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Apply for access to MiSiS

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Apply for Access to MiSiS

The oneAccess Request System allows school employees to request for new or additional user role access to the MiSiS application. This electronic method is faster and easier for both users applying for user roles, as well as administrators authorizing requests. This application is available via the LAUSD network and from home over the Internet.

Benefits of using oneAccess-

  • No more paper forms*
  • Faster processing time
  • Automatic emails sent to user upon approval

NOTE: You must have an active District Single Sign-On (SSO) account to use the system. oneAccess can also be used to request a new or reactivate a District Single Sign-On (SSO) account.

*Paper requests must still be submitted under the following circumstances:
The following resources are available to assist with requesting user access to MiSiS:


User Roles

The Guide to MiSiS User Roles will help you decide which user role(s) to apply for, how to apply for user role(s), and, as an administrator, which user roles to approve.

MiSiS Staff Access Management for School Administrators

The MiSiS Staff Access Management is a quick guide School Administrators can refer to when managing staff access to MiSiS. The guide provides detailed information on how to approve or remove access for new or transferred school staff and tools to help manage access.

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