; and there is enhanced performance when using the Automated Scheduler.
  • In Scheduling Reports, the Repeating Course Report will now return accurate data.


  • New weekly screens for Independent Study (IS) for teachers, and the Manage Teacher/Class Attendance, are now available for students that are scheduled in Independent Study at City of Angels and at comprehensive Elementary and Secondary schools. Please note that for student who are scheduled in Independent Study, attendance must be submitted using these screens. The Update Attendance, located in the student profile and Manage Attendance, under the Actions menu, will not be available to be used for these students. The job aid will be available on the MiSiS website at the end of the day under Training > Job Aids > Attendance.
  • A new report, Teacher Attendance Verification, is now available to teachers and office staff of Elementary and Secondary schools, including Options Schools. The report displays the submitted attendance for up to a ten-day range.
  • The Class Roster Five Column Report headers and legend have been updated.
  • The Master Absence Report now includes a campus parameter and the phone number column now includes dashes.
  • The Teacher Discrepancy Report and the Attendance Referral Report are now available for Continuation High schools.
  • The Classroom Attendance Totals by Date Range report is now available to teachers and office staff of Secondary and Continuation High schools. This report displays students’ attendance totals for a specific date range. Users can view students’ attendance totals for instructional days, days present, days absent, tardy, and left earlies.
  • Truancy Letter 2 now displays the correct 4th truancy qualifying absence, instead of printing the Initial NOT letter dates.


  • The Athletic Eligibility List report now displays the documents by name instead of number, in the Eligibility Documents dropdown menu.


  • The Grades Summary Report now defaults to the current school year when generated.
  • Data corrections have been made to reported Elementary Schools students so that the Report Card is now accurate.

Manage Groups

  • In Dynamic Groups, the Dynamic Criteria has been updated to yield accurate data.
  • In Static Groups, when creating a static group and searching for students through the Advanced Search screen, the pagination has been restored if the search returns more than 50 students.
  • In Groups, schools may now add students to “Counseling” groups and clicking on the student ID will navigate user to the student’s profile page. The effective start date of a group may now be updated.

Student Support

  • The Social Adjustment Report now includes options to select Academic Interventions, Contact Log, Counseling Communications, Interventions, Referrals, and SSPT referrals.
  • All SSPT student level reports are now available through the SSPT screens located under the Support student profile tab. These reports are the same as they are in the SSPT policy bulletin.
  • A new report, named SSPT Referral Log, is now available through the Reports menu. This report provides a list of all students who have had an SSPT entry along with additional student information.
  • When issuing an Opportunity Transfer (OT), the required OT reports are now available through the Support Referral profile page.
  • The following suspension limits are now enforced in MiSiS:
    • A single suspension may not be issued for more than five consecutive school days.
    • Special Education students may not be suspended more than 10 days per school year.
    • General Education students may not be suspended more than 20 days per school year, unless the student is transferred to another school then the number may be increased by 10.

Student Testing

  • The Physical Fitness Roster worksheet was updated to add more columns under Body Composition, Strength/Endurance, and Flexibility.


  • The Transcript Report will not display the Graduation Requirements section when this option is selected.
  • Data corrections were made to reported students’ Transcript Details.

MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards

  • Shared Folder Structure – A new Shared Folder structure has been implemented to provide space for Central Office, Local District, and School Administrators to collaborate and share analyses. All users can view the contents of the Shared Folders; however, only specified Publishers can save analyses in select folders. To receive access to save to the Shared Folders, users must complete the Publisher Training Class (more information is forthcoming). For more information about the structure and how to use the Shared Folders, see the Basics User Guide in the job aids section on the MiSiS website ( and the support section on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards website
  • Canned Filters – Canned filters are now available in the catalog for use by report authors to make the process of creating a report more efficient. Filters are a way for report authors to select the data displayed in an analysis. The canned filters have been created by the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting development team and saved in the catalog to be reused by authors. For information on which filters have been added and how to use them, see the Canned Filters Job Aid in the job aids section on the MiSiS website and the support section on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards website (
  • Drill Down to MyData Student Profile – Users can now drill down to a MyData Student Profile from any dashboard report. For information on how to perform this action, see the Drill Down to MyData Student Job Aid posted in the job aids section on the MiSiS website ( and the support section on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards website (
  • Academic Records Subject Area – The Academic Records Subject Area is now available. This subject area provides student data for transcripts, including all past, in progress, and future secondary courses. The available data includes student demographics, GPA, Current and Future Enrollment, Course History, and Groups.
  • Subject Area User Guides – New Subject Area User Guides are available for each subject area in MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting. The guides are available in the job aids section on the MiSiS website ( and the support section on the MiSiS Ad Hoc Reporting and Dashboards website (


MiSiS Updates - December 14, 2016

Posted by The MiSiS Team on 12/14/2016

MiSiS Announcements

Login Page

The ADFS login page where employees log in to MiSiS has been updated to randomly display a set of images representing the students of LAUSD.

