IT Helpdesk » Web Certificates

Web Certificates

Web Browser Issues

PROBLEM: Users may not be able to view Internet pages and receive a connection warning or error when using Microsoft, Google, or Mozilla internet browser applications.
CAUSE: Due to a security flaw in the way the identity of computers are verified, Microsoft, Google, and Mozilla now requires a new encryption method called SHA-2 to be used in their browsers starting January 1, 2017.

Please install the certificates that corresponds to your web browser and/or operating system until further notice. 
iOS 10.3 and above
iOS 10.3 and above 
UPDATE (5/31/2017) iOS instructions have been updated for iOS 10.3 user and above. 
Please note: the links below are accessible from within the LAUSD network. If you are viewing this page from somewhere other than an LAUSD school or office, you may experience problems. Contact the IT HelpDesk for assistance 

Please select from the following options


Windows Certificates

Quick Installer
(no password required)

NOTE: Quick installer will import the certificates for the currently logged in user only

  1. Download the certificate installer from the following link:
    1. Quick Installer
  2. Run installer*, and accept the prompts for each certificate.

Advanced Installer
(local admin password required)

NOTE: Advanced installer is ideal for computers used by multiple users (i.e. computer labs, classroom computers, laptop carts)

  1. Download the certificate installer from the following link:
    1. Advanced Installer
  2. This certificate installer will require the local admin password upon execution of the file.
  3. Run installer*, enter the local admin credentials, and accept each certificate.
* - If you are prompted with "Windows protected your PC", click "More Info" and click the "Run Anyways" button in order to run this file. 

Do this for each local account being used on the computer
Be sure to open this web page using the Mozilla FireFox for a FireFox certificate import

Root Certificate

  1. Download and open the first certificate from the following link:
    1. Certificate link  (file: LAUSD-ROOT-CA2.CRT)
  2. Select the certificate file you just downloaded, and select all three "Trust this CA to identify..." checkboxes and click OK
  3. Download and open the second certificate from the following link:
    1. Certificate link  (file: LAUSD-SUB-CA2.CRT)
  4. Select the certificate file you just downloaded, and select all three "Trust this CA to identify..." checkboxes and click OK
  5. If both certificates are installed, your computer is ready for the transition.
apple logo

macOS Certificates

macOS users - Do this for each local account being used on the computer

Preferred Method

  1. Download the configuration file from the following link:
    1. macOS Configuration File
  2. This first prompt describes the installation. Select "Continue" in the lower right corner of the screen
  3. Select "Install" in the lower right corner of the screen
  4. Close "Profiles Manager"
  5. If this method does not work, please follow the steps below

Alternate Method

  1. Download both certificates from the following links:
    1. Root Certificate link  (file: LAUSD-ROOT-CA2.CRT)
    2. Sub Certificate link  (file: LAUSD-SUB-CA2.CRT)
  2. The files will download to your "Downloads" folder configured in Google Chrome.
    • NOTE: Perform the following steps for each downloaded certificate file from step 1.
  3. Double-click on the certificate file, and KEYCHAIN ACCESS will launch
  4. A message will appear asking you to confirm adding this certificate
  6. You will be asked to for your local computer account credentials
  7. If you installed both certificates, your computer is ready for the transition.

macOS users - Do this for each local account being used on the computer

Preferred Method

  1. Download the configuration file from the following link:
    1. macOS Configuration File
  2. This first prompt describes the installation. Select "Continue" in the lower right corner of the screen
  3. Select "Install" in the lower right corner of the screen
  4. Close "Profiles Manager"
  5. If this method does not work, please follow the steps below

Alternate Method

  1. Download both certificates from the following links:
    1. Root Certificate link  (file: LAUSD-ROOT-CA2.CRT)
    2. Sub Certificate link  (file: LAUSD-SUB-CA2.CRT)
  2. The files will download to your "Downloads" folder configured in Safari.
    • NOTE: Perform the following steps for each downloaded certificate file from step 1.
  3. Double-click on the certificate file, and KEYCHAIN ACCESS will launch
  4. A message will appear asking you to confirm adding this certificate
  6. You will be asked to for your local computer account credentials
  7. If you installed both certificates, your computer is ready for the transition.

macOS users - Do this for each local account being used on the computer

Root Certificates

  1. Download both certificates from the following links:
    1. Root Certificate link  (file: LAUSD-ROOT-CA2.CRT)
    2. Sub Certificate link  (file: LAUSD-SUB-CA2.CRT)
  2. The files will download to your "Downloads" folder configured in Firefox.
  3. Select the Firefox menu and select Preferences...
  4. Select Advanced, and then select Certificates
  5. Click on View Certificates to open the Certificate Manager
    • NOTE: Perform the following steps for each downloaded certificate file from step 1.
  6. Select Authorities, and then click the Import... button
  7. Select the certificate file you just downloaded, and select all three "Trust this CA to identify..." checkboxes and click OK
  8. Click on OK in the Certificate Manager, and close the Preferences window.

mobile device icon

Mobile Device Certificates

iOS Certificate Profile

(NOTE: Will only work using Safari iOS Browser)

  1. Download the configuration file from the following link:
    1. iOS Configuration File
  2. Select "Install" in the upper right corner of the screen
    1. If prompted, enter your passcode/passphrase for your iOS device.
  3. Select "Install" in the upper right corner of the screen for a second time
  4. Select "Install" on the lower half of the screen
  5. Select "Done"
  6. For iOS 10.3 and above, the certificate must be trusted before it will work for websites.
  7. If you want to turn on SSL trust for that certificate, go to Settings > General > About > Certificate Trust Settings.
  8. Under "Enable full trust for root certificates," turn on trust for the certificate.

Android Certificate

  1. Please follow the steps below:
  2. Download both certificate files from the following links:
    1. Certificate link (file: LAUSD-ROOT-CA2.CRT)
    2. Certificate link (file: LAUSD-SUB-CA2.CRT)
  3. Open the "Settings" app on your Android device.
    • NOTE: Perform the following steps for each downloaded certificate file from step 1
  4. The "Settings" app may vary.  These are the most common paths to the correct setting:
    1. Settings > Personal > Security > Credential storage > Install from storage
    2. Settings > Security > Credential storage > Install from storage
    3. Settings > Personal > Lock screen and security > Other security settings > Install from device storage
    4. If none of the above settings can be found, please refer to your mobile device manufacturer/provider for the proper instructions
  5. The file can typically be found in the "Downloads" folder.  Select the certificate file to import it.
  6. If prompted to enter a name, type "LAUSD Root CA" & "LAUSD Sub CA" respectively, and click "OK"
  7. The certificates have been installed.