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MyData Home

MyData Refreshed as of:  Monday,  June 10,  2024
System Status Is Operational   
GetData and MyData will be offline Saturday April 27th from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

MyData/GetData Access Issues:

If your access was recently updated, or removed, please go to oneAccess and request the appropriate role again.   If oneAccess still displays a current access role, please revoke/remove that previous role before applying again.   Any HR employee assignment updates on July 1, 2022 or after, resets your access automatically.  

You will need to apply for access again.  This is a regular security process.

If you need to review your role, or if you need more information about access, here is the link for the MyData Access Job Aid.  

Any other issues with access go to Request Software Application Technical Support and open a ticket for MyData.

News and Announcements

MyData URL Bookmarked or Saved to Favorites (403 Forbidden Error)

Users who have bookmarked the MyData or GetData URL might experience a 403 Forbidden Error.  Please delete your current bookmark for MyData, delete your history, close the browser then go to and click on the MyData Logo.  Then bookmark the new URL if needed or save it to favorites.  We encourage users to always go to MyData site first and then login from here.   

If you have any issues please open a ticket and assign it to MyData Helpdesk at

Note: Regular maintenance is scheduled every Saturday from 11:00 p.m to Sunday 10:00 a.m. The system will be down during this time.
Posted by MyData on 6/1/2017 2:00:00 PM

MyData Access Request

Please go to  and click LAUSD Employees. Then, click on MyData to request access.

How do I request access to MyData? CLICK HERE

Contact Us

Mozilla Firefox, Chrome and Microsoft Edge are compatible browsers to access MyData. 

Scheduled Weekly Maintenance

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