The following items have been fixed or updated in MiSiS:


  • Library Opt In field (shown as Success Library Card on the screen) is now available on the Enrollment screen, by going to Enrollment History > Edit to enter.
  • Additional validation has been added to the Withdrawal screen for combinations of Withdrawal Codes and Withdrawal Reasons.
    • L1 Same School – will auto populate Future School field. Future Residence is not required.
    • L2 Other LAUSD School – Future School field is now a dropdown with LAUSD schools.
    • L5 and Reason Moved to Another State – User will be prompted to enter state where student is moving.
    • L5 and Reason Moved to Another Country – User will be prompted to enter country where student is moving.
    • L7 and L8 – Future School field is not a required field.
    • L7 and Reason Code 90 (Diploma) may only be entered once for a student.
  • Users will receive a warning message if they enter a withdrawal date the same as the student’s enrollment date. User will be redirected to the No Show screen.
  • Withdrawal History screen now allows users to view withdrawals entered by other schools.
  • Withdrawal screen includes Created By, Created Date, Modified By, and Modified Date fields.
  • Master Plan Program will now be ended with the withdrawal date when the student is withdrawn.
  • Parent Assurance Letter information will now be entered on the withdrawal screen.


  • Periods 50-75 for Credit Recovery Programs are now available for high schools.
  • New Section Attributes have been added for Credit Recovery Programs in Sections Editor.
  • In Sections Editor, the default order will now display by teacher in alphabetical order.
  • The Off-Site Sections in Sections Editor will no longer appear as duplicate sections.
  • Performance has been improved when deleting a section in Sections Editor.
  • The loading circles in Walk-In Scheduler have been minimized on the screen.
  • Performance has been improved when typing in a student name in Walk-In.
  • Processes have been updated to minimize system errors when student class changes are made in Walk-In Scheduler.
  • The Class Enrollment Report will now display accurate enrollment counts.
  • The Teacher Sections Assignment Report will display active sections according to the As of date selected.


  • The Attendance Referral In-line Report now includes begin and end date parameters.
  • The Attendance Not Submitted Report now lists teachers in alphabetical order in the Teacher parameter.

English Learner

  • English Learner Progress Profile now displays ‘Days Enrolled’ and ‘Days Absent’ information on the report.
  • Primary language should now be consistent in all reports and screens, with sources consolidated into one table.


  • The report title is no longer cut off on the Missing Grades Report for Secondary Schools.
  • The Options School Report Card will now correctly sort in alphabetical order when that option is selected.
  • The capability to generate the Grades Summary Report has been added to the following user roles:
    • Operations Administrators
    • Pupil Services - Homeless
    • Pupil Services - SARB
    • Pupil Services - Admin
    • Discipline Designee

Graduation Standards

  • The Graduation Standards Summary screen now correctly displays the students’ Counselor name on the Graduation Requirements Year section.
  • TThe LAUSD A-G Details screen now correctly calculates and displays the mathematics requirements status for the UC Admissions section.

Manage Groups

  • Schools will have the option to mass update student membership in a group and mass delete students in a group in “Group Membership”.
  • Schools will have the option to end all groups en masse.

Student Testing

  • The SBA Label and Roster report now displays all teachers.
  • GATE test scores now displays a two-digit decimal and % sign.

Student Support

  • The Student Support Admin role now has access to all Student Support Reports.


  • Data corrections were made to reported students’ Transcript Details.

Student Record Request

  • The Transcript Request screen has been removed from MiSiS. Data entered previously on the Transcript screen has been moved to the Record Request screen on the Academics menu.
  • New Record Request screen is available on the Academics menu. The new screen allows users to record requests for transcripts and other student records.


  • The Elementary E and L Report and the Secondary E and L Report have been removed from the report menu.
  • The new Enrollment and Withdrawal Report replaces the E and L Report. The report may be run for elementary and secondary schools.