Activating Your LAUSD Account
Activating Your LAUSD Email Account
The District provides each employee with an account that can be used to access District email and a variety of online tools. This is known as the employee single sign-on (SSO) account. if you are a new or returning employee, follow the steps below to activate your account.
- The first step is to go to our single sign-on landing page at You can use this page to activate a single sign-on account, update information about yourself in the District's global online directory, or change your account password.
- Click on Activate your LAUSD account.
- You will see the terms of the District's Acceptable Use Policy, to which every employee must agree before using the District's computing environment. Select the Agree option to indicate that you agree to the terms of the policy.
- indicate whether you are a regular LAUSD employee or if you are a non-employee. Contractors or employees at independent charter schools should select non-employee. The next steps differ slightly depending on whether you are an employee or a non-employee.
Employees: follow these steps:
- Enter your eight-digit employee number (usually with two zeroes at the front, e.g., 00723671), your date of birth following the format MM/DD/YYYY, and the last four digits of your social security number. Press Next.
- You will see a screen showing you the email address you have on file. Now, you can select a password. Be sure to follow the password guidelines listed below. Enter your password of choice where it say New Password, enter it again where it says Confirm Password, and press Next.
- You will see a screen that says your account was set up successfully. if you do not see this screen and are met with any error messages, try repeating the steps above paying careful attention to the password guidelines.
For assistance with this process, contact the IT HelpDesk
Non-employees follow these steps:
- Enter your LAUSD ID number (your contractor number or number provided to you when you requested an LAUSD account), your date of birth following the format MM/DD/YYYY, and the last four digits of your social security number. Press Next.
- You will see a screen showing you the email address you have on file. Now, you can select a password. Be sure to follow the password guidelines listed below. Enter your password of choice where it say New Password, and enter it again where it says Confirm Password.
- Next, select a hint question and an answer. This will help you reset a lost password using our automated online tools. Press Next.
- You will see a screen that looks like the one above indicating that your account was set up successfully. if you do not see this screen and are met with any error messages, try repeating the steps above paying careful attention to the password guidelines.
For assistance with this process, contact the IT HelpDesk
Password Guidelines
- Your password must be between 8 and 20 characters long.
- Your password cannot be the same as your user ID.
- Your password must contain at least one alphabetic and at least one numeric character.
- Your password cannot cntain three repeated characters in a row (e.g., "password1111" would be invalid).
- Passwords with common letter combinations (e.g., "abcde" or "12345") or dictionary words longer than six characters (e.g., "kitchen") won't be accepted.
For assistance with this process, contact the IT HelpDesk