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Learn More about the Move to Office 365
When will employees at my school get their new email accounts?
Is my LAUSD email address or login ID going to change?
I don’t like my current email address. Can I change it to something better, like an address that actually has my name in it?
How much space do I get with 365?
What will happen to all of my archived emails in Microsoft Outlook when my LAUSD mailbox is moved to Office 365? Will I still be able to access them through Microsoft Outlook?
Can I have my LAUSD email automatically forwarded to another account?
I used to access my email using a POP or IMAP protocol. Can I still do this with Office 365?
Am I going to lose any of the information in my email inbox, calendar, and address book?
I heard the District is going to start deleting my email messages that are older than a year. Is this part of the email migration process?
Why make changes to our email system?
What is a “cloud-based “system?
Won't putting my information on the cloud make it less secure?
Will I still be able to do everything I do now with my LAUSD email account?
This sounds great! When do I get my new cloud-based email account?
As is the case with all large scale projects, we are migrating accounts in phases to make sure that we pay proper attention to detail and that your information is safeguarded. Most central offices, educational service centers, and Board of Education offices have already been moved. Schools will be migrating between now through through the end of the 2014-15 school year. Use our handy search tool to find out when accounts are scheduled to move at your school; you can search by cost center, location code, or school name.
You will receive several notifications when your phase is coming up so you know what to expect and what you need to do to prepare.
What do I need to do to get ready?
As long as the software on your computer or device is fairly current, you should not need to do anything. If you are using an older computer or older versions of software, you may want to double check the end user requirements and make sure you meet them.
Learn More about System Requirements
Need to upgrade anything? It is free to upgrade versions of most of the popular web browsers, and the District is pleased to offer upgrades on many Microsoft products, including Windows and Office at deeply discounted prices as part of its enterprise license agreement. Learn more...
Help! My mailbox was moved, and now I can't get it on my mobile device.
When your account migrates, your mobile device (e.g., smart phone, tablet, etc.) will no longer be able to find your account at the place it's used to looking. So, you will need to tell the device to start looking for your email in its new home.
Not to worry! This is very easy to do.
Just follow these steps:
- On your mobile device, delete your LAUSD Exchange account. Don't stress...this is not wiping out your's simply telling your phone that you no longer need for it to check for email in a certain location.
- Once the account is deleted, simply add it back. Most modern phones and devices have an option that allows you to select the kind of account you use, and it will take care of the rest. Select the option for Exchange account.
- The device should prompt you for your full email address and password. Go ahead and put it in, and it will verify your account information.
- That's it! Your device should now be able to retrieve your newly migrated LAUSD account.
Get additional guidance on accessing your LAUSD email using various tools
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